module Data.Vector.Split.Internal 
  ( split
  , Splitter
  , splitOn
  , splitOneOf
  , splitWhen
  , endBy
  , oneOf
  , endByOneOf
  , wordsBy
  , linesBy
  , onSublist
  , whenElt
  , dropDelims
  , keepDelimsL
  , keepDelimsR
  , condense
  , dropInitBlank
  , dropInnerBlanks
  , dropFinalBlank
  , dropBlanks
  , startsWith
  , startsWithOneOf
  , endsWith
  , endsWithOneOf
  ) where

import           Data.Vector.Generic (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V

import qualified Data.Vector as BV

-- | A delimiter is a list of predicates on elements, matched by some
--   contiguous subsequence of a list.
newtype Delimiter a = Delimiter (BV.Vector (a -> Bool))

-- | Try to match a delimiter at the start of a list, either failing
--   or decomposing the list into the portion which matched the delimiter
--   and the remainder.
matchDelim :: Vector v a => Delimiter a -> v a -> Maybe (v a, v a)
matchDelim (Delimiter ds) xs = if match && lengthOk then Just (V.splitAt (V.length ds) xs) else Nothing
    where match = V.and $ V.zipWith ($) ds (V.convert xs)
          lengthOk = V.length ds <= V.length xs

data Chunk v a = Delim (v a) | Text (v a)
    deriving (Show, Eq)

type SplitList v a = [Chunk v a]

type Splitter v a = v a -> SplitList v a

toSplitList :: Vector v a => Delimiter a -> v a -> SplitList v a
toSplitList d v = go 0
    where go i | i < V.length v = case matchDelim d (V.drop i v) of
                                      Just (l,r) -> Text (V.take i v) : Delim l : toSplitList d r
                                      Nothing    -> go (i+1)
               | otherwise      = [Text v]

split :: Vector v a => Splitter v a -> v a -> [v a]
split s v = map go $ s v
    where go (Text t)  = t
          go (Delim d) = d

-- Convenience functions

-- | Split on the given sublist. Equivalent to split . dropDelims . onSublist. For example:
-- >>> splitOn (BV.fromList "..") (BV.fromList "a..b...c....d..")
-- ["a","b",".c","","d",""]
-- In some parsing combinator frameworks this is also known as sepBy.
-- Note that this is the right inverse of the intercalate function from Data.List, that is,
-- >> \xs -> (intercalate xs . splitOn xs) === id
-- splitOn x . intercalate x is the identity on certain lists, but it is
-- tricky to state the precise conditions under which this holds. (For
-- example, it is not enough to say that x does not occur in any elements
-- of the input list. Working out why is left as an exercise for the
-- reader.)
splitOn :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a -> [v a]
splitOn xs = split (dropDelims . onSublist xs)

-- | Split on any of the given elements. Equivalent to split . dropDelims . oneOf. For example:
-- >>> splitOneOf (BV.fromList ";.,") (BV.fromList "foo,bar;baz.glurk")
-- ["foo","bar","baz","glurk"]
splitOneOf :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a -> [v a]
splitOneOf xs = split (dropDelims . oneOf xs)

-- | Split on elements satisfying the given predicate. Equivalent to split . dropDelims . whenElt. For example:
-- >>> splitWhen (<0) (BV.fromList [1,3,-4,5,7,-9,0,2])
-- [[1,3],[5,7],[0,2]]
splitWhen :: (Vector v a) => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> [v a]
splitWhen p = split (dropDelims . whenElt p)

-- | Split into chunks terminated by the given subsequence. Equivalent to split . dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . onSublist. For example:
-- >>> endBy (BV.fromList ";") (BV.fromList "foo;bar;baz;")
-- ["foo","bar","baz"]
-- Note also that the lines function from Data.List is equivalent to endBy "\n".
endBy :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a -> [v a]
endBy xs = split (dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . onSublist xs)
-- Basic Strategies

-- | A splitting strategy that splits on any one of the given elements. For example:
-- >>> split (oneOf (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aa","z","b","x","","y","","z","c","x","d"]
oneOf :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> Splitter v a
oneOf xs = toSplitList delim
    where delim = Delimiter (BV.singleton (`V.elem` xs))

-- | Split into chunks terminated by one of the given elements. Equivalent to split . dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . oneOf. For example:
-- >>> endByOneOf (BV.fromList ";,") (BV.fromList "foo;bar,baz;") 
-- ["foo","bar","baz"]
endByOneOf :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> v a -> [v a]
endByOneOf xs = split (dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . oneOf xs)

-- | Split into "words", with word boundaries indicated by the given predicate. Satisfies words === wordsBy isSpace; equivalent to split . dropBlanks . dropDelims . whenElt. For example:
-- >>> wordsBy (=='x') (BV.fromList "dogxxxcatxbirdxx") 
-- ["dog","cat","bird"]
wordsBy :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> [v a]
wordsBy p = split (dropBlanks . dropDelims . whenElt p)

-- | Split into "lines", with line boundaries indicated by the given predicate. Satisfies lines === linesBy (=='\n'); equivalent to split . dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . whenElt. For example:
-- >>> linesBy (=='x') (BV.fromList "dogxxxcatxbirdxx")
-- ["dog","","","cat","bird",""]
linesBy :: Vector v a => (a -> Bool) -> v a -> [v a]
linesBy p = split (dropFinalBlank . dropDelims . whenElt p)

-- | A splitting strategy that splits on the given list, when it is
-- encountered as an exact subsequence. For example:
-- >>> split (onSublist (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aazb","xyz","cxd"]
-- Note that splitting on the empty list is not allowed in `vector-split`.
-- This is a major difference between `split` and `vector-split`. In any
-- case nobody should use `vector-split` to do this anyway.
onSublist :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> Splitter v a
onSublist xs = toSplitList delim
    where delim = Delimiter ( (==) . V.convert $ xs)

-- | A splitting strategy that splits on any elements that satisfy the given predicate. For example:
-- >>> split (whenElt (<0)) (BV.fromList [2,4,-3,6,-9,1])
-- [[2,4],[-3],[6],[-9],[1]]
whenElt :: (Vector v a) => (a -> Bool) -> Splitter v a
whenElt p = toSplitList delim
    where delim = Delimiter (V.singleton p)

-- Strategy Transformers

-- | Drop delimiters from the output (the default is to keep them). For example,
-- >>> split (oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "a:b:c")
-- ["a",":","b",":","c"]
-- >>> split (dropDelims . oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "a:b:c")
-- ["a","b","c"]
dropDelims :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
dropDelims = filter go 
    where go (Delim _) = False
          go (Text _ ) = True

-- | Keep delimiters in the output by prepending them to adjacent chunks. For example:
-- >>> split (keepDelimsL . oneOf (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aa","zb","x","y","zc","xd"]
keepDelimsL :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
keepDelimsL (Delim d : Text t : rst) = Text (d V.++ t) : keepDelimsL rst
keepDelimsL (rs : rst)               = rs : keepDelimsL rst
keepDelimsL []                       = []

-- | Keep delimiters in the output by appending them to adjacent chunks. For example:
-- >>> split (keepDelimsR . oneOf (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aaz","bx","y","z","cx","d"]
keepDelimsR :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
keepDelimsR (Text t : Delim d : rst) = Text (t V.++ d) : keepDelimsR rst
keepDelimsR (rs : rst)               = rs : keepDelimsR rst
keepDelimsR []                       = []

-- FIXME really not sure about the delim : text : delim case ... 
-- this was inserted to be compatible with the split package

-- | Condense multiple consecutive delimiters into one. For example:
-- >>> split (condense . oneOf (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aa","z","b","xyz","c","x","d"]
-- >>> split (dropDelims . oneOf (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aa","b","","","c","d"]
-- >>> split (condense . dropDelims . oneOf (BV.fromList "xyz")) (BV.fromList "aazbxyzcxd")
-- ["aa","b","c","d"]
-- FIXME this function is not fully compatible with the Data.List.Split version.
condense :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
condense (Delim a : Delim b : rst) = condense (Delim (a V.++ b) : rst)
condense (Delim a : Text t : Delim b : rst) | V.null t = condense (Delim (a V.++ b) : rst)
condense (t : rst) = t : condense rst
condense []                        = []

-- | Don't generate a blank chunk if there is a delimiter at the beginning. For example:
-- >>> split (oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList ":a:b")
-- ["",":","a",":","b"]
-- >>> split (dropInitBlank . oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList ":a:b")
-- [":","a",":","b"]
dropInitBlank :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
dropInitBlank (Text t : rst) | V.null t = rst
dropInitBlank rst                       = rst

-- | Don't generate a blank chunk if there is a delimiter at the end. For example:
-- split (oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "a:b:")
-- ["a",":","b",":",""]
-- split (dropFinalBlank . oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "a:b:")
-- ["a",":","b",":"]
dropFinalBlank :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
dropFinalBlank [Text t]         | V.null t = []
dropFinalBlank (rs : rst)       = rs : dropFinalBlank rst
dropFinalBlank []               = []

-- | Don't generate blank chunks between consecutive delimiters. For example:
-- >>> split (oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "::b:::a")
-- ["",":","",":","b",":","",":","",":","a"]
-- >>> split (dropInnerBlanks . oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "::b:::a")
-- ["",":",":","b",":",":",":","a"]
dropInnerBlanks :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
dropInnerBlanks (Text a : rst) = Text a : dropInnerBlanksGo rst
dropInnerBlanks rst            = dropInnerBlanksGo rst

dropInnerBlanksGo :: Vector v a => [Chunk v a] -> [Chunk v a]
dropInnerBlanksGo [Text a]                  = [Text a]
dropInnerBlanksGo (Text a : rst) | V.null a = dropInnerBlanksGo rst
dropInnerBlanksGo (chunk  : rst)            = chunk : dropInnerBlanksGo rst
dropInnerBlanksGo []                        = []

-- Derived combinators

-- | Drop all blank chunks from the output, and condense consecutive
-- delimiters into one. 
-- Equivalent to dropInitBlank . dropFinalBlank . condense. For example:
-- >>> split (oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "::b:::a")
-- ["",":","",":","b",":","",":","",":","a"]
-- >>> split (dropBlanks . oneOf (BV.fromList ":")) (BV.fromList "::b:::a")
-- ["::","b",":::","a"]
dropBlanks :: Vector v a => SplitList v a -> SplitList v a
dropBlanks = condense . filter go
    where go (Text t) | V.null t = False
          go _                   = True

-- | Make a strategy that splits a list into chunks that all start with the
-- given subsequence (except possibly the first). Equivalent to
-- dropInitBlank . keepDelimsL . onSublist. For example:
-- >>> split (startsWith (BV.fromList "app")) (BV.fromList "applyapplicativeapplaudapproachapple")
-- ["apply","applicative","applaud","approach","apple"]
startsWith :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> Splitter v a
startsWith xs = dropInitBlank . keepDelimsL . onSublist xs

-- | Make a strategy that splits a list into chunks that all start with one
-- of the given elements (except possibly the first). Equivalent to
-- dropInitBlank . keepDelimsL . oneOf. For example:
-- >>> split (startsWithOneOf (BV.fromList ['A'..'Z'])) (BV.fromList "ACamelCaseIdentifier")
-- ["A","Camel","Case","Identifier"]
startsWithOneOf :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> Splitter v a
startsWithOneOf xs = dropInitBlank . keepDelimsL . oneOf xs

-- | Make a strategy that splits a list into chunks that all end with the
-- given subsequence, except possibly the last. Equivalent to
-- dropFinalBlank . keepDelimsR . onSublist. For example:
-- >>> split (endsWith (BV.fromList "ly")) (BV.fromList "happilyslowlygnarlylily")
-- ["happily","slowly","gnarly","lily"]
endsWith :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> Splitter v a
endsWith xs = dropFinalBlank . keepDelimsR . onSublist xs

-- Note: this function is not consistent with the Data.List.Split version

-- | Make a strategy that splits a list into chunks that all end with one of
-- the given elements, except possibly the last. Equivalent to
-- dropFinalBlank . keepDelimsR . oneOf. For example:
-- >>> split (condense . endsWithOneOf (BV.fromList ".,?! ")) (BV.fromList "Hi, there!  How are you?")
-- ["Hi, ","there!  ","How ","are ","you?"]
endsWithOneOf :: (Vector v a, Eq a) => v a -> Splitter v a
endsWithOneOf xs = dropFinalBlank . keepDelimsR . oneOf xs