{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-} {-# HLINT ignore "Use camelCase" #-} -- <- We want a fun long type name with underscores for easier to read errors ;-) {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} module Vary.Utils( -- * Useful in generic code (:|), KnownPrefix(..), Length, Subset(..), Index, IndexOf, Mappable, pop, -- * Informational size, activeIndex, -- * Helper natValue, ) where import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import GHC.TypeLits ( ErrorMessage (ShowType, Text, (:$$:), (:<>:)), KnownNat, Nat, TypeError, natVal, type (+), type (-), ) import Vary.Core (Vary (..), pop) -- | Constrain `es` to be any type list containing `e`. -- -- Useful to talk about variants generically without having to specify the exact type list right away. -- -- For instance, the type of `Vary.from` is -- -- > Vary.from :: (a :| l) => a -> Vary l -- -- because we can use it to construct /any/ Vary as long as there is an @a@ somewhere in its list of types. type (:|) e es = Member e es -- | Returns the number of elements contained in this variant. -- -- Does not actually use the runtime representation of the variant in any way. size :: forall xs. (KnownNat (Length xs)) => Vary xs -> Word size _ = natValue @(Length xs) -- | Returns the currently active 'tag index' of the variant. -- -- Not useful in normal code, but maybe nice in certaing debugging scenarios. -- -- Note that this index changes whenever a variant is `Vary.morph`ed. activeIndex :: Vary a -> Word activeIndex (Vary idx _) = idx -- | Provide evidence that @xs@ is a subset of @es@. class (KnownPrefix es) => Subset (xs :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]) where subsetFullyKnown :: Bool subsetFullyKnown = -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock. error "subsetFullyKnown" -- reifyIndices :: [Int] -- reifyIndices = -- -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock. -- error "reifyIndices" -- reifyIndicesVec :: UVector Int -- reifyIndicesVec = -- -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock. -- error "reifyIndicesVec" morph' :: Vary xs -> Vary ys morph' = -- Don't show "minimal complete definition" in haddock. -- Also, default for the empty instance :-) error "morph' was unexpectedly called" -- If the subset is not fully known, make sure the subset and the base stack -- have the same unknown suffix. instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} ( KnownPrefix es, xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` es ) => Subset xs es where subsetFullyKnown = False -- reifyIndices = [] -- {-# INLINE reifyIndicesVec #-} -- reifyIndicesVec = UVector.empty -- If the subset is fully known, we're done. instance (KnownPrefix es) => Subset '[] es where subsetFullyKnown = True -- reifyIndices = [] -- {-# INLINE reifyIndicesVec #-} -- reifyIndicesVec = UVector.empty -- UVector.empty instance (e :| es, Subset xs es) => Subset (e : xs) es where subsetFullyKnown = subsetFullyKnown @xs @es -- reifyIndices = natValue @(IndexOf e es) : reifyIndices @xs @es -- {-# INLINE reifyIndicesVec #-} -- reifyIndicesVec = UVector.fromList (natValue @(IndexOf e es) : reifyIndices @xs @es) -- UVector.cons (natValue @(IndexOf e es)) (reifyIndicesVec @xs @es) morph' (Vary 0 a) = Vary (natValue @(IndexOf e es)) a morph' (Vary n a) = morph' @xs @es (Vary (n - 1) a) ---- -- | Calculate length of a statically known prefix of @es@. class KnownPrefix (es :: [Type]) where prefixLength :: Int instance (KnownPrefix es) => KnownPrefix (e : es) where prefixLength = 1 + prefixLength @es instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} KnownPrefix es where prefixLength = 0 ---- -- | Require that @xs@ is the unknown suffix of @es@. class (xs :: [k]) `IsUnknownSuffixOf` (es :: [k]) instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (xs ~ es) => xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` es instance (xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` es) => xs `IsUnknownSuffixOf` (e : es) -- | Get list length type family Length (xs :: [k]) :: Nat where Length xs = Length' 0 xs type family Length' n (xs :: [k]) :: Nat where Length' n '[] = n Length' n (x ': xs) = Length' (n + 1) xs natValue :: forall (n :: Nat) a. (KnownNat n, Num a) => a {-# INLINEABLE natValue #-} natValue = fromIntegral (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)) -- | Constraint to link the input and output lists together, without specifying any particular element order. -- -- This allows us to defer type signatures until the final place the variant is used. type Mappable a b xs ys = (a :| xs, b :| ys, ys ~ Mapped a b xs) -- | Compute a HList where the type a was changed into b. type family Mapped (a :: Type) (b :: Type) (as :: [Type]) = (bs :: [Type]) where Mapped a b (a ': as) = (b ': as) Mapped a b (x ': as) = x ': Mapped a b as Mapped a b l = TypeError ( 'Text "Cannot map from " ':<>: 'ShowType a ':<>: 'Text " into " ':<>: 'ShowType b :$$: 'Text "as it cannot be found in the list " ':<>: 'ShowType l) -- | Get the first index of a type type IndexOf (x :: k) (xs :: [k]) = IndexOf' (MaybeIndexOf x xs) x xs -- | Get the first index of a type type family IndexOf' (i :: Nat) (a :: k) (l :: [k]) :: Nat where IndexOf' 0 x l = TypeError ( 'ShowType x ':<>: 'Text " not found in list:" ':$$: 'Text " " ':<>: 'ShowType l ) IndexOf' i _ _ = i - 1 -- | Get the first index (starting from 1) of a type or 0 if none type family MaybeIndexOf (a :: k) (l :: [k]) where MaybeIndexOf x xs = MaybeIndexOf' 0 x xs -- | Helper for MaybeIndexOf type family MaybeIndexOf' (n :: Nat) (a :: k) (l :: [k]) where MaybeIndexOf' n x '[] = 0 MaybeIndexOf' n x (x ': xs) = n + 1 MaybeIndexOf' n x (y ': xs) = MaybeIndexOf' (n + 1) x xs -- | Indexed access into the list type Index (n :: Nat) (l :: [k]) = Type_List_Too_Vague___Please_Specify_Prefix_Of_List_Including_The_Desired_Type's_Location n l l -- | We use this ridiculous name -- to make it clear to the user when they see it in a type error -- how to resolve that type error. type family Type_List_Too_Vague___Please_Specify_Prefix_Of_List_Including_The_Desired_Type's_Location (n :: Nat) (l :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: k where Type_List_Too_Vague___Please_Specify_Prefix_Of_List_Including_The_Desired_Type's_Location 0 (x ': _ ) _ = x Type_List_Too_Vague___Please_Specify_Prefix_Of_List_Including_The_Desired_Type's_Location n (_ ': xs) l2 = Type_List_Too_Vague___Please_Specify_Prefix_Of_List_Including_The_Desired_Type's_Location (n-1) xs l2 Type_List_Too_Vague___Please_Specify_Prefix_Of_List_Including_The_Desired_Type's_Location n '[] l2 = TypeError ( 'Text "Index " ':<>: 'ShowType n ':<>: 'Text " out of bounds for list:" ':$$: 'Text " " ':<>: 'ShowType l2 ) -- | Constraint: x member of xs type family Member x xs :: Constraint where Member x xs = MemberAtIndex (IndexOf x xs) x xs type MemberAtIndex i x xs = ( x ~ Index i xs, KnownNat i ) -- | Remove (the first) `a` in `l` type family Remove (a :: k) (l :: [k]) :: [k] where Remove a '[] = '[] Remove a (a ': as) = as Remove a (b ': as) = b ': Remove a as