Safe Haskell | None |
A library to make it easier to work with regular expressions. Based on the (original) Javascript VerbalExpression library by jehna.
Here's some examples, first a http validator:
let expr = endOfLine . anythingBut " " . possibly "www" . find "://" . possibly "s" . find "http" . startOfLine . searchGlobal $ verEx
You can use VerEx's test to find if it matches.
test "" expr True
The actual expression is the following in regexp:
^(?:http)(?:s)?(?:://)(?:www.)?(?:[^ ]*)$
Replacing a string.
let replaceMe = "Replace bird with a duck" let expr2 = find "bird" $ verEx; foo = replace replaceMe "duck" expr2
The above can be shortened.
bar = replace "We have a red house" "blue" . find "red" $ verEx
Basic usage of Verbal Expressions is through a singleton, called verEx, that compiles it to a regexp.
let expr = (all of your terms) $ verEx
startOfLine :: VerStruct -> VerStructSource
startOfLine' :: Bool -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource
endOfLine' :: Bool -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource
anythingBut :: String -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource
somethingBut :: String -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource
withAnyCase :: VerStruct -> VerStructSource
withAnyCase' :: Bool -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource
searchOneLine :: VerStruct -> VerStructSource
searchOneLine' :: Bool -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource
searchGlobal :: VerStruct -> VerStructSource
searchGlobal' :: Bool -> VerStruct -> VerStructSource