{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields -O #-} module Data.Terminfo.Parse ( module Data.Terminfo.Parse , Text.Parsec.ParseError ) where import Control.Monad ( liftM ) import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Monoid import Data.Word import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vector import Numeric (showHex) import Text.Parsec data CapExpression = CapExpression { capOps :: !CapOps , capBytes :: !(Vector.Vector Word8) , sourceString :: !String , paramCount :: !Int , paramOps :: !ParamOps } deriving (Eq) instance Show CapExpression where show c = "CapExpression { " ++ show (capOps c) ++ " }" ++ " <- [" ++ hexDump ( map ( toEnum . fromEnum ) $! sourceString c ) ++ "]" ++ " <= " ++ show (sourceString c) where hexDump :: [Word8] -> String hexDump = foldr (\b s -> showHex b s) "" instance NFData CapExpression where rnf (CapExpression ops !_bytes !str !c !pOps) = rnf ops `seq` rnf str `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf pOps type CapParam = Word type CapOps = [CapOp] data CapOp = Bytes !Int !Int -- offset count | DecOut | CharOut -- This stores a 0-based index to the parameter. However the operation that implies this op is -- 1-based | PushParam !Word | PushValue !Word -- The conditional parts are the sequence of (%t expression, %e expression) pairs. -- The %e expression may be NOP | Conditional { conditionalExpr :: !CapOps , conditionalParts :: ![(CapOps, CapOps)] } | BitwiseOr | BitwiseXOr | BitwiseAnd | ArithPlus | ArithMinus | CompareEq | CompareLt | CompareGt deriving (Show, Eq) instance NFData CapOp where rnf (Bytes offset byteCount ) = rnf offset `seq` rnf byteCount rnf (PushParam pn) = rnf pn rnf (PushValue v) = rnf v rnf (Conditional cExpr cParts) = rnf cExpr `seq` rnf cParts rnf BitwiseOr = () rnf BitwiseXOr = () rnf BitwiseAnd = () rnf ArithPlus = () rnf ArithMinus = () rnf CompareEq = () rnf CompareLt = () rnf CompareGt = () rnf DecOut = () rnf CharOut = () type ParamOps = [ParamOp] data ParamOp = IncFirstTwo deriving (Show, Eq) instance NFData ParamOp where rnf IncFirstTwo = () parseCapExpression :: String -> Either ParseError CapExpression parseCapExpression capString = let v = runParser capExpressionParser initialBuildState "terminfo cap" capString in case v of Left e -> Left e Right buildResults -> Right $ constructCapExpression capString buildResults constructCapExpression :: [Char] -> BuildResults -> CapExpression constructCapExpression capString buildResults = let expr = CapExpression { capOps = outCapOps buildResults -- The cap bytes are the lower 8 bits of the input string's characters. -- \todo Verify the input string actually contains an 8bit byte per character. , capBytes = Vector.fromList $ map (toEnum.fromEnum) capString , sourceString = capString , paramCount = outParamCount buildResults , paramOps = outParamOps buildResults } in rnf expr `seq` expr type CapParser a = Parsec String BuildState a capExpressionParser :: CapParser BuildResults capExpressionParser = do rs <- many $ paramEscapeParser <|> bytesOpParser return $ mconcat rs paramEscapeParser :: CapParser BuildResults paramEscapeParser = do _ <- char '%' incOffset 1 literalPercentParser <|> paramOpParser literalPercentParser :: CapParser BuildResults literalPercentParser = do _ <- char '%' startOffset <- getState >>= return . nextOffset incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [Bytes startOffset 1] [] paramOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults paramOpParser = incrementOpParser <|> pushOpParser <|> decOutParser <|> charOutParser <|> conditionalOpParser <|> bitwiseOpParser <|> arithOpParser <|> literalIntOpParser <|> compareOpParser <|> charConstParser incrementOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults incrementOpParser = do _ <- char 'i' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [] [ IncFirstTwo ] pushOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults pushOpParser = do _ <- char 'p' paramN <- digit >>= return . (\d -> read [d]) incOffset 2 return $ BuildResults (fromEnum paramN) [PushParam $ paramN - 1] [] decOutParser :: CapParser BuildResults decOutParser = do _ <- char 'd' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ DecOut ] [] charOutParser :: CapParser BuildResults charOutParser = do _ <- char 'c' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ CharOut ] [] conditionalOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults conditionalOpParser = do _ <- char '?' incOffset 1 condPart <- manyExpr conditionalTrueParser parts <- manyP ( do truePart <- manyExpr $ choice [ try $ lookAhead conditionalEndParser , conditionalFalseParser ] falsePart <- manyExpr $ choice [ try $ lookAhead conditionalEndParser , conditionalTrueParser ] return ( truePart, falsePart ) ) conditionalEndParser let trueParts = map fst parts falseParts = map snd parts BuildResults n cond condParamOps = condPart let n' = maximum $ n : map outParamCount trueParts n'' = maximum $ n' : map outParamCount falseParts let trueOps = map outCapOps trueParts falseOps = map outCapOps falseParts condParts = zip trueOps falseOps let trueParamOps = mconcat $ map outParamOps trueParts falseParamOps = mconcat $ map outParamOps falseParts pOps = mconcat [condParamOps, trueParamOps, falseParamOps] return $ BuildResults n'' [ Conditional cond condParts ] pOps where manyP !p !end = choice [ try end >> return [] , do !v <- p !vs <- manyP p end return $! v : vs ] manyExpr end = liftM mconcat $ manyP ( paramEscapeParser <|> bytesOpParser ) end conditionalTrueParser :: CapParser () conditionalTrueParser = do _ <- string "%t" incOffset 2 conditionalFalseParser :: CapParser () conditionalFalseParser = do _ <- string "%e" incOffset 2 conditionalEndParser :: CapParser () conditionalEndParser = do _ <- string "%;" incOffset 2 bitwiseOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults bitwiseOpParser = bitwiseOrParser <|> bitwiseAndParser <|> bitwiseXorParser bitwiseOrParser :: CapParser BuildResults bitwiseOrParser = do _ <- char '|' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ BitwiseOr ] [ ] bitwiseAndParser :: CapParser BuildResults bitwiseAndParser = do _ <- char '&' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ BitwiseAnd ] [ ] bitwiseXorParser :: CapParser BuildResults bitwiseXorParser = do _ <- char '^' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ BitwiseXOr ] [ ] arithOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults arithOpParser = plusOp <|> minusOp where plusOp = do _ <- char '+' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ ArithPlus ] [ ] minusOp = do _ <- char '-' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ ArithMinus ] [ ] literalIntOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults literalIntOpParser = do _ <- char '{' incOffset 1 nStr <- many1 digit incOffset $ toEnum $ length nStr let n :: Word = read nStr _ <- char '}' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ PushValue n ] [ ] compareOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults compareOpParser = compareEqOp <|> compareLtOp <|> compareGtOp where compareEqOp = do _ <- char '=' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ CompareEq ] [ ] compareLtOp = do _ <- char '<' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ CompareLt ] [ ] compareGtOp = do _ <- char '>' incOffset 1 return $ BuildResults 0 [ CompareGt ] [ ] bytesOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults bytesOpParser = do bytes <- many1 $ satisfy (/= '%') startOffset <- getState >>= return . nextOffset let !c = length bytes !s <- getState let s' = s { nextOffset = startOffset + c } setState s' return $ BuildResults 0 [Bytes startOffset c] [] charConstParser :: CapParser BuildResults charConstParser = do _ <- char '\'' charValue <- liftM (toEnum . fromEnum) anyChar _ <- char '\'' incOffset 3 return $ BuildResults 0 [ PushValue charValue ] [ ] data BuildState = BuildState { nextOffset :: Int } incOffset :: Int -> CapParser () incOffset n = do s <- getState let s' = s { nextOffset = nextOffset s + n } setState s' initialBuildState :: BuildState initialBuildState = BuildState 0 data BuildResults = BuildResults { outParamCount :: !Int , outCapOps :: !CapOps , outParamOps :: !ParamOps } instance Monoid BuildResults where mempty = BuildResults 0 [] [] v0 `mappend` v1 = BuildResults { outParamCount = (outParamCount v0) `max` (outParamCount v1) , outCapOps = (outCapOps v0) `mappend` (outCapOps v1) , outParamOps = (outParamOps v0) `mappend` (outParamOps v1) }