{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Data.Vector.HashTablesSpec where import Control.Monad.Primitive import Data.Hashable (Hashable (hashWithSalt)) import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Primitive.MutVar import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Vector.Generic (Mutable, Vector) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VI import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable (MVector) import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as SM import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (modifyMaxSuccess) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Gen, NonNegative (..), Positive (..), Property, choose, elements, forAll, generate, property, shuffle, vector) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, errorCall, it, shouldBe, shouldThrow) import qualified Data.Vector.Hashtables.Internal as VH newtype AlwaysCollide = AC Int deriving newtype (Arbitrary, SM.Storable, Num, Eq, Ord, Show) deriving stock Generic instance Hashable AlwaysCollide where hashWithSalt _ _ = 1 listN :: Int -> Gen [(Int, Int)] listN n = do keys <- vector n vals <- vector n let keys' = Set.toList (Set.fromList keys) return (zip keys' vals) shuffledListN :: Int -> Gen ([(Int, Int)], [(Int, Int)]) shuffledListN n = do testData <- listN n shuffledTestData <- shuffle testData return (testData, shuffledTestData) listsForRemoveN :: Int -> Gen ([(Int, Int)], [Int]) listsForRemoveN n = do testData <- listN n dropCount <- min (n - 1) <$> choose (1, n) let deleteData = fst <$> take dropCount testData return (testData, deleteData) twoListsN :: Int -> Gen ([(Int, Int)], [(Int, Int)]) twoListsN n = do list1 <- listN n list2 <- listN n return (list1, list2) spec :: Spec spec = mutableSpec *> storableMutableSpec *> storableKeysSpec *> unboxedKeysSpec class HashTableTest ks vs where specDescription :: Proxy ks -> Proxy vs -> String testInit :: Proxy ks -> Proxy vs -> Int -> IO (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) testInsert :: (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) -> Int -> Int -> IO () testAt :: (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) -> Int -> IO Int testAt' :: (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int) testDelete :: (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) -> Int -> IO () testInitCollide :: Proxy ks -> Proxy vs -> Int -> IO (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks AlwaysCollide vs Int) testInsertCollide :: (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks AlwaysCollide vs Int) -> AlwaysCollide -> Int -> IO () testAtCollide :: (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks AlwaysCollide vs Int) -> AlwaysCollide -> IO Int testFromList :: Proxy ks -> Proxy vs -> [(Int, Int)] -> IO (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) testToList :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> IO [(Int, Int)] testLength :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> IO Int testNull :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> IO Bool testMember :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> Int -> IO Bool testAlter :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> (Maybe Int -> Maybe Int) -> Int -> IO () testUpsert :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> (Maybe Int -> Int) -> Int -> IO () testUnion :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> IO (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) testDifference :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> IO (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) testIntersection :: VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int -> IO (VH.Dictionary (PrimState IO) ks Int vs Int) mkSpec :: forall ks vs. (HashTableTest ks vs) => Proxy ks -> Proxy vs -> Spec mkSpec ksp vsp = describe (specDescription ksp vsp) $ modifyMaxSuccess (const 1000) $ do it "lookup for inserted value at specific index returns value" $ property prop_insertLookup it "lookup for inserted value at specific index returns nothing" $ property prop_insertLookupNothing it "lookup for inserted value at specific index throws error" $ property prop_insertLookupError it "lookup for updated value at specific index returns updated value" $ property prop_insertUpdateLookup it "lookup for deleted value at specific index returns nothing" $ property prop_insertDeleteLookupNothing it "lookup for deleted value at specific index throws error" $ property prop_insertDeleteLookupError it "table size increases when multiple elements added" $ property prop_insertMultipleElements it "lookup for inserted value with hash collision returns value" $ property prop_insertLookupHashCollisions it "fromList . toList === id" $ property prop_fromListToList it "deleted entries are not present in key-value list after deleting from hashtable" $ property prop_insertDeleteKeysSize it "new table is null" $ property prop_newIsNull it "non-empty table is not null" $ property prop_fromListIsNotNull it "inserted key is table member" $ property prop_isMember it "deleted key is not a member" $ property prop_isNotMember it "when altering is nothing - key deleted from table" $ property prop_alterDelete it "when altering is just a result - key updated with result" $ property prop_alterUpdate it "when upserting a new key - key is set to value" $ property prop_upsertInsert it "when upserting an existing key - key updated with result" $ property prop_upsertUpdate it "intersection + symmetric difference of two tables is equal to union of two tables" $ property prop_union where prop_insertLookup :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_insertLookup (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y v <- testAt ht x v `shouldBe` y prop_insertLookupNothing :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_insertLookupNothing (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht (x + 1) y v <- testAt' ht x v `shouldBe` Nothing prop_insertLookupError :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_insertLookupError (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht (x + 1) y testAt ht x `shouldThrow` errorCall "KeyNotFoundException!" prop_insertUpdateLookup :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_insertUpdateLookup (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y testInsert ht x (y + 1) v <- testAt ht x v `shouldBe` (y + 1) prop_insertDeleteLookupNothing :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_insertDeleteLookupNothing (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y testDelete ht x v <- testAt' ht x v `shouldBe` Nothing prop_insertDeleteLookupError :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_insertDeleteLookupError (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht 0 1 testDelete ht 0 testAt ht 0 `shouldThrow` errorCall "KeyNotFoundException!" prop_insertMultipleElements :: HashTableTest ks vs => (NonNegative Int) -> Property prop_insertMultipleElements (NonNegative n) = forAll (listN n) $ \xs -> do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 2 mapM_ (uncurry (testInsert ht)) xs htl <- testLength ht htl `shouldBe` (length . Set.toList . Set.fromList) (fst <$> xs) prop_insertLookupHashCollisions :: HashTableTest ks vs => (AlwaysCollide, Int) -> (AlwaysCollide, Int) -> IO () prop_insertLookupHashCollisions (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = do ht <- testInitCollide (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 let x2' = if x1 /= x2 then x2 else x2 + 1 testInsertCollide ht x1 y1 testInsertCollide ht x2' y2 v <- testAtCollide ht x1 v `shouldBe` y1 prop_fromListToList :: NonNegative Int -> Property prop_fromListToList (NonNegative n) = forAll (shuffledListN n) $ \(xs, ys) -> do ht <- testFromList (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) xs xs' <- testToList ht L.sort xs' `shouldBe` L.sort ys prop_insertDeleteKeysSize :: NonNegative Int -> Property prop_insertDeleteKeysSize (NonNegative n) = forAll (listsForRemoveN n) go where go (insertData, deleteData) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 2 mapM_ (uncurry (testInsert ht)) insertData mapM_ (testDelete ht) deleteData kvs <- testToList ht L.length insertData - L.length deleteData `shouldBe` L.length kvs prop_newIsNull :: IO () prop_newIsNull = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 2 result <- testNull ht result `shouldBe` True prop_fromListIsNotNull :: Positive Int -> Property prop_fromListIsNotNull (Positive n) = forAll (listN n) $ \xs -> do ht <- testFromList (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) xs result <- testNull ht result `shouldBe` False prop_isMember :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_isMember (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y v <- testMember ht x v `shouldBe` True prop_isNotMember :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_isNotMember (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y testDelete ht x v <- testMember ht x v `shouldBe` False prop_alterDelete :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_alterDelete (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y testAlter ht (const Nothing) x v <- testMember ht x v `shouldBe` False prop_alterUpdate :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_alterUpdate (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y testAlter ht (fmap negate) x v <- testAt ht x v `shouldBe` (negate y) prop_upsertInsert :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_upsertInsert (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testUpsert ht (maybe 0 negate) x v <- testAt ht x v `shouldBe` 0 prop_upsertUpdate :: HashTableTest ks vs => (Int, Int) -> IO () prop_upsertUpdate (x, y) = do ht <- testInit (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) 10 testInsert ht x y testUpsert ht (maybe 0 negate) x v <- testAt ht x v `shouldBe` (negate y) prop_union :: Positive Int -> Property prop_union (Positive n) = forAll (twoListsN n) $ \(xs, ys) -> do ht1 <- testFromList (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) xs ht2 <- testFromList (Proxy @ks) (Proxy @vs) ys u1 <- testUnion ht1 ht2 d1 <- testDifference ht1 ht2 d2 <- testDifference ht2 ht1 i <- testIntersection ht1 ht2 res <- do u2 <- testUnion d1 d2 testUnion i u2 resultList <- testToList res unionList <- testToList u1 Set.fromList resultList `shouldBe` Set.fromList unionList instance HashTableTest M.MVector M.MVector where specDescription _ _ = "Data.Vector.HashTables.Mutable keys and values" testInit _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInitCollide _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInsert = VH.insert testAt = VH.at testAt' = VH.at' testDelete = VH.delete testInsertCollide = VH.insert testAtCollide = VH.at testLength = VH.length testFromList _ _ = VH.fromList testToList = VH.toList testNull = VH.null testMember = VH.member testAlter = VH.alter testUpsert = VH.upsert testUnion = VH.union testDifference = VH.difference testIntersection = VH.intersection mutableSpec :: Spec mutableSpec = mkSpec (Proxy :: Proxy M.MVector) (Proxy :: Proxy M.MVector) instance HashTableTest SM.MVector SM.MVector where specDescription _ _ = "Data.Vector.HashTables.Storable.Mutable keys and values" testInit _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInitCollide _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInsert = VH.insert testAt = VH.at testAt' = VH.at' testDelete = VH.delete testInsertCollide = VH.insert testAtCollide = VH.at testLength = VH.length testFromList _ _ = VH.fromList testToList = VH.toList testNull = VH.null testMember = VH.member testAlter = VH.alter testUpsert = VH.upsert testUnion = VH.union testDifference = VH.difference testIntersection = VH.intersection storableMutableSpec :: Spec storableMutableSpec = mkSpec (Proxy @SM.MVector) (Proxy @SM.MVector) instance HashTableTest SM.MVector M.MVector where specDescription _ _ = "Data.Vector.HashTables.Mutable keys and Data.Vector.HashTables.Storable.Mutable values" testInit _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInitCollide _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInsert = VH.insert testAt = VH.at testAt' = VH.at' testDelete = VH.delete testInsertCollide = VH.insert testAtCollide = VH.at testLength = VH.length testFromList _ _ = VH.fromList testToList = VH.toList testNull = VH.null testMember = VH.member testAlter = VH.alter testUpsert = VH.upsert testUnion = VH.union testDifference = VH.difference testIntersection = VH.intersection storableKeysSpec :: Spec storableKeysSpec = mkSpec (Proxy @SM.MVector) (Proxy @M.MVector) instance HashTableTest M.MVector UM.MVector where specDescription _ _ = "Data.Vector.HashTables.Mutable keys and Data.Vector.HashTables.Unboxed.Mutable values" testInit _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInitCollide _ _ n = VH.initialize n testInsert = VH.insert testAt = VH.at testAt' = VH.at' testDelete = VH.delete testInsertCollide = VH.insert testAtCollide = VH.at testLength = VH.length testFromList _ _ = VH.fromList testToList = VH.toList testNull = VH.null testMember = VH.member testAlter = VH.alter testUpsert = VH.upsert testUnion = VH.union testDifference = VH.difference testIntersection = VH.intersection unboxedKeysSpec :: Spec unboxedKeysSpec = mkSpec (Proxy @M.MVector) (Proxy @UM.MVector)