{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Text.Format.Class ( Formatter , FormatArg(..) , FromArgKey(..) , FormatType(..) , Options(..) , defaultOptions , genericFormatArg , (:=) (..) , formatString , formatChar , formatInt , formatWord , formatInteger , formatRealFloat , defaultSpecs ) where import Control.Monad.Catch import Data.Char import Data.Either import Data.Int import Data.Map as M hiding (drop, map) import Data.Maybe import Data.Word import GHC.Generics import Numeric import Numeric.Natural import Text.Format.ArgFmt import Text.Format.ArgKey import Text.Format.Error import Text.Format.Format type Formatter = ArgKey -> ArgFmt -> Either SomeException String {-| Typeclass of formatable values. The 'formatArg' method takes a value, a key and a field format descriptor and either fails due to a 'ArgError' or produce a string as the result. There is a default 'formatArg' for 'Generic' instances, which applies 'defaultOptions' to 'genericFormatArg'. There are two reasons may cause formatting fail (1) Can not find argument for the given key. (2) The field format descriptor does not match the argument. ==== Extending to new types Those format functions can be extended to format types other than those provided by default. This is done by instantiating 'FormatArg'. Examples @ \{\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric \#\-\} \{\-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#\-\} import Control.Exception import GHC.Generics import Text.Format -- Manually extend to () instance FormatArg () where formatArg x k fmt@(ArgFmt{fmtSpecs=\"U\"}) = let fmt' = fmt{fmtSpecs = \"\"} in formatArg (show x) k fmt' formatArg _ _ _ = Left $ toException ArgFmtError -- Use default generic implementation for type with nullary data constructors. data Color = Red | Yellow | Blue deriving Generic instance FormatArg Color -- Use default generic implementation for type with non-nullary data constructor. data Triple = Triple String Int Double deriving Generic instance FormatArg Triple -- Use default generic implementation for type using record syntax. data Student = Student { no :: Int , name :: String , age :: Int } deriving Generic instance FormatArg Student -- Customize field names data Book = Book { bookName :: String , bookAuthor :: String , bookPrice :: Double } instance FormatArg Book where formatArg x k fmt | k == mempty = return $ format1 \"{name} {author} {price:.2f}\" x | k == Name \"name\" = formatArg (bookName x) mempty fmt | k == Name \"author\" = formatArg (bookAuthor x) mempty fmt | k == Name \"price\" = formatArg (bookPrice x) mempty fmt | otherwise = Left $ toException $ ArgKeyError \-\- A better way to customize field names \-\- instance FormatArg Book where \-\- formatArg = genericFormatArg $ \-\- defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = drop 4 } main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ format \"A unit {:U}\" () putStrLn $ format \"I like {}.\" Blue putStrLn $ format \"Triple {0!0} {0!1} {0!2}\" $ Triple \"Hello\" 123 pi putStrLn $ format1 \"Student: {no} {name} {age}\" $ Student 1 \"neo\" 30 putStrLn $ format \"A book: {}\" $ Book \"Math\" \"nobody\" 99.99 putStrLn $ format1 \"Book: {name}, Author: {author}, Price: {price:.2f}\" $ Book \"Math\" \"nobody\" 99.99 @ Note: Since v0.12.0, 'FormatTime' instance has been remove, use [vformat-time](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/vformat-time) instead. -} class FormatArg a where formatArg :: a -> Formatter default formatArg :: (Generic a, GFormatArg (Rep a)) => a -> Formatter formatArg = genericFormatArg defaultOptions formatArgList :: [a] -> Formatter formatArgList xs k | k == mempty = const $ throwM ArgKeyError formatArgList xs k | Just i <- fromArgKey (topKey k) = case drop (i - 1) xs of (x:_) -> formatArg x (popKey k) formatArgList _ _ = const $ throwM ArgKeyError -- | This method is used to get the key of a top-level argument. -- Top-level argument means argument that directly passed to format -- functions ('format', 'format1'). keyOf :: a -> ArgKey keyOf _ = mempty instance FormatArg Bool instance FormatArg Char where formatArg = formatChar formatArgList = formatString instance FormatArg Float where formatArg = formatRealFloat instance FormatArg Double where formatArg = formatRealFloat instance FormatArg Int where formatArg = formatInt instance FormatArg Int8 where formatArg = formatInt instance FormatArg Int16 where formatArg = formatInt instance FormatArg Int32 where formatArg = formatInt instance FormatArg Int64 where formatArg = formatInt instance FormatArg Integer where formatArg = formatInteger instance FormatArg Natural where formatArg = formatIntegral False . toInteger instance FormatArg Word where formatArg = formatWord instance FormatArg Word8 where formatArg = formatWord instance FormatArg Word16 where formatArg = formatWord instance FormatArg Word32 where formatArg = formatWord instance FormatArg Word64 where formatArg = formatWord instance FormatArg a => FormatArg [a] where {-# SPECIALIZE instance FormatArg [Char] #-} formatArg = formatArgList instance (Ord k, FromArgKey k, FormatArg v) => FormatArg (Map k v) where formatArg _ k | k == mempty = const $ throwM ArgKeyError formatArg x k | (Just k') <- fromArgKey (topKey k) = case (M.lookup k' x) of (Just x') -> formatArg x' (popKey k) formatArg _ _ = const $ throwM ArgKeyError -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Typeclass for types that can be used as the key of a map-like or list-like container. For example, since 'String' and 'Integral' datatypes are instance of 'FromArgKey' and 'Double' is an instance of 'FormatArg', we can format a value of type 'Map' 'String' 'Double'. @since 0.13.0 -} class FromArgKey a where fromArgKey :: ArgKey -> Maybe a instance FromArgKey String where fromArgKey (Name k) = Just k fromArgKey _ = Nothing instance Integral k => FromArgKey k where fromArgKey (Index i) = Just $ toEnum i fromArgKey _ = Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Options that specify how to format your datatype Options can be set using record syntax on defaultOptions with the fields below. @since 0.11.0 -} data Options = Options { fieldLabelModifier :: String -> String } {-| Default format options @ 'Options' { 'fieldLabelModifier' = id } @ @since 0.11.0 -} defaultOptions = Options { fieldLabelModifier = id } {-| A configurable generic 'Formatter' creator. @since 0.11.0 -} genericFormatArg :: (Generic a, GFormatArg (Rep a)) => Options -> a -> Formatter genericFormatArg opts x = gformatArg (from x) opts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GFormatArg f where gformatArg :: f p -> Options -> Formatter -- Data type instance GFormatArg f => GFormatArg (D1 c f) where gformatArg (M1 x) = gformatArg x -- Choice between Sums instance (GFormatArg f, GFormatArg g) => GFormatArg (f :+: g) where gformatArg (L1 x) = gformatArg x gformatArg (R1 x) = gformatArg x -- Constructor -- e.g. data GreetTo = Hello { name :: String } | Hi { name :: String } -- data GreetTo = Hello String | Hi String -- data Greet = Hello | Hi instance (Constructor c, GFormatArg f) => GFormatArg (C1 c f) where gformatArg (M1 x) = gformatArg x -- Constructor without arguments -- e.g. data Greet = Hello | Hi instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Constructor c => GFormatArg (C1 c U1) where gformatArg c _ = formatArg (conName c) -- Try Products one by one instance (GFormatArg f, GFormatArg g) => GFormatArg (f :*: g) where gformatArg (x :*: y) opts k fmt = gformatArg x opts k fmt <|> gformatArg y opts (dec1 k) fmt where x <|> y = catchIf isArgKeyError x $ const y dec1 :: ArgKey -> ArgKey dec1 (Index i) = Index (i - 1) dec1 (Nest k1 k2) = mappend (dec1 k1) k2 dec1 k = k -- Selector (record and none record) -- e.g. data GreetTo = Hello String | Hi String -- data GreetTo = Hello { name :: String } | Hi { name :: String } instance (Selector c, GFormatArg f) => GFormatArg (S1 c f) where gformatArg s@(M1 x) opts (Index 0) | selName s == "" = gformatArg x opts mempty gformatArg s@(M1 x) opts (Nest (Index 0) k) | selName s == "" = gformatArg x opts k gformatArg s@(M1 x) opts@(Options{..}) (Name record) | (fieldLabelModifier $ selName s) == record = gformatArg x opts mempty gformatArg s@(M1 x) opts@(Options{..}) (Nest (Name record) k) | (fieldLabelModifier $ selName s) == record = gformatArg x opts k gformatArg _ _ _ = const $ throwM ArgKeyError -- FormatArg instance instance (FormatArg c) => GFormatArg (K1 i c) where gformatArg (K1 c) _ = formatArg c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A typeclass provides the variable arguments magic for 'format' -- class FormatType t where sfmt :: Format -> Map ArgKey Formatter -> t instance (FormatArg a, FormatType r) => FormatType (a -> r) where sfmt fmt args = \arg -> sfmt fmt $ insert (fixIndex $ keyOf arg) (formatArg arg) args where fixIndex k | k == mempty = Index $ length [n | Index n <- keys args] | otherwise = k instance FormatType String where sfmt fmt args = formats (unFormat fmt) where formats :: [FmtItem] -> String formats = concat . (map formats1) onError :: (ArgKey, ArgFmt) -> SomeException -> String onError (key, fmt) = catchArgError (errorArgKey $ show key) (errorArgFmt $ prettyArgFmt $ fmt) formats1 :: FmtItem -> String formats1 (Lit cs) = cs formats1 (Arg key ifmt) = either (onError (key, ifmt)) id $ (getFormatter key) (popKey key) (fixArgFmt ifmt) fixArgFmt :: ArgFmt -> ArgFmt fixArgFmt ifmt@(ArgFmt{fmtWidth=(Right key)}) = fixArgFmt $ ifmt {fmtWidth = Left $ formatWidth key} fixArgFmt ifmt@(ArgFmt{fmtPrecision=(Right key)}) = fixArgFmt $ ifmt {fmtPrecision = Left $ formatPrecision key} fixArgFmt ifmt = ifmt formatWidth, formatPrecision :: ArgKey -> Int formatWidth key = let fmt = read "0.0d" in read $ either (onError (key, fmt)) id $ (getFormatter key) key fmt formatPrecision = formatWidth getFormatter :: ArgKey -> Formatter getFormatter = maybe (\_ _ -> throwM ArgKeyError) id . (args !?) . topKey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A type represents the top-level named key argument. data (:=) a = String := a infixr 6 := instance FormatArg a => FormatArg ((:=) a) where formatArg (_ := x) k = formatArg x k keyOf (ks := _) = Name ks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Formatter for string values @since 0.11.0 -} formatString :: String -> Formatter formatString _ k _ | k /= mempty = throwM ArgKeyError formatString x _ fmt@(ArgFmt{fmtSpecs = ""}) = Right $ formatText fmt x formatString x _ fmt@(ArgFmt{fmtSpecs = "s"}) = Right $ formatText fmt x formatString _ _ _ = throwM ArgFmtError formatIntegral :: Bool -> Integer -> Formatter formatIntegral _ _ k _ | k /= mempty = throwM ArgKeyError formatIntegral signed x _ fmt@ArgFmt{fmtSpecs=specs} = formatNumber fmt signed (sepw specs) (flag specs) <$> (showx specs x) where sepw :: String -> Int sepw "b" = 4 sepw "o" = 4 sepw "x" = 4 sepw "X" = 4 sepw _ = 3 flag :: String -> Maybe Char flag "b" = Just 'b' flag "o" = Just 'o' flag "x" = Just 'x' flag "X" = Just 'X' flag _ = Nothing encodeSign :: [Char] -> [Char] encodeSign "+" = "++" encodeSign "-" = "--" encodeSign cs = cs showx :: String -> Integer -> Either SomeException String showx specs x | x < 0 = ('-' :) <$> showx specs (-x) showx "" x = showx "d" x showx "b" x = Right $ showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit x "" showx "c" x = Right $ encodeSign $ [chr $ fromInteger x] showx "d" x = Right $ show x showx "o" x = Right $ showIntAtBase 8 intToDigit x "" showx "x" x = Right $ showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit x "" showx "X" x = map toUpper <$> showx "x" x showx _ _ = throwM ArgFmtError {-| Formatter for 'Char' values @since 0.11.0 -} formatChar :: Char -> Formatter formatChar = formatWord . ord {-| Formatter for 'Int' values @since 0.11.0 -} formatInt :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> Formatter formatInt = formatIntegral True . toInteger {-| Formatter for 'Word' values @since 0.11.0 -} formatWord :: (Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> Formatter formatWord = formatIntegral False . toInteger {-| Formatter for 'Integer' values @since 0.11.0 -} formatInteger :: Integer -> Formatter formatInteger = formatIntegral True {-| Formatter for 'RealFloat' values @since 0.11.0 -} formatRealFloat :: RealFloat a => a -> Formatter formatRealFloat _ k _ | k /= mempty = throwM ArgKeyError formatRealFloat x _ fmt@ArgFmt{fmtSpecs=specs, fmtPrecision=prec} = formatNumber fmt True 3 Nothing <$> showx specs prec1 x where prec1 = either (\i -> Just $ if i < 0 then 6 else i) (const $ Just 0) prec showx :: RealFloat a => String -> Maybe Int -> a -> Either SomeException String showx specs p x | x < 0 = ('-' :) <$> showx specs p (-x) showx "" p x = showx "g" p x showx "e" p x = Right $ showEFloat p x "" showx "E" p x = map toUpper <$> showx "e" p x showx "f" p x = Right $ showFFloat p x "" showx "F" p x = map toUpper <$> showx "f" p x showx "g" p x = Right $ showGFloat p x "" showx "G" p x = map toUpper <$> showx "g" p x showx "%" p x = (++ "%") <$> (showx "f" p (x * 100)) showx _ _ _ = throwM ArgFmtError {-| Use a default specs for the given formatter @since 0.12.0 -} defaultSpecs :: String -> (a -> Formatter) -> a -> Formatter defaultSpecs specs f x k fmt | fmtSpecs fmt == "" = f x k $ fmt {fmtSpecs = specs} | otherwise = f x k fmt