{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Library for interacting with the SuperCollider server.
--   You don't need to use much of this day-to-day
--   There's a toplevel 'scServerState' that stores the current state of the SC server
module Vivid.SCServer (
   , callBS
   , quit
   , cmdPeriod

   , NodeId(..)
   , newNodeId

   , BufferId(..)
   , newBufferId
   , setMaxBufferIds
   , makeBuffer
   , makeBufferFromFile
   , saveBuffer

   , createSCServerConnection
   , callAndWaitForDone

   , SCServerState(..)
   , scServerState
   ) where

import Vivid.OSC
import Vivid.SynthDef.Types

import Network.Socket (SocketType(Datagram), defaultProtocol, socket, AddrInfo(..), getAddrInfo, Socket, HostName, ServiceName, connect)
import Network.Socket.ByteString

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
--import qualified Data.ByteString as B hiding (find, elem)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Control.Concurrent.STM as STM

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8

-- We use this only for "the unsafePerformIO hack"
-- (https://wiki.haskell.org/Top_level_mutable_state) so that functions can
-- refer to the state without being passed the state explicitly. This should
-- still be safe:
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

defaultSCServerPort :: String
defaultSCServerPort = "57110"
-- defaultSCLangPort   = "57120"

{-# NOINLINE scServerState #-}
scServerState :: SCServerState
-- see the above note about this use of unsafePerformIO:
scServerState = unsafePerformIO makeEmptySCServerState

newtype NodeId
      = NodeId { unNodeId :: Int32 }
   deriving (Show, Eq)

newtype BufferId
      = BufferId { unBufferId :: Int32 }
   deriving (Show, Eq)

data SCServerState
   = SCServerState
     { scServer_socket :: !(TVar (Maybe Socket))
     , scServer_availableBufferIds :: !(TVar [BufferId])
     , scServer_maxBufIds :: !(TVar Int32)
     , scServer_availableNodeIds :: !(TVar [NodeId])
     , scServer_availableSyncIds :: !(TVar [SyncId])
     , scServer_definedSDs :: !(TVar (Set (SDName, Int))) -- Int is the hash

-- | Stop the SuperCollider server
quit :: IO ()
quit = call $ OSC "/quit" []

-- | __You usually don't need to call this function__
--   Use this if to connect on a non-default port or to a server not at localhost
--   Otherwise the connection is created when it's needed.
--   You can also use this to explicitly create the connection, so the
--   computation is done upfront
--   The 'HostName' is the ip address or "localhost". The 'ServiceName' is the port
createSCServerConnection :: HostName -> ServiceName -> IO Socket
createSCServerConnection hostName port = do
   let !_ = scServerState
   readTVarIO (scServer_socket scServerState) >>= \case
      Nothing -> do
         s <- connectToSCServer hostName port
         (atomically . (writeTVar $ scServer_socket scServerState) . Just) s
         return s
      Just _ -> error "Too late -- connection already established. Disconnect first."

connectToSCServer :: HostName -> ServiceName -> IO Socket
connectToSCServer hostName port = do
   (serverAddr:_) <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just hostName) (Just port)
   s <- socket (addrFamily serverAddr) Datagram defaultProtocol
   connect s (addrAddress serverAddr)
   _ <- send s $ encodeOSC $ OSC "/dumpOSC" [OSC_I 1]
   _ <- send s $ encodeOSC $ OSC "/g_new" [OSC_I 1, OSC_I 0, OSC_I 0]
   threadDelay $ fromEnum 1e3
   return s

getSCServerSocket :: IO Socket
getSCServerSocket = getSCServerSocket' scServerState

getSCServerSocket' :: SCServerState -> IO Socket
getSCServerSocket' scServerState' = do
   let !_ = scServerState'
   readTVarIO (scServer_socket scServerState') >>= \case
      Nothing -> do
         s <- connectToSCServer "localhost" defaultSCServerPort
         (atomically . (writeTVar $ scServer_socket scServerState') . Just) s
         return s
      Just s -> return s

makeEmptySCServerState :: IO SCServerState
makeEmptySCServerState = do
   sockTVar <- newTVarIO Nothing
   availBufIds <- newTVarIO $ drop 512 $ map BufferId $ cycle [0..]
   availNodeIds <- newTVarIO $ map NodeId [10000..] -- sclang starts at 2000
   maxBufIds <- newTVarIO 1024
   syncIds <- newTVarIO $ drop 10000 $ map SyncId $ cycle [0..]
   definedSDs <- newTVarIO $ Set.empty

   return $ SCServerState
          { scServer_socket = sockTVar
          , scServer_availableBufferIds = availBufIds
          , scServer_maxBufIds = maxBufIds
          , scServer_availableNodeIds = availNodeIds
          , scServer_availableSyncIds = syncIds
          , scServer_definedSDs = definedSDs

-- | Send an 'OSC' message to the SuperCollider server
call :: OSC -> IO ()
call message = do
   let !_ = scServerState
   callBS (encodeOSC message)

-- | Async messages to the sc server get responded to with \"\/done\" -- so this calls those functions and waits for the \"\/done\" before continuing
callAndWaitForDone :: OSC -> IO ()
callAndWaitForDone message@(OSC _cmd _) = do
   s <- getSCServerSocket
   call message
   threadDelay $ fromEnum 1e4
   sid@(SyncId syncId) <- newSyncId
   call $ OSC "/sync" [OSC_I syncId]
   getDoneMessage s sid
   getDoneMessage :: Socket -> SyncId -> IO ()
   getDoneMessage s sid@(SyncId syncId) = recvFrom s 1024 >>= \(msg, _) ->
      case decodeOSC msg of
         -- OSC "/done" [OSC_S cmdFinished] | cmd == cmdFinished -> return ()
         OSC "/synced" [OSC_I syncFinished] | syncFinished == syncId -> return ()
         _ -> getDoneMessage s sid

newtype SyncId
      = SyncId Int32
   deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

-- | Send a ByteString to the SuperCollider server.
--   You usually want to use 'call' instead. May be removed in future versions.
callBS :: ByteString -> IO ()
callBS message = do
   let !_ = scServerState

   sock <- getSCServerSocket

   _ <- send sock message
   return ()

call' :: SCServerState -> OSC -> IO ()
call' scServerState' message = do
   let !_ = scServerState'

   sock <- getSCServerSocket' scServerState'

   _ <- send sock (encodeOSC message)
   return ()

-- | Your \"emergency\" button. Run this and everything playing on the SC server
--   will be freed -- silence!
--   Corresponds to the cmd-. \/ ctrl-.  key command in the SuperCollider IDE
cmdPeriod :: IO ()
cmdPeriod = do
   call $ OSC "/g_freeAll" [OSC_I 0]
   call $ OSC "/clearSched" []
   call $ OSC "/g_new" [OSC_I 1, OSC_I 0, OSC_I 0]

newBufferId :: IO BufferId
newBufferId = do
   maxBufIds <- readTVarIO (scServer_maxBufIds scServerState)
   BufferId nn <- getNextAvailable scServer_availableBufferIds
   return . BufferId $ nn `mod` maxBufIds

getNextAvailable :: (SCServerState -> TVar [a]) -> IO a
getNextAvailable getter = do
   let !_ = scServerState
   atomically $ do
      let avail = getter scServerState
      (n:rest) <- readTVar avail
      writeTVar avail rest
      return n

newNodeId :: IO NodeId
newNodeId =
   getNextAvailable scServer_availableNodeIds

newSyncId :: IO SyncId
newSyncId =
   getNextAvailable scServer_availableSyncIds

-- | If you've started the SC server with a non-default number of buffer ids,
--   (e.g. with the \"-b\" argument), you can reflect that here
--   Note that the buffer ids start at 512, to not clash with any that
--   sclang has allocated
setMaxBufferIds :: Int32 -> IO ()
setMaxBufferIds newMax = atomically $
   writeTVar (scServer_maxBufIds scServerState) newMax

-- | Make an empty buffer
--   The Int32 is the buffer length /in samples/. Multiply seconds by
--   the default sample rate of the server (usually 48000) to get the number
--   of samples
makeBuffer :: Int32 -> IO BufferId
makeBuffer bufferLength = do
   bufId@(BufferId bufIdInt) <- newBufferId
   call $ OSC "/b_alloc" [
       OSC_I bufIdInt
      ,OSC_I bufferLength
      ,OSC_I 1
      ,OSC_I 0
   return bufId

-- | Make a buffer and fill it with sound data from a file
makeBufferFromFile :: FilePath -> IO BufferId
makeBufferFromFile fPath = do
   bufId@(BufferId bufIdInt) <- newBufferId
   call $ OSC  "/b_allocRead" [
        OSC_I bufIdInt
      , OSC_S (BS8.pack fPath)
      , OSC_I 0
      , OSC_I (-1)
   return bufId

-- | Write a buffer to a file
saveBuffer :: BufferId -> FilePath -> IO ()
saveBuffer (BufferId theBufId) fPath =
      call $ OSC "/b_write" [
         OSC_I theBufId
        ,OSC_S (BS8.pack fPath)
        ,OSC_S "wav"
        ,OSC_S "float"