cabal-version: 2.2 name: vector-endian version: synopsis: Storable vectors with cpu-independent representation. description: This package exposes data types that implement the type classes from the vector package, but the vectors have an in-memory representation that is independent of the host's CPU. . This makes the data stored within them suitable for storage or transmission over a network, and they can be converted to bytestrings without copying. homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Ian Denhardt maintainer: copyright: 2019 Ian Denhardt category: Data, Data Structures build-type: Simple extra-source-files: , , .gitignore source-repository head type: git branch: master location: common shared-opts default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude , OverloadedStrings build-depends: base ^>=4.12 , zenhack-prelude ^>=0.1 , cpu ^>=0.1.2 , vector ^>=0.12.0 , deepseq ^>=1.4.4 ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 library endian-common import: shared-opts exposed-modules: Data.Vector.Endian.Class hs-source-dirs: src/endian-common library little-endian import: shared-opts build-depends: endian-common exposed-modules: Internal.Endianness hs-source-dirs: src/little-endian library big-endian import: shared-opts build-depends: endian-common exposed-modules: Internal.Endianness hs-source-dirs: src/big-endian library vector-endian-indef import: shared-opts exposed-modules: Data.Vector.Endian , Data.Vector.Endian.Mutable other-modules: Internal.Vector build-depends: endian-common signatures: Internal.Endianness hs-source-dirs: src/vector-endian-indef library vector-endian-little import: shared-opts build-depends: vector-endian-indef, little-endian reexported-modules: Data.Vector.Endian as Data.Vector.Endian.Little , Data.Vector.Endian.Mutable as Data.Vector.Endian.Little.Mutable library vector-endian-big import: shared-opts build-depends: vector-endian-indef, big-endian reexported-modules: Data.Vector.Endian as Data.Vector.Endian.Big , Data.Vector.Endian.Mutable as Data.Vector.Endian.Big.Mutable library import: shared-opts build-depends: endian-common , vector-endian-big , vector-endian-little reexported-modules: Data.Vector.Endian.Class as Data.Vector.Endian , Data.Vector.Endian.Little , Data.Vector.Endian.Little.Mutable , Data.Vector.Endian.Big , Data.Vector.Endian.Big.Mutable hs-source-dirs: src