module Main where import Approx ( assertApproxZero ) import Geometry.VertexEnum ( (.<=), (.>=), Constraint, newVar , vertexenum, interiorPoint, checkConstraints ) import Test.Tasty ( defaultMain, testGroup ) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( testCase, assertEqual, assertBool ) cubeConstraints :: [Constraint] cubeConstraints = [ x .<= 1 , x .>= (-1) , y .<= 1 , y .>= (-1) , z .<= 1 , z .>= (-1) ] where x = newVar 1 y = newVar 2 z = newVar 3 main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests" [ testCase "[0, 0, 0] is in the cube" $ do let check = checkConstraints cubeConstraints [0, 0, 0] assertBool "" (all snd check) , testCase "cube vertices" $ do vertices <- vertexenum cubeConstraints (Just [0, 0, 0]) assertEqual "" (length vertices) 8 , testCase "interior point of the cube" $ do let ipoint = interiorPoint cubeConstraints norm = (ipoint !! 0) * (ipoint !! 0) + (ipoint !! 1) * (ipoint !! 1) + (ipoint !! 2) * (ipoint !! 2) assertApproxZero "" 6 norm ]