-- |  __You probably don't need to use this directly__ -- use "Vivid.SynthDef" instead
--   This is a representation of how SynthDefs are sent over the wire, as described in the
--   < http://doc.sccode.org/Reference/Synth-Definition-File-Format.html Synth Definition File Format >
--   helpfile.

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoIncoherentInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoUndecidableInstances #-}

module Vivid.SynthDef.Literally (
   , encodeSynthDefFile
   , decodeSynthDefFile

   , UGenSpec(..)
   , InputSpec(..)
   , ParamName(..)
   , SynthDefFile(..)
   , OutputSpec(..)

   , uOpToSpecialI
   , biOpToSpecialI
   , specialIToUOp
   , specialIToBiOp

   , sdLitPretty
   ) where

import Vivid.SynthDef.Types
import Vivid.OSC.Util (floatToWord, wordToFloat)

import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Binary (decode, encode)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (cons, splitAt, drop, head, length)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 (unpack, pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL (fromStrict, toStrict)
import Data.Int
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Monoid

data LiteralSynthDef
   = LiteralSynthDef {
    _synthDefName :: ByteString -- pstring: "a pascal format string: a byte giving the length followed by that many bytes"
   ,_synthDefConstants :: [Float]
   ,_synthDefParameters :: [Float] -- Initial values
   ,_synthDefParamNames :: [ParamName]
   ,_synthDefUGens :: [UGenSpec]
   ,_synthDefVariants :: [VariantSpec]
 deriving (Show)

data SynthDefFile = SynthDefFile [LiteralSynthDef]
 deriving (Show)

-- Doesn't need to be in IO - yes, I know!
decodeSynthDefFile :: ByteString -> IO SynthDefFile
decodeSynthDefFile blob = do
   let (top, rest) = BS.splitAt 4 blob
   let (fileVersion :: Int32, rest2) =
          first (decode . BSL.fromStrict) $ BS.splitAt 4 rest

   when (top /= "SCgf" || fileVersion /= 2) $
      error $ "screwed up synthdef file " <> show top <> show fileVersion

   let (numberOfSynthDefs :: Int16, rest3) =
          first (decode . BSL.fromStrict) $ BS.splitAt 2 rest2

   let (synthDefs, rest4) = getNWith numberOfSynthDefs decodeSynthDef rest3

   if rest4 /= ""
      then error $ "leftover data: " <> show rest4
      else return ()

   return $ SynthDefFile synthDefs

a synth-definition-file is :
int32 - four byte file type id containing the ASCII characters: "SCgf"
int32 - file version, currently 2.
int16 - number of synth definitions in this file (D).
[ synth-definition ] * D

encodeSynthDefFile :: SynthDefFile -> ByteString
encodeSynthDefFile (SynthDefFile synthDefs) = mconcat [
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (2 :: Int32)
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) synthDefs) :: Int16)
   , mconcat $ map encodeSynthDef synthDefs

-- Yes, the 'restN's are ugly, yes i could have used a state monad. Don't judge!
decodeSynthDef :: ByteString -> (LiteralSynthDef, {- rest: -} ByteString)
decodeSynthDef blob =
   let (name :: ByteString, rest) = getPString blob

       (numConstants :: Int32, rest2) = getInt32 rest

       (constants :: [Float], rest3) =
          first (map (wordToFloat . decode . BSL.fromStrict)) $ getN4ByteBlocks numConstants rest2

       (numParams :: Int32, rest4) = getInt32 rest3

       (params :: [Float], rest5) =
          first (map (wordToFloat . decode . BSL.fromStrict)) $ getN4ByteBlocks numParams rest4

       (numParamNames :: Int32, rest6) = getInt32 rest5

       (paramNames :: [ParamName], rest7) = getNWith numParamNames getParamName rest6

       (numUGens :: Int32, rest8) = getInt32 rest7

       (uGens, rest9) = getNWith numUGens getUGenSpec rest8

       (numVariants, rest10) = getInt16 rest9

       (variantSpecs, rest11) = getNWith numVariants (getVariantSpec numParams) rest10

   in (LiteralSynthDef name constants params paramNames uGens variantSpecs, rest11)

a synth-definition is :
pstring - the name of the synth definition
int32 - number of constants (K)
[float32] * K - constant values
int32 - number of parameters (P)
[float32] * P - initial parameter values
int32 - number of parameter names (N)
[ param-name ] * N
int32 - number of unit generators (U)
[ ugen-spec ] * U
int16 - number of variants (V)
[ variant-spec ] * V

encodeSynthDef :: LiteralSynthDef -> ByteString
encodeSynthDef (LiteralSynthDef name constants params paramNames uGenSpecs variants) = mconcat [
     encodePString name
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) constants) :: Int32)
   , mconcat $ map (BSL.toStrict . encode . floatToWord) constants
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) params) :: Int32)
   , mconcat $ map (BSL.toStrict . encode . floatToWord) params
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) paramNames) :: Int32)
   , mconcat $ map encodeParamName paramNames
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) uGenSpecs) :: Int32)
   , mconcat $ map encodeUGenSpec uGenSpecs
   , BSL.toStrict $ encode (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) variants) :: Int16)
   , mconcat $ map encodeVariantSpec variants

data ParamName = ParamName {
    _paramName_name :: ByteString
   ,_paramName_indexInParamArray :: Int32
 deriving (Show)

a param-name is :
pstring - the name of the parameter
int32 - its index in the parameter array

getParamName :: ByteString -> (ParamName, ByteString)
getParamName blob =
   let (name, rest) = getPString blob
       (index, rest2) = getInt32 rest
   in (ParamName name index, rest2)

encodeParamName :: ParamName -> ByteString
encodeParamName (ParamName name index) =
   encodePString name <> BSL.toStrict (encode index)

data UGenSpec = UGenSpec {
    _uGenSpec_name :: ByteString
   ,_uGenSpec_calcRate :: CalculationRate
   ,_uGenSpec_inputs :: [InputSpec]
   ,_uGenSpec_outputs :: [OutputSpec]
   ,_uGenSpec_specialIndex :: Int16
 deriving (Show)

a ugen-spec is :
pstring - the name of the SC unit generator class
int8 - calculation rate
int32 - number of inputs (I)
int32 - number of outputs (O)
int16 - special index
[ input-spec ] * I
[ output-spec ] * O

getUGenSpec :: ByteString -> (UGenSpec, {- rest: -} ByteString)
getUGenSpec blob =
   let (name, rest) = getPString blob
       (calcRate :: CalculationRate, rest2) =
          first ((toEnum) . (fromEnum :: Int8 -> Int) . decode . BSL.fromStrict) $
             BS.splitAt 1 rest
       (numInputs :: Int32, rest3) = getInt32 rest2
       (numOutputs :: Int32, rest4) = getInt32 rest3

       (specialIndex, rest5) = getInt16 rest4
       (inputSpecs, rest6) = getNWith numInputs getInputSpec rest5
       (outputSpecs, rest7) = getNWith numOutputs getOutputSpec rest6

   in (UGenSpec name calcRate inputSpecs outputSpecs specialIndex, rest7)

encodeUGenSpec :: UGenSpec -> ByteString
encodeUGenSpec (UGenSpec name calcRate inputSpecs outputSpecs specialIndex) = mconcat [
    encodePString name
   ,BSL.toStrict $ encode $ (toEnum (fromEnum calcRate) :: Int8)
   ,BSL.toStrict $ encode $ (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) inputSpecs) :: Int32)
   ,BSL.toStrict $ encode $ (toEnum ((length::[a]->Int) outputSpecs) :: Int32)
   ,BSL.toStrict $ encode specialIndex
   ,mconcat $ map encodeInputSpec inputSpecs
   ,mconcat $ map encodeOutputSpec outputSpecs

data InputSpec
   = InputSpec_UGen {
    _inputSpec_uGen_index :: Int32
   ,_inputSpec_uGen_outputIndex :: Int32
   | InputSpec_Constant {
    _inputSpec_constant_index :: Int32
 deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

an input-spec is :
int32 - index of unit generator or -1 for a constant
if (unit generator index == -1) :
int32 - index of constant
else :
int32 - index of unit generator output

getInputSpec :: ByteString -> (InputSpec, ByteString)
getInputSpec blob =
   let (stuffForThis, rest) = BS.splitAt 8 blob
       (one :: Int32, two :: Int32) = (\(a,b) -> ((decode . BSL.fromStrict) a, (decode . BSL.fromStrict) b)) $ BS.splitAt 4 stuffForThis
       spec = case one of
          -1 -> InputSpec_Constant two
          n | n > -1 -> InputSpec_UGen one two
          _ -> error "bad number"
   in (spec, rest)

encodeInputSpec :: InputSpec -> ByteString
encodeInputSpec inputSpec = mconcat $ map (BSL.toStrict . encode) $ encodeInputSpec' inputSpec
   encodeInputSpec' :: InputSpec -> [Int32]
   encodeInputSpec' (InputSpec_Constant i) = [ (-1), i ]
   encodeInputSpec' (InputSpec_UGen i oI) = [ i, oI ]

data OutputSpec = OutputSpec { _outputSpec_calcRate :: CalculationRate }
 deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

an output-spec is :
int8 - calculation rate

getOutputSpec :: ByteString -> (OutputSpec, ByteString)
getOutputSpec blob =
      first (OutputSpec . toEnum . (fromEnum :: Int8 -> Int) . decode . BSL.fromStrict) $
         BS.splitAt 1 blob

encodeOutputSpec :: OutputSpec -> ByteString
encodeOutputSpec (OutputSpec calcRate) =
   BSL.toStrict $ encode $ (toEnum (fromEnum calcRate) :: Int8)

data VariantSpec
   = VariantSpec {
    _variantSpec_name :: ByteString
   ,_variantSpec_initialParamVals :: [Float] -- float32
 deriving (Show)

a variant-spec is :
pstring - the name of the variant
[float32] * P - variant initial parameter values

getVariantSpec :: Int32 -> ByteString -> (VariantSpec, ByteString)
getVariantSpec numParams blob =
   let (name, rest) = getPString blob
       (initialParamVals :: [Float], rest2) = first (map (decode . BSL.fromStrict)) $ getN4ByteBlocks numParams rest
   in (VariantSpec name initialParamVals, rest2)

encodeVariantSpec :: VariantSpec -> ByteString
encodeVariantSpec (VariantSpec name initialParamVals) =
   encodePString name <> mconcat (map (BSL.toStrict . encode . floatToWord) initialParamVals)

--- helpers:
getPString :: ByteString -> (ByteString, {- rest: -} ByteString)
getPString blob = first (BS.drop 1) $
   BS.splitAt (fromEnum (BS.head blob) + 1) blob

encodePString :: ByteString -> ByteString
encodePString s = toEnum (BS.length s) `BS.cons` s

getNWith :: (Integral i) => i -> (ByteString -> (a, ByteString)) -> ByteString -> ([a], ByteString)
getNWith 0 _ rest = ([], rest)
getNWith n f rest =
   let (head1, rest2) = f rest
       (head2, rest3) = getNWith (n - 1) f rest2
   in (head1 : head2, rest3)
getInt32 :: ByteString -> (Int32, ByteString)
getInt32 blob = first (decode . BSL.fromStrict) $ BS.splitAt 4 blob

getInt16 :: ByteString -> (Int16, ByteString)
getInt16 blob = first (decode . BSL.fromStrict) $ BS.splitAt 2 blob

getN4ByteBlocks :: Int32 -> ByteString -> ([ByteString], ByteString)
getN4ByteBlocks numBlocks blob =
   first (map (BS8.pack) . chunksOf 4 . BS8.unpack) $
             BS.splitAt (4 * fromEnum numBlocks) blob

uOpToSpecialI :: UnaryOp -> Int16
uOpToSpecialI uop = toEnum . fromEnum $ uop

specialIToUOp :: Int16 -> UnaryOp
specialIToUOp specialI = toEnum . fromEnum $ specialI

biOpToSpecialI :: BinaryOp -> Int16
biOpToSpecialI theBiOp = toEnum . fromEnum $ theBiOp

specialIToBiOp :: Int16 -> BinaryOp
specialIToBiOp theBiOp = toEnum . fromEnum $ theBiOp

sdLitPretty :: LiteralSynthDef -> String
sdLitPretty synthDef = mconcat [
    "Constants: ", show $ _synthDefConstants synthDef
  , "\n"
--  , show $ zip (_synthDefParameters synthDef) (_synthDefParamNames synthDef)
  , show $ map (\(ParamName a i)->(a, _synthDefParameters synthDef !! fromIntegral i)) (_synthDefParamNames synthDef)
  , "\n"
  , mconcat$
      (flip map) (zip [0::Int ..] (_synthDefUGens synthDef)) $ \(i,ug) -> mconcat [
                show i <> " " <> show (_uGenSpec_name ug) <> " - " <> show (_uGenSpec_calcRate ug) <> " (" <> show ((length::[a]->Int) $ _uGenSpec_outputs ug) <> " outputs)"
               ,mconcat $ map ((<>"\n") . ("  "<>) . showInputSpec) $ _uGenSpec_inputs ug
               ,case BS8.unpack (_uGenSpec_name ug) of
                   "UnaryOpUGen" -> mconcat [ "  "
                      , show ( specialIToUOp (_uGenSpec_specialIndex ug))
                      , "\n" ]
                   "BinaryOpUGen" ->
                      "  " <> show (specialIToBiOp (_uGenSpec_specialIndex ug)) <> "\n"

                   _ -> ""
   showInputSpec :: InputSpec -> String
   showInputSpec (InputSpec_Constant constantIndex) = mconcat [
       "Constant: "
      ,show $ (_synthDefConstants synthDef) !! fromEnum constantIndex
      ," (index ", show constantIndex, ")"
   showInputSpec (InputSpec_UGen ugNum ugOut) =
      "UGOut: "<>show (ugNum, ugOut)
--   showInputSpec x = show x