Name: vte Version: 0.11.1 License: LGPL-2.1 License-file: COPYING Copyright: (c) 2001-2010 The Gtk2Hs Team Author: Andy Stewart, Axel Simon Maintainer: Build-Type: Custom Cabal-Version: >= 1.6.0 Stability: provisional homepage: bug-reports: Synopsis: Binding to the VTE library. Description: The VTE library inserts terminal capability strings into a trie, and then uses it to determine if data received from a pseudo-terminal is a control sequence or just random data. The sample program "interpret" illustrates more or less what the widget sees after it filters incoming data. Category: Graphics Tested-With: GHC == 6.12.1 Extra-Source-Files: Graphics/UI/Gtk/Vte/VteCharAttrFields.h Gtk2HsSetup.hs marshal.list hierarchy.list Data-Dir: demo Data-Files: Vte.hs Makefile x-Types-File: Graphics/UI/Gtk/Vte/Types.chs x-Types-Tag: vte x-Types-ModName: Graphics.UI.Gtk.Vte.Types x-Types-Forward: *Graphics.UI.GtkInternals x-Types-Destructor: objectUnrefFromMainloop x-Types-Hierarchy: hierarchy.list Source-Repository head type: darcs location: Library build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, array, containers, haskell98, mtl, glib >= 0.11 && < 0.12, pango >= 0.11 && < 0.12, gtk >= 0.11 && < 0.12 build-tools: gtk2hsC2hs, gtk2hsHookGenerator, gtk2hsTypeGen exposed-modules: Graphics.UI.Gtk.Vte.Vte other-modules: Graphics.UI.Gtk.Vte.Structs Graphics.UI.Gtk.Vte.Types Graphics.UI.Gtk.Vte.Signals extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface c-sources: Graphics/UI/Gtk/Vte/VteCharAttrFields.c x-Signals-File: Graphics/UI/Gtk/Vte/Signals.chs x-Signals-Modname: Graphics.UI.Gtk.Vte.Signals x-Signals-Types: marshal.list x-Signals-Import: Graphics.UI.GtkInternals x-c2hs-Header: vte/vte.h include-dirs: Graphics/UI/Gtk/Vte/ pkgconfig-depends: vte >= 0.20.5