module Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo where

import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import qualified Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo.ANSIVT as ANSIVT

import Control.Arrow
import System.Console.Terminfo

-- | queries the terminal for all capability based input sequences then adds on a terminal dependent
-- input sequence mapping.
-- For reference see:
-- *
-- * vim74/src/term.c
-- *
-- *
-- This is painful. Terminfo is incomplete. The vim source implies that terminfo is also incorrect.
-- Vty assumes that the an internal terminfo table added to the system provided terminfo table is
-- correct.
-- 1. build terminfo table for all caps. Missing caps are not added.
-- 2. add tables for visible chars, esc, del plus ctrl and meta
-- 3. add internally defined table for given terminal type.
-- Precedence is currently implicit in the 'compile' algorithm. Which is a bit odd.
-- \todo terminfo meta is not supported.
-- \todo no 8bit
classifyMapForTerm :: String -> Terminal -> ClassifyMap
classifyMapForTerm termName term =
    concat $ capsClassifyMap term keysFromCapsTable
           : universalTable
           : termSpecificTables termName

-- | key table applicable to all terminals.
-- TODO: some probably only applicable to ANSI/VT100 terminals.
universalTable :: ClassifyMap
universalTable = concat [visibleChars, ctrlChars, ctrlMetaChars, specialSupportKeys]

capsClassifyMap :: Terminal -> [(String,Event)] -> ClassifyMap
capsClassifyMap terminal table = [(x,y) | (Just x,y) <- map extractCap table]
    where extractCap = first (getCapability terminal . tiGetStr)

-- | tables specific to a given terminal that are not derivable from terminfo.
-- TODO: Adds the ANSI/VT100/VT50 tables regardless of term identifier.
termSpecificTables :: String -> [ClassifyMap]
termSpecificTables _termName = ANSIVT.classifyTable

-- | Visible characters in the ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 common set.
-- we limit to < 0xC1. The UTF8 sequence detector will catch all values 0xC2 and above before this
-- classify table is reached.
-- TODO: resolve
-- 1. start at ' '. The earlier characters are all 'ctrlChar'
visibleChars :: ClassifyMap
visibleChars = [ ([x], EvKey (KChar x) [])
               | x <- [' ' .. toEnum 0xC1]

-- | Non visible characters in the ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 common set translated to ctrl + char.
-- \todo resolve CTRL-i is the same as tab
ctrlChars :: ClassifyMap
ctrlChars =
    [ ([toEnum x],EvKey (KChar y) [MCtrl])
    | (x,y) <- zip ([0..31]) ('@':['a'..'z']++['['..'_'])
    , y /= 'i'  -- Resolve issue #3 where CTRL-i hides TAB.
    , y /= 'h'  -- CTRL-h should not hide BS

-- | Ctrl+Meta+Char
ctrlMetaChars :: ClassifyMap
ctrlMetaChars = map (\(s,EvKey c m) -> ('\ESC':s, EvKey c (MMeta:m))) ctrlChars

-- | esc, meta esc, delete, meta delete, enter, meta enter
specialSupportKeys :: ClassifyMap
specialSupportKeys =
    [ -- special support for ESC
      ("\ESC",EvKey KEsc []), ("\ESC\ESC",EvKey KEsc [MMeta])
    -- Special support for backspace
    , ("\DEL",EvKey KBS []), ("\ESC\DEL",EvKey KBS [MMeta])
    -- Special support for Enter
    , ("\ESC\^J",EvKey KEnter [MMeta]), ("\^J",EvKey KEnter [])
    -- explicit support for tab
    , ("\t", EvKey (KChar '\t') [])

-- | classify table directly generated from terminfo cap strings
-- these are:
-- * ka1 - keypad up-left
-- * ka3 - keypad up-right
-- * kb2 - keypad center
-- * kbs - keypad backspace
-- * kbeg - begin
-- * kcbt - back tab
-- * kc1 - keypad left-down
-- * kc3 - keypad right-down
-- * kdch1 - delete
-- * kcud1 - down
-- * kend - end
-- * kent - enter
-- * kf0 - kf63 - function keys
-- * khome - KHome
-- * kich1 - insert
-- * kcub1 - left
-- * knp - next page (page down)
-- * kpp - previous page (page up)
-- * kcuf1 - right
-- * kDC - shift delete
-- * kEND - shift end
-- * kHOM - shift home
-- * kIC - shift insert
-- * kLFT - shift left
-- * kRIT - shift right
-- * kcuu1 - up
keysFromCapsTable :: ClassifyMap
keysFromCapsTable =
    [ ("ka1",   EvKey KUpLeft    [])
    , ("ka3",   EvKey KUpRight   [])
    , ("kb2",   EvKey KCenter    [])
    , ("kbs",   EvKey KBS        [])
    , ("kbeg",  EvKey KBegin     [])
    , ("kcbt",  EvKey KBackTab   [])
    , ("kc1",   EvKey KDownLeft  [])
    , ("kc3",   EvKey KDownRight [])
    , ("kdch1", EvKey KDel       [])
    , ("kcud1", EvKey KDown      [])
    , ("kend",  EvKey KEnd       [])
    , ("kent",  EvKey KEnter     [])
    , ("khome", EvKey KHome      [])
    , ("kich1", EvKey KIns       [])
    , ("kcub1", EvKey KLeft      [])
    , ("knp",   EvKey KPageDown  [])
    , ("kpp",   EvKey KPageUp    [])
    , ("kcuf1", EvKey KRight     [])
    , ("kDC",   EvKey KDel       [MShift])
    , ("kEND",  EvKey KEnd       [MShift])
    , ("kHOM",  EvKey KHome      [MShift])
    , ("kIC",   EvKey KIns       [MShift])
    , ("kLFT",  EvKey KLeft      [MShift])
    , ("kRIT",  EvKey KRight     [MShift])
    , ("kcuu1", EvKey KUp        [])
    ] ++ functionKeyCapsTable

-- | cap names for function keys
functionKeyCapsTable :: ClassifyMap
functionKeyCapsTable = flip map [0..63] $ \n -> ("kf" ++ show n, EvKey (KFun n) [])