[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jtdaugherty/vty.png)](https://travis-ci.org/jtdaugherty/vty) `vty` is a terminal interface library. It provides a high-level interface for doing terminal I/O. Vty is supported on GHC versions 7.10.1 and up. Install via `git` with: ``` git clone git://github.com/coreyoconnor/vty.git ``` Install via `cabal` with: ``` cabal install vty ``` # Features * Supports a large number of terminals. vt100, ansi, hurd, linux, screen, etc., or anything with a sufficient terminfo entry. * Automatic handling of window resizes. * Unicode output on terminals with UTF-8 support. * Handles multi-column glyphs. (Requires user to properly configure terminal.) * Efficient output. Output buffering and terminal state changes are minimized. * Minimizes repaint area, which virtually eliminates the flicker problems that plague ncurses programs. * A pure, compositional interface for efficiently constructing display images. * Automatically decodes keyboard keys into (key,[modifier]) tuples. * Automatically supports refresh on Ctrl-L. * Supports a keypress timeout after for lone ESC. The timeout is customizable. * The interface is designed for easy extension. * Supports ANSI graphics modes (SGR as defined in `console_codes(4)`) with a type-safe interface and graceful fallback for terminals with limited or nonexistent support for such modes. * Properly handles cleanup (but not due to signals). * Provides a comprehensive test suite. * Supports "normal" and "extended" (SGR) mouse modes as described at http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h2-Mouse-Tracking * Supports bracketed paste mode as described at http://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste # Platform Support ## Posix Terminals Uses terminfo to determine terminal protocol. With some special rules to handle some omissions from terminfo. ## Windows Unsupported (but contributions and testing here are very welcome!) # Contributing If you decide to contribute, that's great! Here are some guidelines you should consider to make submitting patches easier for all concerned: - If you want to take on big things, talk to me first; let's have a design/vision discussion before you start coding. Create a GitHub issue and we can use that as the place to hash things out. - If you make changes, make them consistent with the syntactic conventions already used in the codebase. - Please provide Haddock documentation for any changes you make. # Development Notes ## Under NixOS ### Using cabal After installing `ncurses` to the user environment: ~~~ LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/lib/ cabal configure --enable-tests --extra-lib-dirs=$HOME/.nix-profile/lib LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/lib/ cabal build LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/lib/ cabal test ~~~ ## Code Coverage As of last testing, profiling causes issues with coverage when enabled. To evaluate coverage, configure as follows: ~~~ rm -rf dist ; cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-library-coverage \ --disable-library-profiling \ --disable-executable-profiling ~~~ ## Profiling ~~~ rm -rf dist ; cabal configure --enable-tests --disable-library-coverage \ --enable-library-profiling \ --enable-executable-profiling ~~~ # Known Issues * Terminals have numerous quirks and bugs. Vty picks what works best for the author in ambiguous or buggy situations. * Signal handling of STOP, TERM and INT are nonexistent. * The character encoding of the terminal is assumed to be UTF-8 if unicode is used. * Terminfo is assumed to be correct unless there is an override configured. Some terminals will not have correct special key support (shifted F10 etc). See `Config` for customizing vty's behavior for a particular terminal. * Uses the `TIOCGWINSZ` ioctl to find the current window size, which appears to be limited to Linux and BSD. # Sources Good sources of documentation for terminal programming are: * https://github.com/b4winckler/vim/blob/master/src/term.c * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html * http://ulisse.elettra.trieste.it/services/doc/serial/config.html * http://www.leonerd.org.uk/hacks/hints/xterm-8bit.html * http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/termios-vmin-vtime.html * http://vt100.net/docs/vt100-ug/chapter3.html