{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Data.Map.Vector (MapVector(..)) where import Prelude hiding (foldr) import Data.Foldable import Data.Traversable import Data.Data import Control.Applicative import Data.AdditiveGroup import Data.VectorSpace import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map -- TODO: Clean up overlong >>> examples. -- | Note: '<*>' in the 'Applicative' instance operates under /intersection/. i.e.: -- -- >>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", id)]) <*> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("y", 3)]) -- MapVector (Map.fromList []) -- -- '*' in the 'Num' instance performs elementwise multiplication. It is defined in terms of -- '<*>' and therefore also operates under intersection: -- -- >>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2), ("y", 3)]) * (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 5),("y", 7)]) -- MapVector (Map.fromList [("x", 10), ("y", 21)]) -- -- >>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2), ("y", 3)]) * (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("y", 7)]) -- MapVector (Map.fromList [("y", 21)]) -- -- '*^' in the 'VectorSpace' instance multiplies by the scalar of v. Nesting MapVectors preserves -- the scalar type, e.g. @Scalar (MapVector k (MapVector k' v))@ = @Scalar v@. -- -- >>> 2 *^ (ConstantMap $ MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 3 :: Int), ("y", 5)]) -- ConstantMap (MapVector (fromList [("x",6),("y",10)])) -- -- Finally, '<.>' in 'InnerSpace' is the dot-product operator. Again, it operates under intersection. -- -- >>> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2 :: Int), ("y", 3)]) <.> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 5),("y", 7)]) -- 31 -- -- >>> (pure . MapVector $ Map.fromList [("x", 2 :: Int), ("y", 3)]) <.> (MapVector $ Map.fromList [("a", pure (5::Int))]) -- 25 -- -- Addition, using either '+' or '^+^', operates under union. data MapVector k v = MapVector (Map k v) | ConstantMap v -- ^ An infinite-dimensional vector with the same value on all dimensions deriving (Eq, Functor, Show, Read, Foldable, Traversable, Typeable, Data) instance (Ord k) => Applicative (MapVector k) where pure = ConstantMap (ConstantMap f) <*> (ConstantMap v) = ConstantMap $ f v (ConstantMap f) <*> (MapVector vs) = MapVector $ f <$> vs (MapVector fs) <*> (ConstantMap v) = MapVector $ ($ v) <$> fs (MapVector fs) <*> (MapVector vs) = MapVector $ Map.intersectionWith ($) fs vs instance (AdditiveGroup v, Ord k) => AdditiveGroup (MapVector k v) where zeroV = MapVector Map.empty negateV = fmap negateV (ConstantMap v) ^+^ (ConstantMap v') = ConstantMap $ v ^+^ v' (ConstantMap v) ^+^ (MapVector vs) = MapVector $ (v ^+^) <$> vs (MapVector vs) ^+^ (ConstantMap v) = MapVector $ (^+^ v) <$> vs (MapVector vs) ^+^ (MapVector vs') = MapVector $ Map.unionWith (^+^) vs vs' instance (Ord k, VectorSpace v) => VectorSpace (MapVector k v) where type Scalar (MapVector k v) = Scalar v -- therefore Scalar (MapVector k (Mapvector k' v)) -- = Scalar v s *^ v = (s *^) <$> v instance (Ord k, VectorSpace v, InnerSpace v, AdditiveGroup (Scalar v)) => InnerSpace (MapVector k v) where (ConstantMap v) <.> (ConstantMap v') = v <.> v' (ConstantMap v) <.> (MapVector vs) = foldl' (^+^) zeroV $ (v <.>) <$> vs (MapVector vs) <.> (ConstantMap v) = foldl' (^+^) zeroV $ (<.> v) <$> vs (MapVector vs) <.> (MapVector vs') = foldl' (^+^) zeroV $ Map.intersectionWith (<.>) vs vs' instance (Ord k, AdditiveGroup v, Num v) => Num (MapVector k v) where (+) = (^+^) x * y = (*) <$> x <*> y abs = fmap abs fromInteger = pure . fromInteger signum = error "no signum for MapVectors" -- It looks like a HasBasis instance should be possible; -- I just haven't spent the time to figure it out. -- (Remember to tighten version bounds on vector-space if this is implemented.) --instance (Ord k, HasBasis v) => HasBasis (MapVector k v) where -- type Basis (MapVector k v) = (k, Basis v) -- basisValue (k, v) = MapVector $ Map.fromList $ (k, basisValue v):[] -- -- decompose (ConstantMap _) = error "decompose: not defined for ConstantMap" -- decompose (MapVector vs) =