-- |
-- Module      : Network.Wai.Middleware.Throttle
-- Description : WAI Request Throttling Middleware
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015 Christopher Reichert
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Christopher Reichert <creichert07@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX
-- Uses a <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket Token Bucket>
-- algorithm (from the token-bucket package) to throttle WAI Requests.
-- == Example
-- @
-- main = do
--   st <- initThrottler
--   let payload  = "{ \"api\", \"return data\" }"
--       app = throttle defaultThrottleSettings st
--               $ \_ f -> f (responseLBS status200 [] payload)
--   Warp.run 3000 app
-- @

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Network.Wai.Middleware.Throttle (

      -- | Wai Request Throttling Middleware

      -- | Wai Throttle middleware state.
      -- Essentially, a TVar with a HashMap for indexing
      -- remote IP address
    , WaiThrottle
    , initThrottler

      -- | Throttle settings and configuration
    , ThrottleSettings(..)
    , defaultThrottleSettings
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.Concurrent.TokenBucket
import           Control.Monad                  (liftM)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8          as BS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict            as H
import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import           GHC.Word                       (Word64)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status      as Http
import           Network.Socket
import           Network.Wai

newtype WaiThrottle = WT (TVar ThrottleState)

-- | A 'HashMap' mapping the remote IP address to a 'TokenBucket'
data ThrottleState = ThrottleState !(H.HashMap T.Text TokenBucket)

-- | Settings which control various behaviors in the middleware.
data ThrottleSettings = ThrottleSettings
      -- | Determines whether the 'Request' is throttled
      isThrottled   :: !(Request -> IO Bool)

      -- | Function to run when the request is throttled.
      -- The first argument is a 'Word64' containing the amount
      -- of microseconds until the next retry should be attempted
    , onThrottled   :: !(Word64 -> Response)

      -- Zone name
      -- TODO use list of zones (rules)
      -- , throttleZone      :: !T.Text

      -- | Rate
    , throttleRate  :: !Integer  -- requests / second

      -- Maximum size of the address cache in MB (similar to nginx)
      -- You can store approximately 160,000 addresses in 10MB with
      -- \$binary_remote_addr.
      -- , throttleCacheSize :: !Integer

      -- | Burst rate
    , throttleBurst :: !Integer

initThrottler :: IO WaiThrottle
initThrottler = liftM WT $ newTVarIO $ ThrottleState H.empty

-- | Default settings to throttle requests.
defaultThrottleSettings :: ThrottleSettings
    = ThrottleSettings {
        isThrottled         = return . const True
        -- , throttleZone        = "" -- empty zone
      , throttleRate        = 1  -- req / sec
        -- , throttleCacheSize   = 10 -- 10M address cache
      , throttleBurst       = 1  -- 5 concurrent requests
      , onThrottled         = onThrottled'
    bshow = BS.pack . show
    -- remaining = bshow (if 5000 - c < 0
    --                      then 0
    --                      else 5000 - c)
    onThrottled' rt =
        [ ("Content-Type", "application/json")
          -- , ("X-RateLimit-Limit", "5000")
          -- , ("X-RateLimit-Remaining", remaining)
        , ("X-RateLimit-Reset",
             bshow (fromIntegral rt / 1000000.0 :: Double))
        -- match YesodAuth error message renderer
        "{\"message\":\"Too many requests.\"}"

-- | WAI Request Throttling Middleware.
-- Uses a 'Request's 'remoteHost' function to resolve the
-- remote IP address.
throttle :: ThrottleSettings
            -> WaiThrottle
            -> Application
            -> Application
throttle ThrottleSettings{..} (WT tmap) app req respond = do

    -- determine whether the request needs throttling
    reqIsThrottled <- isThrottled req

    -- seconds remaining (if the request failed), 0 otherwise.
    remaining <- if reqIsThrottled
                   then throttleReq
                   else return 0

    if remaining /= 0
        then respond $ onThrottled remaining
        else app req respond
    throttleReq = do

      let SockAddrInet _ host = remoteHost req
      remoteAddr     <- T.pack <$> inet_ntoa host
      throttleState  <- atomically $ readTVar tmap
      (tst, success) <- throttleReq' remoteAddr throttleState

      -- write the throttle state back
      atomically $ writeTVar tmap (ThrottleState tst)
      return success

    throttleReq' remoteAddr (ThrottleState m) = do

      let toInvRate r = round (1e6 / r)
          invRate     = toInvRate (fromInteger throttleRate :: Double)
          burst       = fromInteger throttleBurst

      bucket    <- maybe newTokenBucket return $ H.lookup remoteAddr m
      remaining <- tokenBucketTryAlloc1 bucket burst invRate

      return (H.insert remoteAddr bucket m, remaining)