Name: wai-app-file-cgi Version: 3.1.7 Author: Kazu Yamamoto Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Synopsis: File/CGI/Rev Proxy App of WAI Description: This WAI application library handles static files, executes CGI scripts, and serves as a reverse proxy (including EventSource). Homepage: Category: Web, Yesod Cabal-Version: >= 1.10 Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: test/cgi-bin/broken test/cgi-bin/echo-env test/data/post test/html/index.html test/html/ja/index.html.ja test/html/no_extension test/html/redirect/index.html Library Default-Language: Haskell2010 GHC-Options: -Wall Exposed-Modules: Network.Wai.Application.Classic Other-Modules: Network.Wai.Application.Classic.CGI Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Conduit Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Def Network.Wai.Application.Classic.EventSource Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Field Network.Wai.Application.Classic.File Network.Wai.Application.Classic.FileInfo Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Header Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Lang Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Path Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Redirect Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Status Network.Wai.Application.Classic.Types Network.Wai.Application.Classic.RevProxy Build-Depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5 , array , attoparsec >= , attoparsec-conduit , bytestring , case-insensitive , conduit >= 1.1 , conduit-extra , containers , data-default-class , directory , filepath , http-client >= 0.5 , http-conduit >= 2.1 , http-date , http-types >= 0.7 , mime-types , network , process , sockaddr , static-hash , text , transformers , unix , wai >= 3.2 && < 3.3 , wai-conduit , warp >= 3.2.21 && < 3.3 , word8 Test-Suite doctest Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Default-Language: Haskell2010 HS-Source-Dirs: test Ghc-Options: -threaded -Wall Main-Is: doctests.hs Build-Depends: base , doctest >= 0.9.3 Test-Suite spec Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Default-Language: Haskell2010 HS-Source-Dirs: test Ghc-Options: -threaded -Wall Main-Is: Spec.hs Other-Modules: ClassicSpec Build-Depends: base , bytestring , conduit >= 1.1 , conduit-extra , directory , filepath , hspec >= 1.3 , http-types , unix , wai >= 3.2 && < 3.3 , wai-app-file-cgi , warp >= 3.2.6 && < 3.3 , HTTP Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git://