module Vulkan.Internal.Utils ( enumReadPrec , enumShowsPrec ) where import Data.Foldable import GHC.Read ( expectP ) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP ( skipSpaces , string ) import Text.Read -- | The common bits of enumeration and bitmask read instances enumReadPrec :: Read i => String -- ^ The common constructor prefix -> [(a, String)] -- ^ The table of values to constructor suffixes -> String -- ^ The newtype constructor name -> (i -> a) -- ^ The newtype constructor -> ReadPrec a enumReadPrec prefix table conName con = parens ( lift (do skipSpaces _ <- string prefix asum ((\(e, s) -> e <$ string s) <$> table) ) +++ prec 10 (do expectP (Ident conName) v <- step readPrec pure (con v) ) ) -- | The common bits of enumeration and bitmask show instances enumShowsPrec :: Eq a => String -- ^ The common constructor prefix -> [(a, String)] -- ^ A table of values to constructor suffixes -> String -- ^ The newtype constructor name -> (a -> i) -- ^ Unpack the newtype -> (i -> ShowS) -- ^ Show the underlying value -> Int -> a -> ShowS enumShowsPrec prefix table conName getInternal showsInternal p e = case lookup e table of Just s -> showString prefix . showString s Nothing -> let x = getInternal e in showParen (p >= 11) (showString conName . showString " " . showsInternal x)