{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Network.VaultTool.VaultServerProcess
    ( VaultServerProcess
    , launchVaultServerProcess
    , shutdownVaultServerProcess
    , withVaultServerProcess

    , VaultBackendConfig
    , withVaultConfigFile
    , vaultConfigDefaultAddress
    , vaultAddress

    , readVaultBackendConfig
    , readVaultUnsealKeys
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception (Exception, IOException, catches, Handler(Handler), bracket, bracketOnError, throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException)
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (Handle, hClose)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T

import Network.VaultTool

-- | The ""backend"" section of the Vault server configuration.
-- See <https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/config/index.html>
-- > {
-- >   "consul": {
-- >     "address": "",
-- >     "path": "vault"
-- >   }
-- > }
-- > {
-- >   "file": {
-- >     "path": "vault-storage"
-- >   }
-- > }
type VaultBackendConfig = Value

data VaultConfig = VaultConfig
    { _VaultConfig_Backend :: VaultBackendConfig
    , _VaultConfig_ListenAddress :: Text
    deriving (Show)

instance ToJSON VaultConfig where
    toJSON VaultConfig{..} = object
        [ "backend" .= _VaultConfig_Backend
        , "listener" .= object
            [ "tcp" .= object
                [ "tls_disable" .= T.pack "true"
                , "address" .= _VaultConfig_ListenAddress
        , "disable_mlock" .= True

vaultConfigDefaultAddress :: VaultBackendConfig -> VaultConfig
vaultConfigDefaultAddress b =
        { _VaultConfig_Backend = b
        , _VaultConfig_ListenAddress = defaultAddress
    defaultAddress = ""

-- | Get the address that can be used to connect to a running Vault server
-- launched with the specified config.
-- The returned value will begin with ""http://"" or ""https://"" (depending on
-- the config)
vaultAddress :: VaultConfig -> VaultAddress
vaultAddress VaultConfig{_VaultConfig_ListenAddress} =
    VaultAddress ("http://" `T.append` _VaultConfig_ListenAddress)

readVaultBackendConfig :: FilePath -> IO VaultBackendConfig
readVaultBackendConfig file = do
    fileContents <- BL.readFile file
    case eitherDecode' fileContents of
        Left err -> error $ "Error loading file " ++ show file ++ ": " ++ err
        Right v -> pure v

-- | File should have one line per key (blank lines are ignored)
readVaultUnsealKeys :: FilePath -> IO [VaultUnsealKey]
readVaultUnsealKeys file =
    T.readFile file >>=
        (pure . map VaultUnsealKey . (filter (not . T.null)) . map T.strip . T.lines)

withVaultConfigFile :: VaultConfig -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withVaultConfigFile vaultConfig action = do
    withSystemTempDirectory "hs_vault" $ \tmpDir -> do
        let configFile = tmpDir </> "vault.cfg"
        BL.writeFile configFile (encode vaultConfig)
        action configFile

data VaultServerProcess = VaultServerProcess
    { vs_processHandle :: ProcessHandle
    , vs_stdinH :: Handle
    , vs_stdoutH :: Handle
    , vs_stderrH :: Handle

data VaultServerLaunchException
    = VaultServerLaunchException_VaultStartTimeout
    | VaultServerLaunchException_ConnectTimeout
    | VaultServerLaunchException_ExecFailure IOException
    | VaultServerLaunchException_ProcessFailure ExitCode Text
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Exception VaultServerLaunchException

withVaultServerProcess :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> VaultAddress -> IO a -> IO a
withVaultServerProcess mbVaultExe vaultConfigFile addr act = do
    bracket (launchVaultServerProcess mbVaultExe vaultConfigFile addr)
        (const act)

launchVaultServerProcess :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> VaultAddress -> IO VaultServerProcess
launchVaultServerProcess mbVaultExe vaultConfigFile addr = do
        (execProcess vaultExe vaultConfigFile)
        $ \vs -> do
            withAsync (waitUntilRunningThread (vs_stdoutH vs)) $ \waitUntilRunningA -> do
                withAsync (checkProcessFailureThread vs) $ \startupErrorA -> do
                    _ <- waitAnyCancel [waitUntilRunningA, startupErrorA]
                    pure vs
    vaultExe = fromMaybe "vault" mbVaultExe
    waitUntilRunningThread stdoutH = do
        withAsync (waitUntilVaultStarted stdoutH) $ \startA -> do
            withAsync (timeout vaultStartTimeoutMilliseconds VaultServerLaunchException_VaultStartTimeout) $ \timeoutA -> do
                _ <- waitAnyCancel [startA, timeoutA]
                pure ()
        withAsync waitUntilVaultConnect $ \connectA -> do
            withAsync (timeout vaultConnectTimeoutMilliseconds VaultServerLaunchException_ConnectTimeout) $ \timeoutA -> do
                _ <- waitAnyCancel [connectA, timeoutA]
                pure ()
    checkProcessFailureThread vs = do
        mbExitCode <- getProcessExitCode (vs_processHandle vs)
        case mbExitCode of
            Just exitCode -> do
                stderrText <- T.hGetContents (vs_stderrH vs)
                throwIO $ VaultServerLaunchException_ProcessFailure exitCode stderrText
            Nothing -> do
                threadDelay (checkExitedSnoozeMilliseconds * 1000)
                checkProcessFailureThread vs
    vaultStartTimeoutMilliseconds = 10000
    vaultConnectTimeoutMilliseconds = 10000
    checkRunningSnoozeMilliseconds = 10
    checkExitedSnoozeMilliseconds = 10
    timeout milliseconds ex = do
        threadDelay (milliseconds * 1000)
        throwIO ex
    waitUntilVaultStarted stdoutH = do
        tryResult <- try $ T.hGetLine stdoutH
        case tryResult of
            Left (_ :: IOException) ->
                -- Wait to be killed
                forever (threadDelay 100000000)
            Right ln -> do
                -- This expects the vault program to output the string below to stdout. Verified to work for Vault versions [0.1.0 .. 0.6.0]
                if vaultStartMessagePrefix `T.isPrefixOf` ln
                    then pure ()
                    else waitUntilVaultStarted stdoutH
    vaultStartMessagePrefix = "==> Vault server started!"
    waitUntilVaultConnect = do
        running <- vaultIsRunning addr
        if running
            then pure ()
            else do
                threadDelay (checkRunningSnoozeMilliseconds * 1000)

execProcess :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO VaultServerProcess
execProcess vaultExe vaultConfigFile = do
    tryResult <- try $ createProcess $ (proc vaultExe ["server", "-config=" ++ vaultConfigFile])
                                            { env = Just []
                                            , std_in = CreatePipe
                                            , std_out = CreatePipe
                                            , std_err = CreatePipe
                                            , close_fds = True
    case tryResult of
        Left ex -> throwIO $ VaultServerLaunchException_ExecFailure ex
        Right (Just stdinH, Just stdoutH, Just stderrH, processHandle) ->
            pure VaultServerProcess
                { vs_processHandle = processHandle
                , vs_stdinH = stdinH
                , vs_stdoutH = stdoutH
                , vs_stderrH = stderrH
        Right _ -> error "execProcess: The Impossible Happened"

shutdownVaultServerProcess :: VaultServerProcess -> IO ()
shutdownVaultServerProcess vs = do
    -- TODO Should send SIGINT instead
    terminateProcess (vs_processHandle vs)
    _ <- waitForProcess (vs_processHandle vs)
    hClose (vs_stdinH vs)
    hClose (vs_stdoutH vs)
    hClose (vs_stderrH vs)

vaultIsRunning :: VaultAddress -> IO Bool
vaultIsRunning addr = do
    (vaultHealth addr >> pure True) `catches`
        [ Handler $ \(_ :: HttpException) -> pure False
        , Handler $ \(_ :: VaultException) -> pure False