-- | Non-realtime synthesis. Create a sound file from the same instructions -- you use to perform live! -- -- **Note** we don't currently support redefining Synthdefs midway -- e.g. -- you can't explicitly define a SynthDef "foo" (with 'defineSD'), then make a -- synth from it, then explicitly define it again with a new definition, and -- then make a new synth with the new definition {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns , FlexibleInstances , InstanceSigs , LambdaCase , TypeSynonymInstances , NoIncoherentInstances , NoMonomorphismRestriction , NoUndecidableInstances #-} module Vivid.Actions.NRT ( NRT -- (..) -- ^ May not be exported in the future , writeNRT , writeNRTScore , encodeNRTScore , runNRT , writeNRTWith , NRTArgs(..) , defaultNRTArgs ) where import qualified Vivid.SC.Server.Commands as SCCmd import Vivid.Actions.Class import Vivid.OSC import Vivid.OSC.Bundles (encodeOSCBundles) import Vivid.SCServer -- import Vivid.SCServer.State import Vivid.SynthDef (sdToLiteral) import Vivid.SynthDef.Types import Control.Applicative -- import Control.Arrow (first, second) import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State (get, modify, execStateT, StateT, state) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (writeFile, hPut) import Data.Char (toLower) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as Set import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, getTemporaryDirectory) -- , removeFile) import System.Exit import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import System.IO (openBinaryTempFile, hClose) import System.Process (system) import Prelude data NRTState = NRTState { nrtState_now :: Timestamp -- We keep track of the maximum timestamp so that the generated audio file -- doesn't cut off before a final 'wait' finishes: , nrtState_maxTime :: Maximum Timestamp , nrtState_messages :: Map Timestamp [Either ByteString OSC] , nrtState_bufferIds :: [BufferId] , nrtState_nodeIds :: [NodeId] , nrtState_syncIds :: [SyncId] } type NRT = StateT NRTState IO callMessage :: Either ByteString OSC -> NRT () callMessage msg = do now <- getTime -- Writing it this way so that we can be crystal-clear that it's going on -- the end of the list (future: use dlist for efficiency): modify $ \ns -> ns { nrtState_messages = case Map.lookup now $ nrtState_messages ns of Nothing -> Map.insert now [msg] $ nrtState_messages ns Just msgs -> Map.insert now (msgs ++ [msg]) $ nrtState_messages ns } instance VividAction NRT where callOSC :: OSC -> NRT () callOSC = callMessage . Right callBS :: ByteString -> NRT () callBS = callMessage . Left sync :: NRT () sync = return () waitForSync :: SyncId -> NRT () waitForSync _ = return () wait :: Real n => n -> NRT () wait t = modify $ \ns -> let newT = nrtState_now ns `addSecs` realToFrac t in ns { nrtState_now = newT , nrtState_maxTime = Maximum newT `max` (nrtState_maxTime ns) } getTime :: NRT Timestamp getTime = nrtState_now <$> get newBufferId :: NRT BufferId newBufferId = state $ \ns -> let (x:xs) = nrtState_bufferIds ns in (x, ns { nrtState_bufferIds = xs}) newNodeId :: NRT NodeId newNodeId = state $ \ns -> let (x:xs) = nrtState_nodeIds ns in (x, ns { nrtState_nodeIds = xs}) newSyncId :: NRT SyncId newSyncId = state $ \ns -> let (x:xs) = nrtState_syncIds ns in (x, ns { nrtState_syncIds = xs}) fork :: NRT () -> NRT () fork action = do NRTState{nrtState_now=timeOfFork, nrtState_maxTime = oldMaxTime} <- get action modify $ \ns -> ns { nrtState_now = timeOfFork -- this 'max' probably isn't necessary: , nrtState_maxTime = (nrtState_maxTime ns) `max` oldMaxTime :: Maximum Timestamp } defineSD :: SynthDef a -> NRT () defineSD synthDef = do modify $ \ns -> ns { nrtState_messages = let cmd = [ Right $ SCCmd.d_recv [sdToLiteral synthDef] Nothing ] in Map.insertWith mappendIfNeeded (Timestamp 0) cmd (nrtState_messages ns) } where mappendIfNeeded :: (Ord a) {- , Monoid m)-} => [a] -> [a] -> [a] mappendIfNeeded maybeSubset maybeSuperset = if Set.fromList maybeSubset `Set.isSubsetOf` Set.fromList maybeSuperset then maybeSuperset else maybeSubset <> maybeSuperset -- This way we can be positive that it's going to the end of the list: _addAtTime :: Timestamp -> Either ByteString OSC -> Map Timestamp [Either ByteString OSC] -> Map Timestamp [Either ByteString OSC] _addAtTime t msg m = -- Separating lookup and insert is just being extra careful that the message -- goes on the end: -- (Why do you want that? - Well, one example is if you read a buffer in -- at time 0 and then immediately play it. You want to read it *before* -- you play it :) ) Map.insert t v m where v :: [Either ByteString OSC] v = case Map.lookup t m of Nothing -> [msg] Just l -> l ++ [msg] -- Could use a dlist here to snoc runNRT :: NRT a -> IO [OSCBundle] runNRT action = do result <- execStateT action startingNRTState let Maximum maxTSeen = nrtState_maxTime result protoBundles_woLast :: Map Timestamp [Either ByteString OSC] protoBundles_woLast = nrtState_messages result protoBundles = Map.insertWith (<>) maxTSeen [] protoBundles_woLast return [ OSCBundle t as | (t, as) <- Map.toAscList protoBundles ] startingNRTState :: NRTState startingNRTState = NRTState { nrtState_now = Timestamp 0 , nrtState_maxTime = Maximum (Timestamp 0) , nrtState_messages = Map.empty , nrtState_bufferIds = map BufferId [0..] , nrtState_nodeIds = map NodeId [2..] -- TODO: make sure this is good , nrtState_syncIds = map SyncId [0..] } encodeNRTScore :: NRT x -> IO ByteString encodeNRTScore action = encodeOSCBundles <$> runNRT action -- | Generate a file of actions that SC can use to do NRT with. -- -- __If you just want the .aiff file, you probably want 'writeNRT' instead.__ -- -- Usage: this will create a file at "/tmp/NRTout.aiff" with your @sound :: NRT a@: -- -- > writeNRT "/tmp/foo.osc" test -- > scsynth -N /tmp/foo.osc _ /tmp/NRTout.aiff 44100 AIFF int16 writeNRTScore :: FilePath -> NRT a -> IO () writeNRTScore path action = BS.writeFile path =<< encodeNRTScore action -- | Generate an audio file from an NRT action -- this can write songs far faster -- than it would take to play them. -- -- This uses 'defaultNRTArgs' for its sample rate, number of channels, etc. -- If you want to use args other than the default, use 'writeNRTWith'. -- -- The file type is detected from its extension. -- The extensions supported at the moment are .aif, .aiff, and .wav -- -- (macOS users will need to make sure 'scsynth' is in their $PATH) -- -- (And I apologize, but I really don't know what Windows users will need to do) -- -- Currently doesn't work with single quotes in the filename writeNRT :: FilePath -> NRT a -> IO () writeNRT = writeNRTWith defaultNRTArgs writeNRTWith :: NRTArgs -> FilePath -> NRT a -> IO () writeNRTWith nrtArgs fPath nrtActions = do when ('\'' `elem` fPath) $ error "Didnt have time to implement filepaths with single quotes" contents <- encodeOSCBundles <$> runNRT nrtActions -- ${SHELL} -- Does this work on Windows?: system "/bin/sh -c 'which scsynth > /dev/null'" >>= \case ExitSuccess -> return () ExitFailure _ -> error "No 'scsynth' found! Be sure to put it in your $PATH" let !fileType = case Map.lookup (map toLower $ takeExtension fPath) extensionMap of Just x -> x Nothing -> error $ "The only file extensions we currently understand are: " ++ show (Map.keys extensionMap) extensionMap = Map.fromList [ (".aif", "AIFF") , (".aiff", "AIFF") , (".wav", "WAV") , (".flac", "FLAC") , (".raw", "raw") -- todo: these formats seem not to work. -- Try it on more-recent versions of SC: -- , (".ogg", "VORBIS") ] tempDir <- canonicalizePath =<< getTemporaryDirectory tempFile <- bracket (openBinaryTempFile tempDir "vivid_nrt_.osc") (\(_, tempFileHandle) -> hClose tempFileHandle) (\(tempFile, tempFileHandle) -> do BS.hPut tempFileHandle $ contents pure tempFile) ExitSuccess <- system $ mconcat [ -- ${SHELL} "/bin/sh -c " , " \"" -- Note these beginning and ending quotes , " scsynth" , " -o ", show $ _nrtArgs_numChans nrtArgs , " -N " , tempFile , " _ '", fPath, "' " , show $ _nrtArgs_sampleRate nrtArgs," ", fileType, " int16 " , " \"" ] -- TODO: I'm a little skittish about turning this on: -- removeFile tempFile pure () data NRTArgs = NRTArgs { _nrtArgs_sampleRate :: Int ,_nrtArgs_numChans :: Int } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) defaultNRTArgs :: NRTArgs defaultNRTArgs = NRTArgs { _nrtArgs_sampleRate = 48000 ,_nrtArgs_numChans = 2 } -- Given an explicit type and tag so we don't accidentally get the wrong element out of the tuple anywhere: newtype Maximum a = Maximum a instance (Eq a, Ord a) => Ord (Maximum a) where compare (Maximum a) (Maximum b) = compare a b Maximum a <= Maximum b = a <= b Maximum a < Maximum b = a < b Maximum a > Maximum b = a > b Maximum a >= Maximum b = a >= b max (Maximum a) (Maximum b) = Maximum $ max a b min (Maximum a) (Maximum b) = Maximum $ min a b instance Eq a => Eq (Maximum a) where Maximum a == Maximum b = a == b