-- |This module provides a ''progress bar'' widget which stores a
-- progress value between 0 and 100 inclusive and supports a text
-- label.  Use the 'schedule' function to modify the progress bar's
-- state from a thread.
module Graphics.Vty.Widgets.ProgressBar
    ( ProgressBar
    , newProgressBar
    , setProgress
    , setProgressTextAlignment
    , setProgressText
    , addProgress
    , getProgress
    , onProgressChange

import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Core
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Events
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Text
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Alignment
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.Util
import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.TextClip
import Text.Trans.Tokenize

data ProgressBar = ProgressBar { progressBarAmount :: Int
                               , onChangeHandlers :: Handlers Int
                               , progressBarText :: T.Text
                               , progressBarTextAlignment :: Alignment
                               , progCompleteAttr :: Attr
                               , progIncompleteAttr :: Attr
                               , progTextWidget :: Widget FormattedText

instance Show ProgressBar where
    show p = concat [ "ProgressBar { "
                    , ", " ++ (show $ progressBarAmount p)
                    , ", ... }"

-- |Create a new progress bar with the specified completed and
-- uncompleted attributes, respectively.  The foreground of the
-- attributes will be used to show the progress bar's label, if any.
newProgressBar :: Attr -> Attr -> IO (Widget ProgressBar)
newProgressBar completeAttr incompleteAttr = do
  chs <- newHandlers
  t <- plainText T.empty
  let initSt = ProgressBar 0 chs T.empty AlignCenter completeAttr incompleteAttr t
  wRef <- newWidget initSt $ \w ->
          w { growHorizontal_ = const $ return True
            , render_ =
                \this size ctx -> renderProgressBar size ctx =<< getState this
            , getCursorPosition_ = const $ return Nothing

  setProgress wRef 0
  return wRef

renderProgressBar :: DisplayRegion -> RenderContext -> ProgressBar -> IO Image
renderProgressBar size ctx st = do
  -- Divide the available width according to the progress value
  let prog = progressBarAmount st
      txt = progressBarText st
      al = progressBarTextAlignment st

      complete_width =
          Phys $ fromEnum $ (toRational prog / toRational (100.0 :: Double)) *
                   (toRational $ fromEnum $ regionWidth size)

      full_width = Phys $ fromEnum $ regionWidth size
      full_str = truncateText full_width $ mkStr txt al

      mkStr s AlignLeft =
          let diff = fromEnum $ full_width - textWidth txt
          in T.concat [ s
                      , T.pack $ replicate diff ' '

      mkStr s AlignRight =
          let diff = fromEnum $ full_width - textWidth txt
          in T.concat [ T.pack $ replicate diff ' '
                      , s

      mkStr s AlignCenter =
          T.concat [ half
                   , s
                   , half
                   , trailingSpc
            diff = fromEnum $ full_width - textWidth txt
            half = T.pack $ replicate (diff `div` 2) ' '
            used_width = textWidth half * 2 + textWidth txt
            trailingSpc =
                if used_width < full_width
                then T.singleton ' '
                else T.empty

      (leftPart, _, _) = clip1d 0 complete_width full_str
      charCount = T.length leftPart

      (complete_str, incomplete_str) = ( T.take charCount full_str
                                       , T.drop charCount full_str

  setTextWithAttrs (progTextWidget st)
                       [ (complete_str, progCompleteAttr st)
                       , (incomplete_str, progIncompleteAttr st)
  render (progTextWidget st) size ctx

-- |Register a handler to be invoked when the progress bar's progress
-- value changes.  The handler will be passed the new progress value.
onProgressChange :: Widget ProgressBar -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
onProgressChange = addHandler (onChangeHandlers <~~)

-- |Set the progress bar's progress value.  Values outside the allowed
-- range will be ignored.
setProgress :: Widget ProgressBar -> Int -> IO ()
setProgress p amt =
    when (amt >= 0 && amt <= 100) $ do
      updateWidgetState p $ \st -> st { progressBarAmount = amt }
      fireEvent p (onChangeHandlers <~~) amt

-- |Set the progress bar's text label alignment.
setProgressTextAlignment :: Widget ProgressBar -> Alignment -> IO ()
setProgressTextAlignment p al =
    updateWidgetState p $ \st -> st { progressBarTextAlignment = al }

-- |Set the progress bar's text label.
setProgressText :: Widget ProgressBar -> T.Text -> IO ()
setProgressText p s =
    updateWidgetState p $ \st -> st { progressBarText = s }

-- |Get the progress bar's current progress value.
getProgress :: Widget ProgressBar -> IO Int
getProgress = (progressBarAmount <~~)

-- |Add a delta value to the progress bar's current value.
addProgress :: Widget ProgressBar -> Int -> IO ()
addProgress p amt = do
  cur <- getProgress p
  let newAmt = cur + amt
  when (newAmt >= 0 && newAmt <= 100) $
       setProgress p newAmt