-- | -- Utility for construction of vectors when the size is not known ahead. module VectorExtras.Accumulator ( Accumulator, init, add, addList, addFoldable, -- * Execution toVector, toReverseVector, ) where import Data.Vector.Generic (Vector, fromListN) import qualified VectorExtras.Basics.Generic as Basics import VectorExtras.Prelude hiding (fromListN, init, length) -- | -- Finalise the accumulator as vector. {-# INLINE toVector #-} toVector :: (Vector v a) => Accumulator a -> v a toVector (Accumulator size list) = Basics.fromReverseListN size list -- | -- Finalise the accumulator as vector in reverse order. {-# INLINE toReverseVector #-} toReverseVector :: (Vector v a) => Accumulator a -> v a toReverseVector (Accumulator size list) = fromListN size list -- | -- Constructor of vectors optimised for appending elements one by one, -- providing for \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) complexity of the whole construction process. -- -- Very useful as accumulator in folds. -- -- Under the hood it is the size counter and a reverse list of elements. -- When executed, a vector of the according size gets allocated and -- gets populated with the elements in reverse order -- (starting from the last element). data Accumulator a = Accumulator !Int ![a] -- | Create an empty accumulator. init :: Accumulator a init = Accumulator 0 [] -- | -- Add an element to the accumulator. {-# INLINE add #-} add :: a -> Accumulator a -> Accumulator a add head (Accumulator size tail) = Accumulator (succ size) (head : tail) -- | -- Add a list of elements to the accumulator. {-# INLINE addList #-} addList :: [a] -> Accumulator a -> Accumulator a addList = addFoldable -- | -- Add a foldable of elements to the accumulator. {-# INLINE addFoldable #-} addFoldable :: (Foldable f) => f a -> Accumulator a -> Accumulator a addFoldable foldable acc = foldl' (\acc a -> add a acc) acc foldable