{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.Wai.Middleware.Cache
  ( cache
  , cacheNoBody
  , CacheBackend(..)
  , responseToLBS
  ) where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toLazyByteString)
import           Data.ByteString          (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as LZ
import           Data.IORef
import           Network.Wai              (Middleware, Request, Response,
                                           requestBody, responseToStream,

-- | The data structure that should contains everything you need to create
-- a cache backend
data CacheBackend cacheContainer cacheKey cacheVal =
  CacheBackend {
  keyFromReq           :: Request -> ByteString -> IO cacheKey -- ^ Get cacheKey from request and its body
  , toCache            :: Request -> ByteString -> IO Bool -- ^ Function to check whether cache or not
  , addToCache         :: cacheContainer -> cacheKey -> cacheVal -> IO () -- ^ Adding to cache
  , actionOnCache      :: Request -> Response -> IO () -- ^ Action to perform before each caching request
  , actionOnCacheMiss  :: Request -> Response -> IO () -- ^ Action to perfom before each cache miss
  , responseToCacheVal :: Response -> IO cacheVal -- ^ Transform response to cached value
  , cacheValToResponse :: cacheVal -> Response -- ^ Transform cached value to response
  , lookupCache        :: cacheContainer -> cacheKey -> IO (Maybe cacheVal) -- ^ cache lookup
  , cacheContainer     :: cacheContainer -- ^ A cache container

-- Cache Backend Agnostic Cache Middleware
-- This version duplicate the body of the request making it quite far less efficient
-- than the cacheNoBody function
cache :: CacheBackend cc ck cv -- ^ A cache backend
      -> Middleware
cache cb app req sendResponse = do
  (req',body) <- getRequestBody req
  caching <- toCache cb req' body
  if not caching
     then app req' sendResponse
     else do
       (req'',_) <- getRequestBody req'
       cacheKey <- keyFromReq cb req'' body
       found <- lookupCache cb (cacheContainer cb) cacheKey
       maybe (app req'' (addToCacheAndRespond cb sendResponse req cacheKey))
         (respondFromCache cb sendResponse req'')

-- Cache Backend Agnostic Cache Middleware
-- This version don't provide the request body for create key or deciding
-- whether to cache. But it should be more efficient
cacheNoBody :: CacheBackend cc ck cv -- ^ A cache backend
               -> Middleware
cacheNoBody cb app req sendResponse = do
  caching <- toCache cb req S8.empty
  if not caching
     then app req sendResponse
     else do
       cacheKey <- keyFromReq cb req S8.empty
       found <- lookupCache cb (cacheContainer cb) cacheKey
       maybe (app req (addToCacheAndRespond cb sendResponse req cacheKey))
         (respondFromCache cb sendResponse req)

addXCacheHeader :: Response -> Response
addXCacheHeader = mapResponseHeaders (("X-Cached","true"):)

respondFromCache :: CacheBackend cc ck cv
                 -> (Response -> IO b)
                 -> Request
                 -> cv
                 -> IO b
respondFromCache cb sendResponse r cachedVal = do
  let response = cacheValToResponse cb cachedVal
  actionOnCache cb r response
  sendResponse (addXCacheHeader response)

addToCacheAndRespond :: CacheBackend cc ck cv
                     -> (Response -> IO b)
                     -> Request
                     -> ck
                     -> Response
                     -> IO b
addToCacheAndRespond cb sendResponse req key r = do
  cacheVal <- responseToCacheVal cb r
  addToCache cb (cacheContainer cb) key cacheVal
  actionOnCacheMiss cb req r
  sendResponse (cacheValToResponse cb cacheVal)

getRequestBody :: Request -> IO (Request, S8.ByteString)
getRequestBody req = do
  let loop front = do
         bs <- requestBody req
         if S8.null bs
             then return $ front []
             else loop $ front . (bs:)
  body <- loop id
  -- logging the body here consumes it, so fill it back up
  -- obviously not efficient
  -- Note: previously, we simply used CL.sourceList. However,
  -- that meant that you could read the request body in twice.
  -- While that in itself is not a problem, the issue is that,
  -- in production, you wouldn't be able to do this, and
  -- therefore some bugs wouldn't show up during testing. This
  -- implementation ensures that each chunk is only returned
  -- once.
  ichunks <- newIORef body
  let rbody = atomicModifyIORef ichunks $ \chunks ->
         case chunks of
             [] -> ([], S8.empty)
             x:y -> (y, x)
  let req' = req { requestBody = rbody }
  return (req', S8.concat body)

-- | Helper for your cache backend
responseToLBS :: Response -> IO LZ.ByteString
responseToLBS response = do
  let (_,_,f) = responseToStream response
  f $ \streamingBody -> do
    builderRef <- newIORef mempty
    let add :: Builder -> IO ()
        add b = atomicModifyIORef builderRef $ \builder -> (builder `mappend` b,())
        flush :: IO ()
        flush = return ()
    streamingBody add flush
    fmap toLazyByteString (readIORef builderRef)