{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-} -- | -- -- Module : Network.Wai.Handler.Hal -- Copyright : (C) 2021 Bellroy Pty Ltd -- License : BSD-3-Clause -- Maintainer : Bellroy Tech Team -- Stability : experimental -- -- Lifts an 'Wai.Application' so that it can be run using -- 'AWS.Lambda.Runtime.mRuntime' or -- 'AWS.Lambda.Runtime.mRuntimeWithContext''. The glue code will look -- something like this: -- -- @ -- import AWS.Lambda.Runtime ('AWS.Lambda.Runtime.mRuntime') -- import Network.Wai (Application) -- import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Hal as WaiHandler -- -- app :: Application -- app = undefined -- From Servant or wherever else -- -- main :: IO () -- main = 'AWS.Lambda.Runtime.mRuntime' $ WaiHandler.'run' app -- @ module Network.Wai.Handler.Hal ( run, runWithContext, toWaiRequest, fromWaiResponse, ) where import AWS.Lambda.Context (LambdaContext) import qualified AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyRequest as HalRequest ( RequestContext (identity), ) import qualified AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyRequest as HalRequest hiding ( RequestContext (..), ) import qualified AWS.Lambda.Events.ApiGateway.ProxyResponse as HalResponse import Control.Exception (IOException, tryJust) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as Builder import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as H import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Vault.Lazy (Key, Vault) import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault import Network.HTTP.Types.Header ( HeaderName, ResponseHeaders, hContentType, hHost, hRange, hReferer, hUserAgent, ) import Network.HTTP.Types.URI ( Query, QueryItem, encodePath, queryTextToQuery, renderQuery, ) import Network.HTTP.Types.Version (HttpVersion (..)) import Network.Socket (PortNumber) import qualified Network.Socket as NS import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import qualified Network.Wai.Internal as Wai import System.IO ( IOMode (..), SeekMode (..), hPutStrLn, hSeek, stderr, withFile, ) -- | Convert a WAI 'Wai.Application' into a function that can -- be run by hal's 'AWS.Lambda.Runtime.mRuntime'. This is the simplest -- form, and probably all that you'll need. See 'runWithContext' if -- you have more complex needs. run :: MonadIO m => Wai.Application -> HalRequest.ProxyRequest HalRequest.NoAuthorizer -> m HalResponse.ProxyResponse run app req = liftIO $ do waiReq <- toWaiRequest Vault.empty 443 req responseRef <- IORef.newIORef Nothing Wai.ResponseReceived <- app waiReq $ \waiResp -> Wai.ResponseReceived <$ IORef.writeIORef responseRef (Just waiResp) Just waiResp <- IORef.readIORef responseRef fromWaiResponse waiResp -- | Convert a WAI 'Wai.Application' into a function that can -- be run by hal's 'AWS.Lambda.Runtime.mRuntimeWithContext''. This -- function exposes all the configurable knobs. runWithContext :: MonadIO m => -- | Vault of values to share between the application and any -- middleware. You can pass in @Data.Vault.Lazy.'Vault.empty'@, or -- 'mempty' if you don't want to depend on @vault@ directly. Vault -> -- | API Gateway doesn't tell us the port it's listening on, so you -- have to tell it yourself. This is almost always going to be 443 -- (HTTPS). PortNumber -> -- | We pass two 'Vault' keys to the callback that provides the -- 'Wai.Application'. This allows the application to look into the -- 'Vault' part of each request and read @hal@ data structures, if -- necessary: -- -- * The @'Key' 'LambdaContext'@ provides -- information about the Lambda invocation, function, and -- execution environment; and -- -- * The @'Key' ('HalRequest.ProxyRequest' -- 'HalRequest.NoAuthorizer')@ provides the unmodified API Gateway -- representation of the HTTP request. ( Key LambdaContext -> Key (HalRequest.ProxyRequest HalRequest.NoAuthorizer) -> Wai.Application ) -> LambdaContext -> -- | We force 'HalRequest.NoAuthorizer' because it's a type alias -- for 'Data.Aeson.Value' (i.e., should always parse), and it avoids -- an "ambiguous type variable" error at the use site. HalRequest.ProxyRequest HalRequest.NoAuthorizer -> m HalResponse.ProxyResponse runWithContext vault port app ctx req = liftIO $ do contextKey <- Vault.newKey requestKey <- Vault.newKey let vault' = vault & Vault.insert contextKey ctx & Vault.insert requestKey req waiReq <- toWaiRequest vault' port req responseRef <- IORef.newIORef Nothing Wai.ResponseReceived <- app contextKey requestKey waiReq $ \waiResp -> Wai.ResponseReceived <$ IORef.writeIORef responseRef (Just waiResp) Just waiResp <- IORef.readIORef responseRef fromWaiResponse waiResp -- | Convert the request sent to a Lambda serving an API Gateway proxy -- integration into a WAI request. -- -- __Note:__ We aren't told the HTTP version the client is using, so -- we assume HTTP 1.1. toWaiRequest :: Vault -> PortNumber -> HalRequest.ProxyRequest a -> IO Wai.Request toWaiRequest vault port req = do let pathSegments = T.splitOn "/" . T.dropWhile (== '/') $ HalRequest.path req query = constructQuery $ HalRequest.multiValueQueryStringParameters req hints = NS.defaultHints { NS.addrFlags = [NS.AI_NUMERICHOST], NS.addrFamily = NS.AF_INET, NS.addrSocketType = NS.Stream } sourceIp = T.unpack . HalRequest.sourceIp . HalRequest.identity $ HalRequest.requestContext req -- Test invokes from the API Gateway console pass a "sourceIp" field -- of "test-invoke-source-ip". If the getAddrInfo call fails, just -- assume localhost. sourceHost <- tryJust (Just @IOException) (NS.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just sourceIp) (Just $ show port)) >>= \case Right (s : _) -> pure $ NS.addrAddress s _ -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ mconcat [ "Cannot convert sourceIp ", show sourceIp, " to address; assuming" ] pure . NS.SockAddrInet port $ NS.tupleToHostAddress (127, 0, 0, 1) body <- returnChunks $ HalRequest.body req let waiReq = Wai.Request { Wai.requestMethod = T.encodeUtf8 $ HalRequest.httpMethod req, Wai.httpVersion = HttpVersion 1 1, Wai.rawPathInfo = BL.toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString $ encodePath pathSegments query, Wai.rawQueryString = case query of [] -> "" _ -> renderQuery True query, Wai.requestHeaders = foldMap ( \(hName, hValues) -> (CI.map T.encodeUtf8 hName,) . T.encodeUtf8 <$> hValues ) . H.toList $ HalRequest.multiValueHeaders req, Wai.isSecure = True, Wai.remoteHost = sourceHost, Wai.pathInfo = pathSegments, Wai.queryString = query, Wai.requestBody = body, Wai.vault = vault, Wai.requestBodyLength = Wai.KnownLength . fromIntegral . BL.length $ HalRequest.body req, Wai.requestHeaderHost = getHeader hHost req, Wai.requestHeaderRange = getHeader hRange req, Wai.requestHeaderReferer = getHeader hReferer req, Wai.requestHeaderUserAgent = getHeader hUserAgent req } pure waiReq -- | Unpack a lazy 'BL.ByteString' into its chunks, and return an IO -- action which returns each chunk in sequence, and returns 'B.empty' -- forever after the bytestring is exhausted. returnChunks :: BL.ByteString -> IO (IO B.ByteString) returnChunks bs = do chunkRef <- IORef.newIORef $ BL.toChunks bs pure . IORef.atomicModifyIORef' chunkRef $ \case [] -> mempty (ch : chs) -> (chs, ch) constructQuery :: HashMap Text [Text] -> Query constructQuery = foldMap expandParamList . H.toList where expandParamList :: (Text, [Text]) -> [QueryItem] expandParamList (param, values) = queryTextToQuery $ case values of [] -> [(param, Nothing)] _ -> (param,) . Just <$> values getHeader :: HeaderName -> HalRequest.ProxyRequest a -> Maybe ByteString getHeader h = fmap T.encodeUtf8 . H.lookup (CI.map T.decodeUtf8 h) . HalRequest.headers -- | Convert a WAI 'Wai.Response' into a hal -- 'HalResponse.ProxyResponse'. fromWaiResponse :: Wai.Response -> IO HalResponse.ProxyResponse fromWaiResponse (Wai.ResponseFile status headers path mFilePart) = do fileData <- readFilePart path mFilePart pure . addHeaders headers . HalResponse.response status . createProxyBody (getContentType headers) $ fileData fromWaiResponse (Wai.ResponseBuilder status headers builder) = pure . addHeaders headers . HalResponse.response status . createProxyBody (getContentType headers) . BL.toStrict $ Builder.toLazyByteString builder fromWaiResponse (Wai.ResponseStream status headers stream) = do builderRef <- IORef.newIORef mempty let addChunk chunk = IORef.modifyIORef builderRef (<> chunk) flush = IORef.modifyIORef builderRef (<> Builder.flush) stream addChunk flush builder <- IORef.readIORef builderRef fromWaiResponse (Wai.ResponseBuilder status headers builder) fromWaiResponse (Wai.ResponseRaw _ resp) = fromWaiResponse resp readFilePart :: FilePath -> Maybe Wai.FilePart -> IO ByteString readFilePart path mPart = withFile path ReadMode $ \h -> do case mPart of Nothing -> B.hGetContents h Just (Wai.FilePart offset count _) -> do hSeek h AbsoluteSeek offset B.hGet h $ fromIntegral count createProxyBody :: Text -> ByteString -> HalResponse.ProxyBody createProxyBody contentType body | any (`T.isPrefixOf` contentType) ["text/plain", "application/json"] = HalResponse.ProxyBody contentType (T.decodeUtf8 body) False | otherwise = HalResponse.ProxyBody contentType (T.decodeUtf8 $ B64.encode body) True addHeaders :: ResponseHeaders -> HalResponse.ProxyResponse -> HalResponse.ProxyResponse addHeaders headers response = foldl' addHeader response headers where addHeader r (hName, hValue) = HalResponse.addHeader (T.decodeUtf8 $ CI.original hName) (T.decodeUtf8 hValue) r -- | Try to find the content-type of a response, given the response -- headers. If we can't, return @"application/octet-stream"@. getContentType :: ResponseHeaders -> Text getContentType = maybe "application/octet-stream" T.decodeUtf8 . lookup hContentType