# Revision history for waargonaut ## -- 2018-11-19 * Redesign & rebuild of `Encoder` internals to allow for greater control and flexibility * Factor our law tests into their own module (a recheck of these tests is needed) * Fixed bug in `list` and `nonempty` decoders * Fixed bug in `foldCursor` function * Fixed bug in `Cons` instance for `CommaSep` * Fixed bug in documentation for `atKey` * Added `_MapLikeObj` `Prism` * Added some optics into object / maplikeobj keys * Fixed bug in `maybeOrNull` decoder to be more strict in what it accepts * Rewrote `either` decoder in terms of the alternative instance to allow for better errors ## -- 2018-11-14 * Change to use the `natural` package for `Natural` numbers. ## -- 2018-11-13 * Add `MonadError` and `Alt` instance for `Decoder` * Add property tests for the typeclass laws for `Encoder` and `Decoder` * Removed need for `MonadError` constraint on `prismDOrFail` ## -- 2018-11-12 * Fix `Applicative` instance for `Decoder`. ## -- 2018-11-07 * Update `moveToKey` to record a successful movement to a key, before continuing ## -- 2018-11-06 * Provide more precise errors from Decoder for missing or invalid keys * Removed a parameter from `KeyDecodeFailed` error constructor * Fix issue where printing the zipper movements had left and right movement arrows swapped. ## -- 2018-11-01 * First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.