vivid- Sound synthesis with SuperCollider
Safe HaskellNone




apf :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "radius"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

bpf :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "rq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

Band-pass filter

Rq: bandwidth / cutofffreq

bpz2 :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

brf :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "rq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

brz2 :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

decay :: Args '["in"] '["decaySecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

decay2 :: Args '["in"] '["attackSecs", "decaySecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

fos :: Args '["in"] '["a0", "a1", "b1"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

formlet :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "attackSecs", "decaySecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

hpf :: Args '["in"] '["freq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

High-pass filter

hpz1 :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

hpz2 :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

integrator :: Args '["in"] '["coef"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

klank :: (Args '["in"] '["freqScale", "freqOffset", "decayScale"] a, ToSig freq (SDBodyArgs a), ToSig amp (SDBodyArgs a), ToSig ring (SDBodyArgs a)) => a -> [(freq, amp, ring)] -> SDBody a Signal Source #

"Klank is a bank of fixed frequency resonators which can be used to simulate the resonant modes of an object. Each mode is given a ring time, which is the time for the mode to decay by 60 dB"

The in_ argument is "the excitation input to the resonant filter bank"

Each tuple in the list argument is a triple of frequency, amplitude, and ring time

Can only run in AR

lag :: Args '["in"] '["lagSecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

The "lagSecs" arg is the same as the "lagTime" arg in SC (you can use lagTime_ if you like)

The calculation rate of this is whatever its "in" is (cool, right?)

lag2 :: Args '["in"] '["lagSecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

'lag2 (in_ x)' is equal to 'lag (in_ (lag (in_ x)))'

The calculation rate of this is whatever its "in" is

lag3 :: Args '["in"] '["lagSecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

'lag3 (in_ x)' is equal to 'lag (in_ $ lag (in_ $ lag (in_ x)))'

The calculation rate of this is whatever its "in" is

leakDC :: Args '["in"] '["coef"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

Note the default for both AR and KR are the same: 0.995. In SC lang, the KR one defaults to 0.9.

lpf :: Args '["in"] '["freq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

Low-pass filter

lpz1 :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

lpz2 :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

midEQ :: Args '["in", "freq", "db"] '["rq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

Db is the boost or attenuation of the signal in decibels

onePole :: Args '["in"] '["coef"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

oneZero :: Args '["in"] '["coef"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

rhpf :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "rq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

rlpf :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "rq"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

ramp :: Args '["in"] '["lagSecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

resonz :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "bwr"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

ringz :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "decaySecs"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

sos :: Args '["in"] '["a0", "a1", "a2", "b1", "b2"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

slope :: Args '["in"] '[] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

twoPole :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "radius"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #

twoZero :: Args '["in"] '["freq", "radius"] a => a -> SDBody a Signal Source #