{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, EmptyCase, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses, PolyKinds, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-} -- | Co-records: open sum types. -- -- Consider a record with three fields @A@, @B@, and @C@. A record is -- a product of its fields; that is, it contains all of them: @A@, -- @B@, /and/ @C@. If we want to talk about a value whose type is one -- of those three types, it is /any one/ of type @A@, @B@, /or/ -- @C@. The type @CoRec '[A,B,C]@ corresponds to this sum type. module Data.Vinyl.CoRec where import Data.Maybe(fromJust) import Data.Proxy import Data.Vinyl import Data.Vinyl.Functor (Compose(..), (:.), Identity(..), Const(..)) import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800 import GHC.Prim (Constraint) #else import Data.Kind (Constraint) #endif -- | Generalize algebraic sum types. data CoRec :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where CoRec :: RElem a ts (RIndex a ts) => !(f a) -> CoRec f ts -- | Apply a function to a 'CoRec' value. The function must accept -- /any/ variant. foldCoRec :: (forall a. RElem a ts (RIndex a ts) => f a -> b) -> CoRec f ts -> b foldCoRec f (CoRec x) = f x -- | A Field of a 'Rec' 'Identity' is a 'CoRec' 'Identity'. type Field = CoRec Identity -- | A function type constructor that takes its arguments in the -- reverse order. newtype Op b a = Op { runOp :: a -> b } instance forall ts. (RPureConstrained Show ts, RecApplicative ts) => Show (CoRec Identity ts) where show (CoRec (Identity x)) = "(Col "++show' x++")" where shower :: Rec (Op String) ts shower = rpureConstrained @Show (Op show) show' = runOp (rget shower) instance forall ts. (RecApplicative ts, RecordToList ts, RZipWith ts, ReifyConstraint Eq Maybe ts, RMap ts) => Eq (CoRec Identity ts) where crA == crB = and . recordToList $ rzipWith f (toRec crA) (coRecToRec' crB) where f :: forall a. (Dict Eq :. Maybe) a -> Maybe a -> Const Bool a f (Compose (Dict a)) b = Const $ a == b toRec = reifyConstraint @Eq . coRecToRec' -- | We can inject a a 'CoRec' into a 'Rec' where every field of the -- 'Rec' is 'Nothing' except for the one whose type corresponds to the -- type of the given 'CoRec' variant. coRecToRec :: forall f ts. RecApplicative ts => CoRec f ts -> Rec (Maybe :. f) ts coRecToRec (CoRec x) = rput (Compose (Just x)) (rpure (Compose Nothing)) -- | Shorthand for applying 'coRecToRec' with common functors. coRecToRec' :: (RecApplicative ts, RMap ts) => CoRec Identity ts -> Rec Maybe ts coRecToRec' = rmap (fmap getIdentity . getCompose) . coRecToRec -- | Fold a field selection function over a 'Rec'. class FoldRec ss ts where foldRec :: (CoRec f ss -> CoRec f ss -> CoRec f ss) -> CoRec f ss -> Rec f ts -> CoRec f ss instance FoldRec ss '[] where foldRec _ z _ = z instance (t ∈ ss, FoldRec ss ts) => FoldRec ss (t ': ts) where foldRec f z (x :& xs) = foldRec f (f z (CoRec x)) xs -- | Apply a natural transformation to a variant. coRecMap :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> CoRec f ts -> CoRec g ts coRecMap nt (CoRec x) = CoRec (nt x) -- | This can be used to pull effects out of a 'CoRec'. coRecTraverse :: Functor h => (forall x. f x -> h (g x)) -> CoRec f ts -> h (CoRec g ts) coRecTraverse f (CoRec x) = fmap CoRec (f x) -- | Fold a field selection function over a non-empty 'Rec'. foldRec1 :: FoldRec (t ': ts) ts => (CoRec f (t ': ts) -> CoRec f (t ': ts) -> CoRec f (t ': ts)) -> Rec f (t ': ts) -> CoRec f (t ': ts) foldRec1 f (x :& xs) = foldRec f (CoRec x) xs -- | Similar to 'Data.Monoid.First': find the first field that is not -- 'Nothing'. firstField :: FoldRec ts ts => Rec (Maybe :. f) ts -> Maybe (CoRec f ts) firstField RNil = Nothing firstField v@(x :& _) = coRecTraverse getCompose $ foldRec aux (CoRec x) v where aux :: CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) -> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) -> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) aux c@(CoRec (Compose (Just _))) _ = c aux _ c = c -- | Similar to 'Data.Monoid.Last': find the last field that is not -- 'Nothing'. lastField :: FoldRec ts ts => Rec (Maybe :. f) ts -> Maybe (CoRec f ts) lastField RNil = Nothing lastField v@(x :& _) = coRecTraverse getCompose $ foldRec aux (CoRec x) v where aux :: CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) -> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) -> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) aux _ c@(CoRec (Compose (Just _))) = c aux c _ = c -- | Apply a type class method on a 'CoRec'. The first argument is a -- 'Proxy' value for a /list/ of 'Constraint' constructors. For -- example, @onCoRec [pr|Num,Ord|] (> 20) r@. If only one constraint -- is needed, use the @pr1@ quasiquoter. onCoRec :: forall (cs :: [* -> Constraint]) f ts b. (AllAllSat cs ts, Functor f, RecApplicative ts) => Proxy cs -> (forall a. AllSatisfied cs a => a -> b) -> CoRec f ts -> f b onCoRec p f (CoRec x) = fmap meth x where meth = runOp $ rget (reifyDicts p (Op f) :: Rec (Op b) ts) -- | Apply a type class method on a 'Field'. The first argument is a -- 'Proxy' value for a /list/ of 'Constraint' constructors. For -- example, @onCoRec [pr|Num,Ord|] (> 20) r@. If only one constraint -- is needed, use the @pr1@ quasiquoter. onField :: forall cs ts b. (AllAllSat cs ts, RecApplicative ts) => Proxy cs -> (forall a. AllSatisfied cs a => a -> b) -> Field ts -> b onField p f x = getIdentity (onCoRec p f x) -- | Build a record whose elements are derived solely from a -- list of constraint constructors satisfied by each. reifyDicts :: forall cs f proxy (ts :: [*]). (AllAllSat cs ts, RecApplicative ts) => proxy cs -> (forall a. AllSatisfied cs a => f a) -> Rec f ts reifyDicts _ f = go (rpure Nothing) where go :: AllAllSat cs ts' => Rec Maybe ts' -> Rec f ts' go RNil = RNil go (_ :& xs) = f :& go xs -- * Extracting values from a CoRec/Pattern matching on a CoRec -- | If a 'CoRec' is a variant of the requested type, return 'Just' -- that value; otherwise return 'Nothing'. asA :: (t ∈ ts, RecApplicative ts, RMap ts) => CoRec Identity ts -> Maybe t asA c@(CoRec _) = rget $ coRecToRec' c -- | Like 'asA', but for any interpretation functor. asA' :: (t ∈ ts, RecApplicative ts, RMap ts) => CoRec f ts -> (Maybe :. f) t asA' c@(CoRec _) = rget $ coRecToRec c -- | Pattern match on a CoRec by specifying handlers for each case. Note that -- the order of the Handlers has to match the type level list (t:ts). -- -- >>> :{ -- let testCoRec = Col (Identity False) :: CoRec Identity [Int, String, Bool] in -- match testCoRec $ -- (H $ \i -> "my Int is the successor of " ++ show (i - 1)) -- :& (H $ \s -> "my String is: " ++ s) -- :& (H $ \b -> "my Bool is not: " ++ show (not b) ++ " thus it is " ++ show b) -- :& RNil -- :} -- "my Bool is not: True thus it is False" match :: forall ts b. CoRec Identity ts -> Handlers ts b -> b match (CoRec (Identity t)) hs = aux t where aux :: forall a. RElem a ts (RIndex a ts) => a -> b aux x = case rget @a hs of H f -> f x -- | Helper for handling a variant of a 'CoRec': either the function -- is applied to the variant or the type of the 'CoRec' is refined to -- reflect the fact that the variant is /not/ compatible with the type -- of the would-be handler. class RIndex t ts ~ i => Match1 t ts i where match1' :: Handler r t -> Rec Maybe ts -> Either r (Rec Maybe (RDelete t ts)) instance Match1 t (t ': ts) 'Z where match1' _ (Nothing :& xs) = Right xs match1' (H h) (Just x :& _) = Left (h x) instance (Match1 t ts i, RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ 'S i, RDelete t (s ': ts) ~ (s ': RDelete t ts)) => Match1 t (s ': ts) ('S i) where match1' h (x :& xs) = (x :&) <$> match1' h xs -- | Handle a single variant of a 'CoRec': either the function is -- applied to the variant or the type of the 'CoRec' is refined to -- reflect the fact that the variant is /not/ compatible with the type -- of the would-be handler match1 :: (Match1 t ts (RIndex t ts), RecApplicative ts, RMap ts, RMap (RDelete t ts), FoldRec (RDelete t ts) (RDelete t ts)) => Handler r t -> CoRec Identity ts -> Either r (CoRec Identity (RDelete t ts)) match1 h = fmap (fromJust . firstField . rmap (Compose . fmap Identity)) . match1' h . coRecToRec' matchNil :: CoRec f '[] -> r matchNil (CoRec x) = case x of _ -> error "matchNil: impossible" -- | Newtype around functions for a to b newtype Handler b a = H (a -> b) -- | 'Handlers ts b', is essentially a list of functions, one for each type in -- ts. All functions produce a value of type 'b'. Hence, 'Handlers ts b' would -- represent something like the type-level list: [t -> b | t \in ts ] type Handlers ts b = Rec (Handler b) ts -- | A 'CoRec' is either the first possible variant indicated by its -- type, or a 'CoRec' that must be one of the remaining types. restrictCoRec :: forall t ts f. (RecApplicative ts, FoldRec ts ts) => CoRec f (t ': ts) -> Either (f t) (CoRec f ts) restrictCoRec = go . coRecToRec where go :: Rec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) -> Either (f t) (CoRec f ts) go (Compose Nothing :& xs) = Right (fromJust (firstField xs)) go (Compose (Just x) :& _) = Left x -- | A 'CoRec' whose possible types are @ts@ may be used at a type of -- 'CoRec' whose possible types are @t:ts@. weakenCoRec :: (RecApplicative ts, FoldRec (t ': ts) (t ': ts)) => CoRec f ts -> CoRec f (t ': ts) weakenCoRec = fromJust . firstField . (Compose Nothing :&) . coRecToRec