{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Data.Validity.Time.LocalTime where

import Data.Validity

import Data.Time.LocalTime

import Data.Validity.Time.Calendar ()

-- | Valid according to the contained values.
instance Validity TimeZone where
  validate TimeZone {..} =
      [ annotate timeZoneMinutes "timeZoneMinutes"
      , annotate timeZoneSummerOnly "timeZoneSummerOnly"
      , annotate timeZoneName "timeZoneName"

-- | Valid according to the validity of contained values and these constraints:
--  * todHour : range 0 - 23
--  * todMin : range 0 - 59
--  * todSec : 0 <= todSec < 61,
instance Validity TimeOfDay where
  validate TimeOfDay {..} =
      [ annotate todHour "todHour"
      , check (todHour >= 0) "The 'hour' is positive."
      , check (todHour <= 23) "The 'hour' is 23 or less."
      , annotate todMin "todMin"
      , check (todMin >= 0) "The 'minute' is positive."
      , check (todMin <= 59) "The 'minute' is 59 or less."
      , annotate todSec "todSec"
      , check (todSec >= 0) "The 'second' is positive."
      , check (todSec < 61) "The 'second' is 60 or less."

-- | Valid according to the validity of contained values
instance Validity LocalTime where
  validate LocalTime {..} =
      [annotate localDay "localDay", annotate localTimeOfDay "localTimeOfDay"]

-- | Valid according to the validity of contained values
instance Validity ZonedTime where
  validate ZonedTime {..} =
      [ annotate zonedTimeToLocalTime "zonedTimeToLocalTime"
      , annotate zonedTimeZone "zonedTimeZone"