-- | Internal. Just use "Vivid.SynthDef" {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds , KindSignatures , OverloadedStrings , TypeFamilies, NoMonoLocalBinds #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, NoMonoLocalBinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoIncoherentInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoUndecidableInstances #-} -- TODO: rename so module Vivid.SynthDef.Types ( Signal(..) , SynthDef(..) , SDName(..) , SDBody' , zoomSDBody , zoomSynthDef , UGen(..) , UGenName(..) , module Vivid.SynthDef.TypesafeArgs ) where import Vivid.SC.SynthDef.Types (CalculationRate(..), UnaryOp(..), BinaryOp(..)) import Vivid.SynthDef.TypesafeArgs -- (VarSet(..), Subset, Parameter) import Control.Monad.State (State, get, runState, put) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) -- import Data.Hashable import Data.Int (Int32) -- import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) -- import Data.Monoid import GHC.TypeLits import Prelude data Signal = Constant Float | Param ByteString | UGOut Int Int32 -- the name of the ugen, and its output # deriving (Show, Eq) -- instance Hashable Signal -- | Internal representation of Synth Definitions. Usually, use 'Vivid.SynthDef.sd' instead of -- making these by hand. -- -- This representation (especially '_sdUGens') might change in the future. data SynthDef (args :: [Symbol]) = SynthDef { _sdName :: SDName ,_sdParams :: [(ByteString, Float)] ,_sdUGens :: Map Int UGen -- ignoring variants } deriving (Show, Eq) data SDName = SDName_Named ByteString | SDName_Hash deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Ord) -- instance Hashable SDName -- | Representation of Unit Generators. You usually won't be creating these -- by hand, but instead using things from the library in 'Vivid.UGens' data UGen = UGen { _ugenName :: UGenName ,_ugenCalculationRate :: CalculationRate ,_ugenIns :: [Signal] -- The calculation rates of each of the outputs are always the same as the -- ugen's calculation rate, so we don't need to represent them: ,_ugenNumOuts :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq) -- instance Hashable UGen data UGenName = UGName_S ByteString | UGName_U UnaryOp | UGName_B BinaryOp deriving (Show, Eq) -- instance Hashable UGenName -- | State monad to construct SynthDefs -- -- The SynthDef is an under-construction synth definition -- The [Int] is the id supply. Its type definitely could change in the future type SDBody' (args :: [Symbol]) = State ([Int], SynthDef args, VarSet args) zoomSynthDef :: (Subset a b) => SynthDef a -> SynthDef b zoomSynthDef (SynthDef a b c) = SynthDef a b c -- | Given -- -- > good0 :: SDBody '["2"] () -- > good0 = return () -- -- > good1 :: SDBody '["3","1","3","1"] () -- > good1 = return () -- -- > bad0 :: SDBody '["bwahaha"] () -- > bad0 = return () -- -- > outer :: SDBody '[ "1", "2", "3"]() -- > outer = do -- > zoomSDBody good0 -- works -- > zoomSDBody good1 -- works -- > -- zoomSDBody bad0 -- doesn't work - great! zoomSDBody :: (Subset inner outer) => SDBody' inner a -> SDBody' outer a zoomSDBody x = do (initA,initB,_) <- get -- We call this "cheat" cause it actually goes from outer -- to inner -- it's only safe cause we already restricted -- the input to this outer function ('zoomSDBody'): let cheatSD :: SynthDef a -> SynthDef b cheatSD (SynthDef a b c) = SynthDef a b c let (val,(a,b,_)) = runState x (initA, cheatSD initB,VarSet) put (a, zoomSynthDef b, VarSet) return val