{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, BangPatterns #-}
{-# CFILES gwinsz.c #-}

-- Good sources of documentation for terminal programming are:
-- vt100 control sequences: http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html#S3.3.3
-- Xterm control sequences: http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html

module Graphics.Vty ( Vty(..)
                    , beep
                    , mkVty
                    , mkVtyEscDelay
                    , module Graphics.Vty.Types
                    , Key(..)
                    , Modifier(..)
                    , Button(..)
                    , Event(..)

import Control.Concurrent

import Graphics.Vty.Types 
import qualified Graphics.Vty.Types as T(Color(..), Attr(..), Image(..), fillSeg)
import Graphics.Vty.Cursor
import Graphics.Vty.LLInput
import Graphics.Vty.Output

import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Error
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Ptr

import System.Console.Terminfo

-- |The main object.  At most one should be created.
data Vty = Vty { -- |Update the screen to reflect the contents of a 'Picture'.
                 -- This is not currently threadsafe.
                 update :: Picture -> IO (),
                 -- |Get one Event object, blocking if necessary.
                 getEvent :: IO Event,
                 -- |Get the size of the display.
                 getSize :: IO (Int,Int),
                 -- |Refresh the display. Normally the library takes care of refreshing. 
                 -- Nonetheless, some other program might output to the terminal and mess the display.
                 -- In that case the user might want to force a refresh.
                 refresh :: IO (),
                 -- |Clean up after vty.
                 shutdown :: IO () 

-- |Set up the state object for using vty.  At most one state object should be
-- created at a time.
mkVty :: IO Vty
mkVty = mkVtyEscDelay 0

mkVtyEscDelay :: Int -> IO Vty
mkVtyEscDelay escDelay = do 
    terminal <- setupTermFromEnv 
    (tstate, endo) <- initTermOutput terminal
    (kvar, endi) <- initTermInput escDelay terminal
    state <- newMVar =<< fmap ((,,,) tstate (-1) (-1)) (mallocArray 2)
    intMkVty kvar (endi >> endo) state

intMkVty :: IO Event -> IO () -> MVar (TermState, Int, Int, Ptr Int) -> IO Vty
intMkVty kvar fend rstate = 
    return $ Vty { update = update' 
                 , getEvent = gkey
                 , getSize = ulift getwinsize
                 , refresh = refr
                 , shutdown = fend 
        ulift :: (TermState -> IO (a, TermState)) -> IO a
        ulift f = modifyMVar rstate (\(v,a,b,c) -> fmap (\(x,y) -> ((y,a,b,c),x)) (f v))

        update' (Pic nc (T.Image wr w h)) = modifyMVar_ rstate $ \(ts0, fbw, fbh, oldptr) -> do
            (shd,ts1) <- case (fbw,fbh) == (w,h) of
                          True  -> return (oldptr,ts0)
                          False -> do new <- throwIfNull "clrscr realloc" $ reallocArray oldptr (w * h * 2)
                                      T.fillSeg attr ' ' new (new `advancePtr` (w * h * 2))
                                      fmap ((,) new) (clrscr ts0)
            fb <- throwIfNull "update alloc" $ mallocArray (w * h * 2)
            wr (w * 2 * sizeOf (undefined :: Int)) fb
            ts2 <- diffs w h shd fb ts1
            ts3 <- case nc of 
                    NoCursor   -> setCursorInvis ts2
                    Cursor x y -> move w x y ts2 >>= setCursorVis
            ts4 <- flush ts3
            free shd
            return (ts4, w, h, fb)

        -- just refresh
        refr = modifyMVar_ rstate $ \(ts0,_,_,p) -> 
            fmap (\(_,ts1) -> (ts1,(-1),(-1),p)) (getwinsize ts0)

        -- refresh and return a state event
        inval = modifyMVar rstate $ \(ts0,_,_,p) -> 
            fmap (\((x,y),ts1) -> ((ts1,(-1),(-1),p),EvResize x y)) (getwinsize ts0)

        gkey = do k <- kvar
                  case k of 
                    (EvResize _ _)  -> inval
                    _               -> return k

{- |Given the width and height of a text region along with the old text for the region and the new
 - text for the region this only outputs the changes between the two regions to the terminal.
 - TODO: This needs to be updated to account for issue #10. 
diffs :: Int -> Int -> Ptr Int -> Ptr Int -> TermState -> IO TermState
diffs !w !h !old !new !state = diffs' 0 0 old new state
        diffs' :: Int -> Int -> Ptr Int -> Ptr Int -> TermState -> IO TermState
        diffs' !x !y !olp !nwp !stat
            | y == h = return stat
            | x == w = diffs' 0 (y+1) olp nwp stat
            | otherwise = do ola <- peek olp
                             nwa <- peek nwp
                             olc <- peekElemOff olp 1
                             nwc <- peekElemOff nwp 1
                             stat' <- case (ola /= nwa || olc /= nwc) of
                                          False -> return stat
                                          True  -> mvputch w x y (toEnum nwc) (Attr nwa) stat
                             diffs' (x+1) y (olp `advancePtr` 2) (nwp `advancePtr` 2) stat'