{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}


This file is part of the vimeta package. It is subject to the license
terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this
distribution and at git://pmade.com/vimeta/LICENSE. No part of the
vimeta package, including this file, may be copied, modified,
propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in
the LICENSE file.


module Vimeta.UI.Common.TV
       ( EpisodeSpec (..)
       , tagWithMappingFile
       , tagWithSpec
       , tagWithFileOrder
       , episodeSpec
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Either
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Network.API.TheMovieDB
import Text.Parsec

-- Local imports:
import Vimeta.Core
import qualified Vimeta.Core.MappingFile as MF

-- The following is a kludge to avoid the "redundant import" warning
-- when using GHC >= 7.10.x.  This should be removed after we decide
-- to stop supporting GHC < 7.10.x.
import Prelude

-- | A simple way to specify a single episode.
data EpisodeSpec = EpisodeSpec Int Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | An episode along with the season.
data EpisodeCtx = EpisodeCtx TV Season Episode deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Tag a single file with the given 'EpisodeCtx'.
tagFileWithEpisode :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> EpisodeCtx -> Vimeta m ()
tagFileWithEpisode file (EpisodeCtx tv season episode) = do
  context <- ask

  let format  = configFormatTV (ctxConfig context)
      tmdbCfg = ctxTMDBCfg context

  withArtwork (seasonPosterURLs tmdbCfg season) $ \artwork ->
    case fromFormatString (formatMap artwork) "config.tv" format of
      Left e    -> die e
      Right cmd -> tagFile (Text.unpack cmd)

    formatMap :: Maybe FilePath -> FormatTable
    formatMap artwork = Map.fromList
      [ ('Y', formatFullDate $ episodeAirDate episode)
      , ('a', Text.pack <$> artwork)
      , ('d', Just (Text.take 255 $ episodeOverview episode))
      , ('e', Just . Text.pack . show $ episodeNumber episode)
      , ('f', Just $ Text.pack file)
      , ('n', Just $ tvName tv)
      , ('s', Just . Text.pack . show $ episodeSeasonNumber episode)
      , ('t', Just $ episodeName episode)
      , ('y', formatYear $ episodeAirDate episode)

-- | Handy tagging function using mapping files.
tagWithMappingFile :: (MonadIO m) => TV -> FilePath -> Vimeta m ()
tagWithMappingFile tv filename = do
  mapping <- parseMappingFile filename episodeSpecParser
  tagWithSpec tv mapping

-- | Tag all of the given files with their matching 'EpisodeSpec'.
tagWithSpec :: (MonadIO m)
            => TV                        -- ^ Full TV series.
            -> [(FilePath, EpisodeSpec)] -- ^ File mapping.
            -> Vimeta m ()
tagWithSpec tv specs = do
  let unmapped = lefts  mapping
      taggable = rights mapping

  unless (null unmapped) $
    die ("the following files can't be mapped to episodes " <>
         Text.unpack (badFiles unmapped))

  mapM_ (uncurry tagFileWithEpisode) taggable

    table :: Map EpisodeSpec EpisodeCtx
    table = makeTVMap tv

    mapping :: [Either (FilePath, EpisodeSpec) (FilePath, EpisodeCtx)]
    mapping = map (\(f, s) -> check (Map.lookup s table) f s) specs

    check :: Maybe EpisodeCtx -> FilePath -> EpisodeSpec
          -> Either (FilePath, EpisodeSpec) (FilePath, EpisodeCtx)
    check Nothing  f s = Left  (f, s)
    check (Just e) f _ = Right (f, e)

    badFiles :: [(FilePath, EpisodeSpec)] -> Text
    badFiles = Text.intercalate "\n" .
                 map (\(f, s) -> Text.pack f <> " " <> episodeSpecAsText s)

-- | Tag the given files, starting at the given 'EpisodeSpec'.
tagWithFileOrder :: (MonadIO m)
                 => TV          -- ^ Full TV series.
                 -> EpisodeSpec -- ^ Starting episode.
                 -> [FilePath]  -- ^ List of files to tag.
                 -> Vimeta m ()
tagWithFileOrder tv spec files = tagWithSpec tv mapping
    mapping :: [(FilePath, EpisodeSpec)]
    mapping = zipWith (\f e -> (f, episodeSpecFromCtx e)) files episodes

    episodes :: [EpisodeCtx]
    episodes = take (length files) $ startingAt spec $ flattenTV tv

-- | Create an 'EpisodeSpec' from an 'Episode'.
episodeSpec :: Episode -> EpisodeSpec
episodeSpec e = EpisodeSpec (episodeSeasonNumber e) (episodeNumber e)

-- | Create an 'EpisodeSpec' from an 'EpisodeCtx'.
episodeSpecFromCtx :: EpisodeCtx -> EpisodeSpec
episodeSpecFromCtx (EpisodeCtx _ _ e) = episodeSpec e

-- | Turn an 'EpisodeSpec' into something that can be printed.
episodeSpecAsText :: EpisodeSpec -> Text
episodeSpecAsText (EpisodeSpec s e) = "S" <> Text.pack (show s) <>
                                      "E" <> Text.pack (show e)

-- | Flatten a TV/Season/Episode tree into a list of episodes.
flattenTV :: TV -> [EpisodeCtx]
flattenTV t = concatMap (\s -> forSeason s (seasonEpisodes s)) (tvSeasons t)
    forSeason :: Season -> [Episode] -> [EpisodeCtx]
    forSeason s = map (EpisodeCtx t s)

-- | Drop all episodes until the matching 'EpisodeSpec' is found.
startingAt :: EpisodeSpec -> [EpisodeCtx] -> [EpisodeCtx]
startingAt spec = dropWhile (\(EpisodeCtx _ _ e)-> spec /= episodeSpec e)

-- | Make an episode look-up table.
makeTVMap :: TV -> Map EpisodeSpec EpisodeCtx
makeTVMap = foldr insert Map.empty . flattenTV
    insert :: EpisodeCtx -> Map EpisodeSpec EpisodeCtx -> Map EpisodeSpec EpisodeCtx
    insert e = Map.insert (episodeSpecFromCtx e) e

episodeSpecParser :: MF.Parser EpisodeSpec
episodeSpecParser =
  do void (oneOf "Ss")
     season <- many1 digit

     void (oneOf "Ee")
     episode <- many1 digit

     return $ EpisodeSpec (read season) (read episode)
  <?> "episode spec (S#E#)"