{-| Module : Data.Vector.Hashtables.Internal Description : Provides internals of hashtables and set of utilities. Copyright : (c) klapaucius, swamp_agr, 2016-2021 License : BSD3 -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} module Data.Vector.Hashtables.Internal where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Primitive import Data.Bits import Data.Hashable import Data.Maybe import Data.Primitive.MutVar import Data.Vector.Generic (Mutable, Vector) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VI import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable (MVector) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as V import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as B import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SI import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as S import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UI import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as U import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts import Prelude hiding (length, lookup) import qualified Data.Primitive.PrimArray as A import qualified Data.Primitive.PrimArray.Utils as A import Data.Vector.Hashtables.Internal.Mask (mask) -- | Alias for 'MutablePrimArray' @s@ 'Int'. type IntArray s = A.MutablePrimArray s Int -- | Single-element mutable array of 'Dictionary_' with primitive state token -- parameterized with state, keys and values types. -- -- Different flavors of 'MVector' could be used for keys and values. -- It's preferable to use "Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable" -- or "Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable" if possible. Otherwise, -- if you must use boxed vectors, consider employing strict ones from -- [@strict-containers@](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/strict-containers) -- to eliminate potential accumulation of thunks. -- -- ==== Example -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VM -- >>> import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM -- >>> import Data.Vector.Hashtables -- >>> type HashTable k v = Dictionary (PrimState IO) VM.MVector k UM.MVector v -- newtype Dictionary s ks k vs v = DRef { getDRef :: MutVar s (Dictionary_ s ks k vs v) } -- | Represents collection of hashtable internal primitive arrays and vectors. -- -- - hash codes, -- -- - references to the next element, -- -- - buckets, -- -- - keys -- -- - and values. -- data Dictionary_ s ks k vs v = Dictionary { hashCode, next, buckets, refs :: !(IntArray s), key :: !(ks s k), value :: !(vs s v), remSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FastRem } getCount, getFreeList, getFreeCount :: Int getCount = 0 getFreeList = 1 getFreeCount = 2 -- | Represents immutable dictionary as collection of immutable arrays and vectors. -- See 'unsafeFreeze' and 'unsafeThaw' for conversions from/to mutable dictionary. data FrozenDictionary ks k vs v = FrozenDictionary { fhashCode, fnext, fbuckets :: !(A.PrimArray Int), count, freeList, freeCount :: !Int, fkey :: !(ks k), fvalue :: !(vs v), fremSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FastRem } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Find dictionary entry by given key in immutable 'FrozenDictionary'. -- If entry not found @-1@ returned. findElem :: (Vector ks k, Vector vs v, Hashable k, Eq k) => FrozenDictionary ks k vs v -> k -> Int findElem FrozenDictionary{..} key' = go $ fbuckets !. (hashCode' `fastRem` fremSize) where hashCode' = hash key' .&. mask go i | i >= 0 = if fhashCode !. i == hashCode' && fkey !.~ i == key' then i else go $ fnext !. i | otherwise = -1 {-# INLINE findElem #-} -- | Infix version of @unsafeRead@. (!~) :: (MVector v a, PrimMonad m) => v (PrimState m) a -> Int -> m a (!~) xs !i = V.unsafeRead xs i -- Why do we need ! before i? -- The reason is that V.unsafeRead is essentially V.basicUnsafeRead, -- which is an opaque class member and, unless V.unsafeRead was -- already specialised to a specific v, GHC has no clue that i is most certainly -- to be used eagerly. Bang before i hints this vital for optimizer information. -- | Infix version of @unsafeIndex@. (!.~) :: (Vector v a) => v a -> Int -> a (!.~) xs !i = VI.unsafeIndex xs i -- | Infix version of @unsafeWrite@. (<~~) :: (MVector v a, PrimMonad m) => v (PrimState m) a -> Int -> a -> m () (<~~) xs !i x = V.unsafeWrite xs i x -- | Infix version of @readPrimArray@. (!) :: PrimMonad m => A.MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> m Int (!) = A.readPrimArray -- | Infix version of @indexPrimArray@. (!.) :: A.PrimArray Int -> Int -> Int (!.) = A.indexPrimArray -- | Infix version of @writePrimArray@. (<~) :: PrimMonad m => A.MutablePrimArray (PrimState m) Int -> Int -> Int -> m () (<~) = A.writePrimArray -- | /O(1)/ Dictionary with given capacity. initialize :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m) => Int -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) initialize capacity = do let !remSize = getFastRem capacity size = frmPrime remSize hashCode <- A.replicate size 0 next <- A.replicate size 0 key <- V.new size value <- V.new size buckets <- A.replicate size (-1) refs <- A.replicate 3 0 refs <~ 1 $ -1 dr <- newMutVar Dictionary {..} return . DRef $ dr -- | Create a copy of mutable dictionary. clone :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) clone DRef {..} = do Dictionary {..} <- readMutVar getDRef hashCode <- A.clone hashCode next <- A.clone next key <- V.clone key value <- V.clone value buckets <- A.clone buckets refs <- A.clone refs dr <- newMutVar Dictionary {..} return . DRef $ dr -- | /O(1)/ Unsafe convert a mutable dictionary to an immutable one without copying. -- The mutable dictionary may not be used after this operation. unsafeFreeze :: (VI.Vector ks k, VI.Vector vs v, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) (Mutable ks) k (Mutable vs) v -> m (FrozenDictionary ks k vs v) unsafeFreeze DRef {..} = do Dictionary {..} <- readMutVar getDRef let fremSize = remSize fhashCode <- A.unsafeFreeze hashCode fnext <- A.unsafeFreeze next fbuckets <- A.unsafeFreeze buckets count <- refs ! getCount freeList <- refs ! getFreeList freeCount <- refs ! getFreeCount fkey <- VI.unsafeFreeze key fvalue <- VI.unsafeFreeze value return FrozenDictionary {..} -- | /O(1)/ Unsafely convert immutable 'FrozenDictionary' to a mutable 'Dictionary' without copying. -- The immutable dictionary may not be used after this operation. unsafeThaw :: (Vector ks k, Vector vs v, PrimMonad m) => FrozenDictionary ks k vs v -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) (Mutable ks) k (Mutable vs) v) unsafeThaw FrozenDictionary {..} = do let remSize = fremSize hashCode <- A.unsafeThaw fhashCode next <- A.unsafeThaw fnext buckets <- A.unsafeThaw fbuckets refs <- A.unsafeThaw $ A.primArrayFromListN 3 [count, freeList, freeCount] key <- VI.unsafeThaw fkey value <- VI.unsafeThaw fvalue dr <- newMutVar Dictionary {..} return . DRef $ dr -- | /O(n)/ Retrieve list of keys from 'Dictionary'. keys :: (Vector ks k, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) (Mutable ks) k vs v -> m (ks k) keys DRef{..} = do Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar getDRef hcs <- A.freeze hashCode ks <- VI.freeze key count <- refs ! getCount return . VI.ifilter (\i _ -> hcs !. i >= 0) . VI.take count $ ks -- | /O(n)/ Retrieve list of values from 'Dictionary'. values :: (Vector vs v, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k (Mutable vs) v -> m (vs v) values DRef{..} = do Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar getDRef hcs <- A.freeze hashCode vs <- VI.freeze value count <- refs ! getCount return . VI.ifilter (\i _ -> hcs !. i >= 0) . VI.take count $ vs -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Find value by given key in 'Dictionary'. Throws an error if value not found. at :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m v at d k = fromMaybe (error "KeyNotFoundException!") <$!> at' d k {-# INLINE at #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Find value by given key in 'Dictionary'. Like 'at'' but return 'Nothing' if value not found. at' :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m (Maybe v) at' d k = do d_@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ d i <- findEntry_ d_ k if i >= 0 then Just <$> value !~ i else return Nothing {-# INLINE at' #-} atWithOrElse :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Int -> m a) -> (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m a) -> m a atWithOrElse d k onFound onNothing = do i <- findEntry d k if i >= 0 then onFound d i else onNothing d {-# INLINE atWithOrElse #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Find dictionary entry by given key. If entry not found @-1@ returned. findEntry :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m Int findEntry d key' = do d_ <- readMutVar . getDRef $ d findEntry_ d_ key' {-# INLINE findEntry #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Same as 'findEntry', but for 'Dictionary_'. findEntry_ :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m Int findEntry_ Dictionary{..} key' = do let hashCode' = hash key' .&. mask go i | i >= 0 = do hc <- hashCode ! i if hc == hashCode' then do k <- key !~ i if k == key' then return i else go =<< next ! i else go =<< next ! i | otherwise = return $ -1 go =<< buckets ! (hashCode' `fastRem` remSize) {-# INLINE findEntry_ #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Insert key and value in dictionary by key's hash. -- If entry with given key found value will be replaced. insert :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> v -> m () insert DRef{..} key' value' = do d@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar getDRef let hashCode' = hash key' .&. mask !targetBucket = hashCode' `fastRem` remSize go i | i >= 0 = do hc <- hashCode ! i if hc == hashCode' then do k <- key !~ i if k == key' then value <~~ i $ value' else go =<< next ! i else go =<< next ! i | otherwise = addOrResize addOrResize = do freeCount <- refs ! getFreeCount if freeCount > 0 then do index <- refs ! getFreeList nxt <- next ! index refs <~ getFreeList $ nxt refs <~ getFreeCount $ freeCount - 1 add index targetBucket else do count <- refs ! getCount refs <~ getCount $ count + 1 nextLen <- A.length next if count == nextLen then do nd <- resize d count hashCode' key' value' writeMutVar getDRef nd else add (fromIntegral count) (fromIntegral targetBucket) add !index !targetBucket = do hashCode <~ index $ hashCode' b <- buckets ! targetBucket next <~ index $ b key <~~ index $ key' value <~~ index $ value' buckets <~ targetBucket $ index go =<< buckets ! targetBucket {-# INLINE insert #-} insertWithIndex :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Int -- ^ Target bucket, key's hash modulo table size -> Int -- ^ Key's hash -> k -- ^ Key -> v -- ^ Value -> MutVar (PrimState m) (Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v) -- ^ MutVar with 'Dictionary_' -> Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v -- ^ 'Dictionary_' itself -> Int -> m () insertWithIndex !targetBucket !hashCode' key' value' getDRef d@Dictionary{..} = go where go i | i >= 0 = do hc <- hashCode ! i if hc == hashCode' then do k <- key !~ i if k == key' then value <~~ i $ value' else go =<< next ! i else go =<< next ! i | otherwise = addOrResize targetBucket hashCode' key' value' getDRef d {-# INLINE insertWithIndex #-} addOrResize :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Int -- ^ Target bucket, key's hash modulo table size -> Int -- ^ Key's hash -> k -- ^ Key -> v -- ^ Value -> MutVar (PrimState m) (Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v) -- ^ MutVar with 'Dictionary_' -> Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v -- ^ 'Dictionary_' itself -> m () addOrResize !targetBucket !hashCode' !key' !value' dref d@Dictionary{..} = do freeCount <- refs ! getFreeCount if freeCount > 0 then do index <- refs ! getFreeList nxt <- next ! index refs <~ getFreeList $ nxt refs <~ getFreeCount $ freeCount - 1 add index targetBucket hashCode' key' value' d else do count <- refs ! getCount refs <~ getCount $ count + 1 nextLen <- A.length next if count == nextLen then do nd <- resize d count hashCode' key' value' writeMutVar dref nd else add (fromIntegral count) (fromIntegral targetBucket) hashCode' key' value' d {-# INLINE addOrResize #-} add :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Int -> Int -> Int -> k -> v -> Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m () add !index !targetBucket !hashCode' !key' !value' Dictionary{..} = do hashCode <~ index $ hashCode' b <- buckets ! targetBucket next <~ index $ b key <~~ index $ key' value <~~ index $ value' buckets <~ targetBucket $ index {-# INLINE add #-} resize :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v -- ^ The original 'Dictionary_' -> Int -- -> Int -- ^ Key's hash -> k -- ^ Key -> v -- ^ Value -> m (Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v) resize Dictionary{..} index hashCode' key' value' = do let !newRemSize = getFastRem (index*2) newSize = frmPrime newRemSize delta = newSize - index buckets <- A.replicate newSize (-1) hashCode <- A.growNoZ hashCode delta next <- A.growNoZ next delta key <- V.grow key delta value <- V.grow value delta let go i | i < index = do hc <- hashCode ! i when (hc >= 0) $ do let !bucket = hc `fastRem` newRemSize nx <- buckets ! bucket next <~ i $ nx buckets <~ bucket $ i go (i + 1) | otherwise = return () go 0 let !targetBucket = hashCode' `fastRem` newRemSize hashCode <~ index $ hashCode' b <- buckets ! targetBucket next <~ index $ b key <~~ index $ key' value <~~ index $ value' buckets <~ targetBucket $ index let remSize = newRemSize return Dictionary{..} {-# INLINE resize #-} class DeleteEntry xs where deleteEntry :: (MVector xs x, PrimMonad m) => xs (PrimState m) x -> Int -> m () instance DeleteEntry S.MVector where deleteEntry _ _ = return () instance DeleteEntry U.MVector where deleteEntry _ _ = return () instance DeleteEntry B.MVector where deleteEntry v i = v <~~ i $ undefined -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Delete entry from 'Dictionary' by given key. delete :: (Eq k, MVector ks k, MVector vs v, Hashable k, PrimMonad m, DeleteEntry ks, DeleteEntry vs) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m () delete DRef{..} key' = do Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar getDRef let hashCode' = hash key' .&. mask !bucket = hashCode' `fastRem` remSize go !last !i | i >= 0 = do hc <- hashCode ! i k <- key !~ i if hc == hashCode' && k == key' then do nxt <- next ! i if last < 0 then buckets <~ bucket $ nxt else next <~ last $ nxt hashCode <~ i $ -1 next <~ i =<< refs ! getFreeList deleteEntry key i deleteEntry value i refs <~ getFreeList $ i fc <- refs ! getFreeCount refs <~ getFreeCount $ fc + 1 else go i =<< next ! i | otherwise = return () go (-1) =<< buckets ! bucket {-# INLINE delete #-} deleteWithIndex :: (Eq k, MVector ks k, MVector vs v, Hashable k, PrimMonad m, DeleteEntry ks, DeleteEntry vs) => Int -> Int -> Dictionary_ (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> Int -> Int -> m () deleteWithIndex !bucket !hashCode' d@Dictionary{..} key' !last !i | i >= 0 = do hc <- hashCode ! i k <- key !~ i if hc == hashCode' && k == key' then do nxt <- next ! i if last < 0 then buckets <~ bucket $ nxt else next <~ last $ nxt hashCode <~ i $ -1 next <~ i =<< refs ! getFreeList deleteEntry key i deleteEntry value i refs <~ getFreeList $ i fc <- refs ! getFreeCount refs <~ getFreeCount $ fc + 1 else deleteWithIndex bucket hashCode' d key' i =<< next ! i | otherwise = return () {-# INLINE deleteWithIndex #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Find value by given key in 'Dictionary'. Like 'lookup'' but return 'Nothing' if value not found. lookup :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m (Maybe v) lookup = at' {-# INLINE lookup #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Find value by given key in 'Dictionary'. Throws an error if value not found. lookup' :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m v lookup' = at {-# INLINE lookup' #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Lookup the index of a key, which is its zero-based index in the sequence sorted by keys. -- The index is a number from 0 up to, but not including, the size of the dictionary. lookupIndex :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m (Maybe Int) lookupIndex ht k = do let safeIndex i | i < 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just i return . safeIndex =<< findEntry ht k {-# INLINE lookupIndex #-} -- | /O(1)/ Return 'True' if dictionary is empty, 'False' otherwise. null :: (MVector ks k, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m Bool null ht = return . (== 0) =<< length ht {-# INLINE null #-} -- | /O(1)/ Return the number of non-empty entries of dictionary. length :: (MVector ks k, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m Int length DRef {..} = do Dictionary {..} <- readMutVar getDRef count <- refs ! getCount freeCount <- refs ! getFreeCount return (count - freeCount) {-# INLINE length #-} -- | /O(1)/ Return the number of non-empty entries of dictionary. Synonym of 'length'. size :: (MVector ks k, PrimMonad m) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m Int size = length {-# INLINE size #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- Return 'True' if the specified key is present in the dictionary, 'False' otherwise. member :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> k -> m Bool member ht k = return . (>= 0) =<< findEntry ht k {-# INLINE member #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- The expression @'findWithDefault' ht def k@ returns -- the value at key @k@ or returns default value @def@ -- when the key is not in the dictionary. findWithDefault :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> v -> k -> m v findWithDefault ht v k = return . fromMaybe v =<< at' ht k {-# INLINE findWithDefault #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- The expression (@'upsert' ht f k@) updates or inserts the value @x@ at @k@. -- -- It's a responsibility of 'MVector' @vs@ to force evaluation of the updated value. -- Unboxed / storable vectors do it automatically. If you use boxed vectors, -- consider employing strict ones from -- [@strict-containers@](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/strict-containers) -- to eliminate potential accumulation of thunks. -- -- > let f _ = "c" -- > ht <- fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")] -- > upsert ht f 7 -- > toList ht -- > [(3, "b"), (5, "a"), (7, "c")] -- -- > ht <- fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")] -- > upsert ht f 5 -- > toList ht -- > [(3, "b"), (5, "c")] -- upsert :: ( MVector ks k, MVector vs v , PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k ) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> (Maybe v -> v) -> k -> m () upsert ht f k = do d@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ ht let hashCode' = hash k .&. mask !targetBucket = hashCode' `fastRem` remSize onFound' value' dict i = insertWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' k value' (getDRef ht) dict i onFound dict i = do d'@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict v <- value !~ i onFound' (f (Just v)) d' i onNothing dict = do d' <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict onFound' (f Nothing) d' (-1) void $ atWithOrElse ht k onFound onNothing {-# INLINE upsert #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- The expression (@'alter' ht f k@) alters the value @x@ at @k@, or absence thereof. -- 'alter' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value in a 'Dictionary'. -- -- It's a responsibility of 'MVector' @vs@ to force evaluation of the updated value. -- Unboxed / storable vectors do it automatically. If you use boxed vectors, -- consider employing strict ones from -- [@strict-containers@](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/strict-containers) -- to eliminate potential accumulation of thunks. -- -- > let f _ = Nothing -- > ht <- fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")] -- > alter ht f 7 -- > toList ht -- > [(3, "b"), (5, "a")] -- -- > ht <- fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")] -- > alter ht f 5 -- > toList ht -- > [(3 "b")] -- -- > let f _ = Just "c" -- > ht <- fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")] -- > alter ht f 7 -- > toList ht -- > [(3, "b"), (5, "a"), (7, "c")] -- -- > ht <- fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")] -- > alter ht f 5 -- > toList ht -- > [(3, "b"), (5, "c")] -- alter :: ( MVector ks k, MVector vs v, DeleteEntry ks, DeleteEntry vs , PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k ) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> k -> m () alter ht f k = do d@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ ht let hashCode' = hash k .&. mask !targetBucket = hashCode' `fastRem` remSize onFound' value' dict i = insertWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' k value' (getDRef ht) dict i onNothing' dict i = deleteWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' d k (-1) i onFound dict i = do d'@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict v <- value !~ i case f (Just v) of Nothing -> onNothing' d' i Just v' -> onFound' v' d' i onNothing dict = do d' <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict case f Nothing of Nothing -> return () Just v' -> onFound' v' d' (-1) void $ atWithOrElse ht k onFound onNothing {-# INLINE alter #-} -- | /O(1)/ in the best case, /O(n)/ in the worst case. -- The expression (@'alterM' ht f k@) alters the value @x@ at @k@, or absence thereof. -- 'alterM' can be used to insert, delete, or update a value in a 'Dictionary' in the same @'PrimMonad' m@. alterM :: ( MVector ks k, MVector vs v, DeleteEntry ks, DeleteEntry vs , PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k ) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> (Maybe v -> m (Maybe v)) -> k -> m () alterM ht f k = do d@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ ht let hashCode' = hash k .&. mask !targetBucket = hashCode' `fastRem` remSize onFound' value' dict i = insertWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' k value' (getDRef ht) dict i onNothing' dict i = deleteWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' d k (-1) i onFound dict i = do d'@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict v <- value !~ i res <- f (Just v) case res of Nothing -> onNothing' d' i Just v' -> onFound' v' d' i onNothing dict = do d' <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict res <- f Nothing case res of Nothing -> return () Just v' -> onFound' v' d' (-1) void $ atWithOrElse ht k onFound onNothing {-# INLINE alterM #-} -- * Combine -- | /O(min n m)/ in the best case, /O(min n m * max n m)/ in the worst case. -- The union of two maps. -- If a key occurs in both maps, -- the mapping from the first will be the mapping in the result. union :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) union = unionWith const {-# INLINE union #-} -- | /O(min n m)/ in the best case, /O(min n m * max n m)/ in the worst case. -- The union of two maps. -- The provided function (first argument) will be used to compute the result. unionWith :: (MVector ks k, MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => (v -> v -> v) -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) unionWith f = unionWithKey (const f) {-# INLINE unionWith #-} -- | /O(min n m)/ in the best case, /O(min n m * max n m)/ in the worst case. -- The union of two maps. -- If a key occurs in both maps, -- the provided function (first argument) will be used to compute the result. unionWithKey :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => (k -> v -> v -> v) -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) unionWithKey f t1 t2 = do l1 <- length t1 l2 <- length t2 let smallest = min l1 l2 greatest = max l1 l2 g k v1 v2 = if smallest == l1 then f k v1 v2 else f k v2 v1 (tS, tG) = if smallest == l1 then (t1, t2) else (t2, t1) ht <- clone tG dictG <- readMutVar . getDRef $ tG dictS <- readMutVar . getDRef $ tS hcsS <- A.freeze . hashCode $ dictS let indices = catMaybes . zipWith collect [0 ..] . take smallest . A.primArrayToList $ hcsS collect i _ | hcsS !. i >= 0 = Just i | otherwise = Nothing go !i = do k <- key dictS !~ i v <- value dictS !~ i let hashCode' = hash k .&. mask !targetBucket = hashCode' `fastRem` remSize dictG onFound dict i = do d@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict vG <- value !~ i insertWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' k (g k v vG) (getDRef dict) d i onNothing dict = do d@Dictionary{..} <- readMutVar . getDRef $ dict insertWithIndex targetBucket hashCode' k v (getDRef dict) d =<< buckets ! targetBucket void $ atWithOrElse ht k onFound onNothing mapM_ go indices return ht {-# INLINE unionWithKey #-} -- * Difference and intersection -- | /O(n)/ in the best case, /O(n * m)/ in the worst case. -- Difference of two tables. Return elements of the first table -- not existing in the second. difference :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, MVector vs w, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs w -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) difference a b = do kvs <- toList a ht <- initialize 10 mapM_ (go ht) kvs return ht where go ht (!k, !v) = do mv <- lookup b k case mv of Nothing -> insert ht k v _ -> return () {-# INLINE difference #-} -- | /O(n)/ in the best case, /O(n * m)/ in the worst case. -- Difference with a combining function. When two equal keys are -- encountered, the combining function is applied to the values of these keys. -- If it returns 'Nothing', the element is discarded (proper set difference). If -- it returns (@'Just' y@), the element is updated with a new value @y@. differenceWith :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, MVector vs w, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => (v -> w -> Maybe v) -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs w -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) differenceWith f a b = do kvs <- toList a ht <- initialize 10 mapM_ (go ht) kvs return ht where go ht (!k, !v) = do mv <- lookup b k case mv of Nothing -> insert ht k v Just w -> maybe (return ()) (insert ht k) (f v w) {-# INLINE differenceWith #-} -- | /O(n)/ in the best case, /O(n * m)/ in the worst case. -- Intersection of two maps. Return elements of the first -- map for keys existing in the second. intersection :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, MVector vs w, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs w -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) intersection a b = do kvs <- toList a ht <- initialize 10 mapM_ (go ht) kvs return ht where go ht (!k, !v) = do mv <- lookup b k case mv of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> insert ht k v {-# INLINE intersection #-} -- | Intersection of two maps. If a key occurs in both maps -- the provided function is used to combine the values from the two -- maps. intersectionWith :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v1, MVector vs v2, MVector vs v3, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => (v1 -> v2 -> v3) -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v1 -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v2 -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v3) intersectionWith f a b = do kvs <- toList a ht <- initialize 10 mapM_ (go ht) kvs return ht where go ht (!k, !v) = do mv <- lookup b k case mv of Nothing -> return () Just w -> insert ht k (f v w) {-# INLINE intersectionWith #-} -- | Intersection of two maps. If a key occurs in both maps -- the provided function is used to combine the values from the two -- maps. intersectionWithKey :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v1, MVector vs v2, MVector vs v3, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => (k -> v1 -> v2 -> v3) -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v1 -> Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v2 -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v3) intersectionWithKey f a b = do kvs <- toList a ht <- initialize 10 mapM_ (go ht) kvs return ht where go ht (!k, !v) = do mv <- lookup b k case mv of Nothing -> return () Just w -> insert ht k (f k v w) {-# INLINE intersectionWithKey #-} -- * List conversions -- | /O(n)/ Convert list to a 'Dictionary'. fromList :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => [(k, v)] -> m (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) fromList kv = do ht <- initialize 1 mapM_ (uncurry (insert ht)) kv return ht {-# INLINE fromList #-} -- | /O(n)/ Convert 'Dictionary' to a list. toList :: (MVector ks k, MVector vs v, PrimMonad m, Hashable k, Eq k) => (Dictionary (PrimState m) ks k vs v) -> m [(k, v)] toList DRef {..} = do Dictionary {..} <- readMutVar getDRef hcs <- A.freeze hashCode count <- refs ! getCount let go !i xs | i < 0 = return xs | hcs !. i < 0 = go (i - 1) xs | otherwise = do k <- key !~ i v <- value !~ i go (i - 1) ((k, v) : xs) {-# INLINE go #-} go (count - 1) [] {-# INLINE toList #-} -- * Extras -- | This data is auto-generated by GenPrimes.hs. -- The vector contains tuples (p, m, s) such that p is prime -- and (assuming 64-bit architecture) for every n >= 0 -- it holds that n \`'quot'\` p = (n * m) \`'shiftR'\` (64 + s), -- enabling faster computation of remainders. primesWithFastRem :: UI.Vector (Int, Int, Int) primesWithFastRem = UI.fromList $ if finiteBitSize (0 :: Int) == 32 then [(5,1717986919,1),(11,780903145,1),(17,2021161081,3),(41,1676084799,4),(53,1296593901,4),(67,128207979,1),(83,827945503,4),(101,680390859,4),(131,1049152317,5),(163,210795941,3),(197,1395319325,6),(241,285143057,4),(311,883851791,6),(379,1450543045,7),(457,601483385,6),(557,123374285,4),(673,1633746847,8),(809,84943729,4),(977,562697865,7),(1187,1852589095,9),(1427,24078303,3),(1721,638879505,8),(2069,2125687053,10),(2503,1757110073,10),(3041,723125043,9),(3673,299349749,8),(4409,1995031305,11),(5297,103786259,7),(6367,1381512961,11),(7649,287491601,9),(9181,1916151405,12),(11047,1592485385,12),(13291,330904109,10),(15959,1102336365,12),(19157,57394771,8),(22993,382555257,11),(27611,637144111,12),(33149,1061400709,13),(39779,1768992287,14),(47741,736984397,13),(57301,1228054383,14),(68767,511646169,13),(82529,426327377,13),(99041,177625287,12),(118861,1184051021,15),(142657,1973089135,16),(171203,1644100727,16),(205477,684930617,15),(246577,285382433,14),(295901,951247129,16),(355087,792692993,16),(426131,1321072519,17),(511361,1100885585,17),(613637,917398973,17),(736369,1528988737,18),(883661,637065519,17),(1060421,2123496059,19),(1272539,1769533047,19),(1527061,184324645,16),(1832497,1228815007,19),(2199061,2047964849,20),(2638879,1706633623,20),(3166661,1422191901,20),(3800051,1185141891,20),(4560071,123452015,17),(5472109,411504927,19),(6566551,685839435,20),(7879897,285765133,19),(9455881,238137495,19),(11347079,793790125,21),(13616503,1322982745,22),(16339877,275620167,20),(19607893,229682997,20),(23529511,191402177,20),(28235483,1276011359,23),(33882593,2126684757,24),(40659149,1772235667,24),(48791009,738431071,23),(58549219,1230718279,24),(70259107,1025597921,24),(84310943,427332393,23),(101173139,712220603,24),(121407857,74189591,21),(145689433,1978389031,26),(174827333,206082175,23),(209792827,1373880987,26),(251751509,286225073,24),(302101841,1908166963,27),(362522213,1590139119,27),(435026701,662557897,26),(522032051,1104263141,27),(626438489,1840438487,28),(751726211,766849345,27),(902071483,1278082199,28)] else [(5,7378697629483820647,1),(7,5270498306774157605,1),(11,3353953467947191203,1),(17,8680820740569200761,3),(29,5088756985850910791,3),(37,3988485205126389539,3),(47,6279742663390485657,4),(67,8810385229234412713,5),(83,3555998857582564167,4),(107,1379195818595106663,3),(131,281629680514649643,1),(163,7242893378634425175,6),(197,1498212716646461045,4),(241,1224680104478642431,4),(293,503665367200260795,3),(353,1672226091667721393,5),(433,681634884940768651,4),(521,9064043153300662599,8),(631,7483940543375032035,8),(761,3102737505170594753,7),(919,642324059149842929,5),(1103,4281383937325154319,8),(1327,7117357170866081709,9),(1597,739255867700320165,6),(1949,2422968949650921095,8),(2339,4037936282915472607,9),(2833,6667654758728761333,10),(3407,5544310517017487777,10),(4093,4615066193862345677,10),(4919,7680205705012637063,11),(5903,6399954576140464461,11),(7103,2659364484228999135,10),(8527,8861013688977873041,12),(10243,7376536534795892163,12),(12301,6142416366629893783,12),(14767,2558334926725615339,11),(17729,4261823212020662385,12),(21277,887788030806907969,10),(25561,1477991153043979567,11),(30677,4926026907840683471,13),(36821,4104063644437376683,13),(44201,1709415255897249461,12),(53051,5696998264003643545,14),(63667,4747066060968119963,14),(76403,7911507529904775825,15),(91691,6592390854143968191,15),(110039,5493169783506889261,15),(132047,9155269105808001505,16),(158507,3813477700084630883,15),(190243,6354640221267690137,16),(228299,5295361870243098633,16),(273967,8825338961368552963,17),(328777,3677038903617434233,16),(394549,6128140330426026551,17),(473471,5106652021410515849,17),(568171,8510999819523553119,18),(681809,3546230160102401625,17),(818173,5910367707634591583,18),(981809,4925299399841024781,18),(1178173,8208817004732779819,19),(1413827,1710146743009758867,17),(1696601,5700460247823167261,19),(2035927,4750370006840634953,19),(2443151,7917158257444614269,20),(2931793,6597605326786054403,20),(3518209,5497914738389352877,20),(4221851,9163190796564855935,21),(5066231,7635977559583866901,21),(6079481,3181655327787695495,20),(7295381,1325689029389559421,19),(8754461,8837923026367501915,22),(10505377,7364919169996114103,22),(12606463,1534356870268374785,20),(15127831,5114497409135273073,22),(18153427,8524148355606494265,23),(21784129,7103451550010217731,23),(26140973,5919538837007808943,23),(31369243,2466468586931991543,22),(37643093,8221561650668425911,24),(45171733,856412266221181587,21),(54206099,5709413064779759723,24),(65047343,4757842450557051481,24),(78056833,247804226362015825,20),(93668203,6608112463123586747,25),(112401881,1376689638411589699,23),(134882263,9177930528088635901,26),(161858731,7648274712381010049,26),(194230481,3186781067811339753,25),(233076601,663912654667005953,23),(279691949,4426083924515754563,26),(335630353,7376806228758340429,27),(402756463,48026077520285669,20),(483307787,5122781269342057073,27),(579969349,4268984357259129137,27),(695963227,7114973844934943811,28),(835155913,5929144582541584783,28),(1002187163,617619185811393333,25),(1202624651,8234922098136039455,29),(1443149623,6862434883013541971,29),(1731779563,357418480311913773,25),(2078135531,4765579610448921293,29),(2493762643,7942632665608538591,30),(2992515199,3309430247035160405,29),(3591018241,5515717075012787271,30),(4309221899,9192861770781641709,31),(5171066297,7660718115355497017,31),(6205279567,6383931751891069761,31),(7446335483,1329985781179588333,29),(8935602619,2216642958858742015,30),(10722723161,3694404925160612267,31),(12867267797,6157341540115949263,32),(15440721377,1282779485812755651,30),(18528865703,8551863215397642261,33),(22234638851,890819084640777303,30),(26681566631,2969396947711947027,32),(32017880003,309312181610871977,29),(38421456013,4124162420469296211,33),(46105747229,6873604032117775405,34),(55326896741,1432000838311112129,32),(66392276177,1193334030347810553,32),(79670731433,3977780100130856927,34),(95604877727,6629633499704948593,35),(114725853301,172646705678443951,30),(137671023989,575489018811937629,32),(165205228889,3836593456372840199,35),(198246274687,6394322426636527325,36),(237895529659,5328602021422103605,36),(285474635629,4440501683924226201,36),(342569562761,7400836139739766199,37),(411083475323,3083681724818056003,36),(493300170481,1284867385097583665,35),(591960204599,8565782567001774073,38),(710352245527,7138152139085745311,38),(852422694637,5948460115872687585,38),(1022907233639,4957050096199058351,38),(1227488680427,4130875079963290535,38),(1472986416527,3442395899935288315,38),(1767583699907,5737326499650006151,39),(2121100439917,2390552708155269385,38),(2545320527903,996063628397011449,37),(3054384633659,6640424188932079035,40),(3665261560423,5533686824061451401,40),(4398313872521,9222811373407653915,41),(5277976647059,7685676144457159429,41),(6333571976483,6404730120368629123,41),(7600286371789,2668637550150294909,40),(9120343646191,8895458500457872893,42),(10944412375433,7412882083712320257,42),(13133294850551,6177401736412164183,42),(15759953820697,5147834780331776433,42),(18911944584839,1072465579235639315,40),(22694333501813,7149770528235642145,43),(27233200202177,2979071053431364413,42),(32679840242663,1241279605594479897,41),(39215808291301,8275197370607624801,44),(47058969949679,3447998904411212491,43),(56470763939783,1436666210167059381,42),(67764916727749,1197221841805716745,42),(81317900073323,7981478945369069699,45),(97581480088031,3325616227235633285,44),(117097776105689,5542693712056936913,45),(140517331326899,4618911426711740825,45),(168620797592327,3849092855592017097,45),(202344957110837,3207577379659307247,45),(242813948533111,5345962299429831765,46),(291376738239791,8909937165714618823,47),(349652085887761,3712473819047632555,46),(419582503065331,1546864091269781275,45),(503499003678427,5156213637565632409,47),(604198804414123,8593689395942569915,48),(725038565296949,7161407829952127767,48),(870046278356531,745979982286515183,45),(1044055534027841,4973199881910083119,48),(1252866640833481,259020827182801985,44),(1503439969000181,6907222058208035475,49),(1804127962800257,2878009190919951291,48),(2164953555360361,299792624054154309,45),(2597944266432433,999308746847181107,47),(3117533119718951,1665514578078618403,48),(3741039743662841,693964407532739155,47),(4489247692395509,4626429383551491517,50),(5387097230874631,7710715639252456949,51),(6464516677049609,1606399091510915659,49),(7757420012459563,5354663638369696637,51),(9308904014951479,2231109849320706117,50),(11170684817941799,7437032831069004279,52),(13404821781530213,3098763679612072587,51),(16085786137836413,5164606132686737109,52),(19302943365403697,8607676887811227891,53),(23163532038484451,7173064073176018721,53),(27796238446181363,2988776697156672123,52),(33355486135417657,4981294495261117009,53),(40026583362501191,8302157492101861143,54),(48031900035001457,1729616144187886737,52),(57638280042001759,2882693573646477365,53),(69165936050402159,1201122322352698065,52),(82999123260482599,8007482149017986309,55),(99598947912579133,6672901790848320973,55),(119518737495095009,347546968273349907,51),(143422484994114059,4633959576977997203,55),(172106981992936889,7723265961629994521,56),(206528378391524347,6436054968024992935,56),(247834054069829309,2681689570010412721,55),(297400864883795143,8938965233368043239,57),(356881037860554209,7449137694473368585,57),(428257245432665101,6207614745394473093,57),(513908694519198103,5173012287828727761,57),(616690433423037709,8621687146381213139,58),(740028520107645211,898092411081376417,55),(888034224129174191,2993641370271254933,57),(1065641068955008969,2494701141892712585,57),(1278769282746010901,4157835236487853859,58),(1534523139295213087,216553918567075721,54),(1841427767154255641,1443692790447171523,57),(2209713320585106689,2406154650745285959,58),(2651655984702128147,8020515502484286167,60),(3181987181642553871,1670940729684226235,58),(3818384617971064327,5569802432280754581,60),(4582061541565277261,1160375506725157187,58)] getFastRem :: Int -> FastRem getFastRem n = (\(p, m, s) -> FastRem p m s) $ fromJust $ UI.find (\(p, _, _) -> p >= n) primesWithFastRem -- | For 64-bit architectures -- 'frmPrime' is a prime number such that for each @n@ >= 0 -- it holds that @n@ \`'quot'\` 'frmPrime' = (n * '_frmMulHi') \`'shiftR'\` (64 + s). data FastRem = FastRem { frmPrime :: !Int , _frmMulHi :: !Int , _frmShift :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) fastRem :: Int -> FastRem -> Int #ifndef aarch64_HOST_ARCH fastRem !i (FastRem !p !m !s) = i - p * q where q = fromIntegral (mulHi (fromIntegral i) (fromIntegral m)) `unsafeShiftR` s mulHi (Exts.W# x) (Exts.W# y) = let (# z, _ #) = Exts.timesWord2# x y in Exts.W# z #else -- At the moment GHC NCG does not make use of UMULH instruction, -- so timesWord2# is painfully slow on ARM. This is being worked on -- at https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/merge_requests/10832, -- but in the meantime we should resort to a usual division. fastRem !i (FastRem !p _ _) = i `rem` p #endif