{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, CPP #-} {- | Module : Network.Wai.Middleware.Routes.Handler Copyright : (c) Anupam Jain 2013 License : MIT (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : ajnsit@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable (uses ghc extensions) Provides a HandlerM Monad that makes it easy to build Handlers -} module Network.Wai.Middleware.Routes.Handler ( HandlerM() -- | A Monad that makes it easier to build a Handler , runHandlerM -- | Run a HandlerM to get a Handler , request -- | Access the request data , isWebsocket -- | Is this a websocket request , reqHeader -- | Get a particular request header (case insensitive) , reqHeaders -- | Get all request headers (case insensitive) , routeAttrSet -- | Access the route attribute list , rootRouteAttrSet -- | Access the route attribute list for the root route , maybeRoute -- | Access the route data , maybeRootRoute -- | Access the root route data , showRouteMaster -- | Get the route rendering function for the master site , showRouteSub -- | Get the route rendering function for the subsite , showRouteQueryMaster -- | Get the route + query params rendering function for the master site , showRouteQuerySub -- | Get the route + query params rendering function for the subsite , readRouteMaster -- | Get the route parsing function for the master site , readRouteSub -- | Get the route parsing function for the subsite , master -- | Access the master datatype , sub -- | Access the sub datatype , rawBody -- | Consume and return the request body as a bytestring , jsonBody -- | Consume and return the request body as JSON , header -- | Add a header to the response , status -- | Set the response status , file -- | Send a file as response , filepart -- | Send a part of a file as response , stream -- | Stream a response , raw -- | Set the raw response body , rawBuilder -- | Set the raw response body as a ByteString Builder , json -- | Set the json response body , plain -- | Set the plain text response body , html -- | Set the html response body , css -- | Set the css response body , javascript -- | Set the javascript response body , asContent -- | Set the contentType and a 'Text' body , next -- | Run the next application in the stack , getParams -- | Get all params (query or post, not file) , getParam -- | Get a particular param (query or post, not file) , getQueryParams -- | Get all query params , getQueryParam -- | Get a particular query param , getPostParams -- | Get all post params , getPostParam -- | Get a particular post param , getFileParams -- | Get all file params , getFileParam -- | Get a particular file param , setCookie -- | Add a cookie to the response , getCookie -- | Get a cookie from the request , getCookies -- | Get all cookies from the request ) where import Network.Wai (Request, Response, responseRaw, responseFile, responseBuilder, responseStream, pathInfo, queryString, requestBody, StreamingBody, requestHeaders, FilePart) #if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,0,1) import Network.Wai (strictRequestBody) #endif import Network.Wai.Middleware.Routes.Routes (Env(..), RequestData, HandlerS, waiReq, currentRoute, runNext, ResponseHandler, showRoute, showRouteQuery, readRoute, readQueryString) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Routes.Class (Route, RenderRoute, ParseRoute, RouteAttrs(..)) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Routes.ContentTypes (contentType, contentTypeFromFile, typeHtml, typeJson, typePlain, typeCss, typeJavascript) import Control.Monad (liftM) import Control.Monad.Loops (unfoldWhileM) import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, put, modify, runStateT, MonadState, MonadIO, lift, liftIO, MonadTrans) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>), (<*>)) import Data.Maybe (maybe) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toByteString, fromByteString) import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (HeaderName(), RequestHeaders) import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status(), status200) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON, eitherDecodeStrict) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as AE import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S (empty, map) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI, mk) import Web.Cookie (CookiesText, parseCookiesText, renderSetCookie, SetCookie(..)) import Data.Default.Class (def) import qualified Network.Wai.Parse as P -- | The internal implementation of the HandlerM monad -- TODO: Should change this to StateT over ReaderT (but performance may suffer) newtype HandlerMI sub master m a = H { extractH :: StateT (HandlerState sub master) m a } deriving (Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Functor, MonadTrans, MonadState (HandlerState sub master)) -- | The HandlerM Monad type HandlerM sub master a = HandlerMI sub master IO a -- | Modeled after Network.Wai.Parse.FileInfo, but uses Text for names, and lazy ByteString for content data FileInfo = FileInfo { fileName :: Text , fileContentType :: Text , fileContent :: BL.ByteString } -- Post Params -- Files are read into memory -- TODO: Check for security issues. Allow automatic storing of files on disk. type PostParams = ([(Text, Text)], [(Text, FileInfo)]) -- Private -- Convert from Network.Wai.Parse ([Param], [File y]) to PostParams _toPostParams :: ([P.Param], [P.File BL.ByteString]) -> PostParams _toPostParams (params, files) = (params', files') where params' = map (\(k,v) -> (decodeUtf8 k, decodeUtf8 v)) params files' = map (\(k,v) -> (decodeUtf8 k, decodeFileInfo v)) files decodeFileInfo fi = FileInfo { fileName = decodeUtf8 $ P.fileName fi , fileContentType = decodeUtf8 $ P.fileContentType fi , fileContent = P.fileContent fi } -- A Raw Response handler :: source -> sink -> IO type RespRawHandler = IO B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () -- | The state kept in a HandlerM Monad data HandlerState sub master = HandlerState { getMaster :: master , getRequestData :: RequestData sub -- TODO: Experimental -- Streaming request body, consumed, and stored as a ByteString , reqBody :: Maybe ByteString , respHeaders :: [(HeaderName, ByteString)] , respStatus :: Status , respResp :: MkResponse , respRaw :: Maybe RespRawHandler , respCookies :: [SetCookie] , getSub :: sub , toMasterRoute :: Route sub -> Route master -- TODO: Experimental -- Parsed POST request body, in the same format as Network.Wai.Parse , postParams :: Maybe PostParams } -- Initial Handler State defaultHandlerState :: Env sub master -> RequestData sub -> HandlerState sub master defaultHandlerState env req = HandlerState { getMaster = envMaster env , getRequestData = req , reqBody = Nothing , respHeaders = [] , respStatus = status200 , respResp = defaultResponse , respRaw = Nothing , respCookies = [] , getSub = envSub env , toMasterRoute = envToMaster env , postParams = Nothing } -- Internal: Type of response -- Similar to Wai's Response type data MkResponse = ResponseFile FilePath (Maybe FilePart) | ResponseBuilder Builder | ResponseStream StreamingBody | ResponseNext -- Default response in case none is set by the handler defaultResponse :: MkResponse defaultResponse = ResponseBuilder "" -- The header name for request cookies cookieHeaderName :: CI ByteString cookieHeaderName = mk "Cookie" -- The header name for response cookies cookieSetHeaderName :: CI ByteString cookieSetHeaderName = mk "Set-Cookie" -- | "Run" HandlerM, resulting in a Handler runHandlerM :: HandlerM sub master () -> HandlerS sub master runHandlerM h env req hh = do (_, st) <- runStateT (extractH h) (defaultHandlerState env req) -- Handle cookies (add them to headers) let cookieHeaders = map mkSetCookie (respCookies st) st <- return $ st {respHeaders = cookieHeaders ++ (respHeaders st)} case respResp st of -- Abort handling current response and move to next handler ResponseNext -> runNext (getRequestData st) hh -- Normal handling normalResponse -> do -- Construct the normal response let resp = mkResponse st normalResponse -- Check if we are trying to send a raw response case respRaw st of Nothing -> hh resp Just rawHandler -> -- TODO: Ensure the body has not been read before using raw response hh $ responseRaw rawHandler resp where mkSetCookie s = (cookieSetHeaderName, toByteString $ renderSetCookie s) mkResponse st (ResponseFile path part) = responseFile (respStatus st) (respHeaders st) path part mkResponse st (ResponseBuilder builder) = responseBuilder (respStatus st) (respHeaders st) builder mkResponse st (ResponseStream streaming) = responseStream (respStatus st) (respHeaders st) streaming -- | Get the request body as a bytestring. Consumes the entire body into memory at once. -- TODO: Implement streaming. Prevent clash with direct use of `Network.Wai.requestBody` rawBody :: HandlerM sub master ByteString rawBody = do s <- get case reqBody s of Just consumedBody -> return consumedBody Nothing -> do req <- request rbody <- liftIO $ BL.toStrict <$> _readStrictRequestBody req put s {reqBody = Just rbody} return rbody -- PRIVATE _readStrictRequestBody :: Request -> IO BL.ByteString _readStrictRequestBody = #if MIN_VERSION_wai(3,0,1) -- Use the `strictRequestBody` function available in wai > 3.0.1 strictRequestBody #else -- Consume the entire body, and cache BL.fromChunks <$> unfoldWhileM (not . B.null) . requestBody #endif -- | Parse the body as a JSON object jsonBody :: FromJSON a => HandlerM sub master (Either String a) jsonBody = liftM eitherDecodeStrict rawBody -- | Get the master master :: HandlerM sub master master master = liftM getMaster get -- | Get the sub sub :: HandlerM sub master sub sub = liftM getSub get -- | Get the request request :: HandlerM sub master Request request = liftM (waiReq . getRequestData) get -- | Is this a websocket request isWebsocket :: HandlerM sub master Bool isWebsocket = liftM (maybe False (== "websocket")) (reqHeader "upgrade") -- | Get a particular request header (Case insensitive) reqHeader :: Text -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe Text) reqHeader name = liftM (fmap decodeUtf8) (_reqHeaderBS nameText) where nameText = mk $ encodeUtf8 name -- PRIVATE _reqHeaderBS :: CI ByteString -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe ByteString) _reqHeaderBS name = liftM (lookup name) reqHeaders -- | Get all request headers as raw case-insensitive bytestrings reqHeaders :: HandlerM sub master RequestHeaders reqHeaders = liftM requestHeaders request -- | Get the current route maybeRoute :: HandlerM sub master (Maybe (Route sub)) maybeRoute = liftM (currentRoute . getRequestData) get -- | Get the current root route maybeRootRoute :: HandlerM sub master (Maybe (Route master)) maybeRootRoute = do s <- get return $ toMasterRoute s <$> currentRoute (getRequestData s) -- | Get the route rendering function for the master site showRouteMaster :: RenderRoute master => HandlerM sub master (Route master -> Text) showRouteMaster = return showRoute -- | Get the route rendering function for the subsite showRouteSub :: RenderRoute master => HandlerM sub master (Route sub -> Text) showRouteSub = do s <- get return $ showRoute . toMasterRoute s -- | Get the route rendering function for the master site showRouteQueryMaster :: RenderRoute master => HandlerM sub master (Route master -> [(Text,Text)] -> Text) showRouteQueryMaster = return showRouteQuery -- | Get the route rendering function for the subsite showRouteQuerySub :: RenderRoute master => HandlerM sub master (Route sub -> [(Text,Text)] -> Text) showRouteQuerySub = do s <- get return $ showRouteQuery . toMasterRoute s -- | Get the route parsing function for the master site readRouteMaster :: ParseRoute master => HandlerM sub master (Text -> Maybe (Route master)) readRouteMaster = return readRoute -- | Get the route parsing function for the subsite readRouteSub :: ParseRoute sub => HandlerM sub master (Text -> Maybe (Route master)) readRouteSub = do s <- get return $ (toMasterRoute s <$>) . readRoute -- | Get the current route attributes routeAttrSet :: RouteAttrs sub => HandlerM sub master (Set Text) routeAttrSet = liftM (maybe S.empty routeAttrs . currentRoute . getRequestData) get -- | Get the attributes for the current root route rootRouteAttrSet :: RouteAttrs master => HandlerM sub master (Set Text) rootRouteAttrSet = do s <- get return $ maybe S.empty (routeAttrs . toMasterRoute s) $ currentRoute $ getRequestData s -- | Add a header to the application response -- TODO: Differentiate between setting and adding headers header :: HeaderName -> ByteString -> HandlerM sub master () header h s = modify $ addHeader h s where addHeader :: HeaderName -> ByteString -> HandlerState sub master -> HandlerState sub master addHeader h b s@(HandlerState {respHeaders=hs}) = s {respHeaders=(h,b):hs} -- | Set the response status status :: Status -> HandlerM sub master () status s = modify $ setStatus s where setStatus :: Status -> HandlerState sub master -> HandlerState sub master setStatus s st = st{respStatus=s} -- | Send a file as response file :: FilePath -> HandlerM sub master () file f = do header contentType $ contentTypeFromFile f modify addFile where addFile st = _setResp st $ ResponseFile f Nothing -- | Send a part of a file as response filepart :: FilePath -> FilePart -> HandlerM sub master () filepart f part = do header contentType $ contentTypeFromFile f modify addFile where addFile st = _setResp st $ ResponseFile f (Just part) -- | Stream the response stream :: StreamingBody -> HandlerM sub master () stream s = modify addStream where addStream st = _setResp st $ ResponseStream s -- | Set the response body raw :: ByteString -> HandlerM sub master () raw = rawBuilder . fromByteString -- | Set the response body as a builder rawBuilder :: Builder -> HandlerM sub master () rawBuilder b = modify addBody where addBody st = _setResp st $ ResponseBuilder b -- | Run the next application next :: HandlerM sub master () next = modify rNext where rNext st = _setResp st ResponseNext -- Util -- Set the response handler _setResp :: HandlerState sub master -> MkResponse -> HandlerState sub master _setResp st r = st{respResp=r} -- Standard response bodies -- | Set the body of the response to the JSON encoding of the given value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"application/json\". json :: ToJSON a => a -> HandlerM sub master () json a = do header contentType typeJson rawBuilder $ _encode $ A.toJSON a where #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(0,9,0) _encode = AE.encodeToBuilder #else _encode = AE.encodeToByteStringBuilder #endif -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'Text' value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"text/plain\". plain :: Text -> HandlerM sub master () plain = asContent typePlain -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'Text' value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"text/html\". html :: Text -> HandlerM sub master () html = asContent typeHtml -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'Text' value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"text/css\". css :: Text -> HandlerM sub master () css = asContent typeCss -- | Set the body of the response to the given 'Text' value. Also sets \"Content-Type\" -- header to \"text/javascript\". javascript :: Text -> HandlerM sub master () javascript = asContent typeJavascript -- | Sets the content-type header to the given Bytestring -- (look in Network.Wai.Middleware.Routes.ContentTypes for examples) -- And sets the body of the response to the given Text asContent :: ByteString -> Text -> HandlerM sub master () asContent ctype content = do header contentType ctype raw $ encodeUtf8 content -- | Sets a cookie to the response setCookie :: SetCookie -> HandlerM sub master () setCookie s = modify setCookie where setCookie st = st {respCookies = s : respCookies st} -- | Get all cookies getCookies :: HandlerM sub master CookiesText getCookies = do -- Note: We don't cache the parsedCookies for all requests to avoid overhead -- However it is pretty easy to cache cookies in the app itself cookies <- _reqHeaderBS cookieHeaderName return $ case cookies of Nothing -> [] Just cookies' -> parseCookiesText cookies' -- | Get a particular cookie getCookie :: Text -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe Text) getCookie name = do cookies <- getCookies return $ lookup name cookies -- PRIVATE -- Get the cached post params (if any) _getCachedPostParams :: HandlerM sub master (Maybe PostParams) _getCachedPostParams = postParams <$> get -- PRIVATE -- Util: Parse and cache post params _populatePostParams :: HandlerM sub master PostParams _populatePostParams = do st <- get case postParams st of Just params -> return params Nothing -> do req <- request params <- case P.getRequestBodyType req of Nothing -> return ([],[]) Just _ -> do -- TODO: Use cached request body instead of reading it from wai request params <- liftIO $ P.parseRequestBody P.lbsBackEnd req return $ _toPostParams params put $ st{postParams=Just params} return params -- PRIVATE -- Get a list of post parameters _getAllFileOrPostParams :: HandlerM sub master PostParams _getAllFileOrPostParams = do cachedPostParams <- _getCachedPostParams case cachedPostParams of Nothing -> _populatePostParams Just params -> return params -- | Get all Query params getQueryParams :: HandlerM sub master [(Text,Text)] getQueryParams = readQueryString . queryString <$> request -- | Get a particular Query param getQueryParam :: Text -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe Text) getQueryParam name = lookup name <$> getQueryParams -- | Get all Post params getPostParams :: HandlerM sub master [(Text,Text)] getPostParams = do (params,_) <- _getAllFileOrPostParams return params -- | Get a particular Post param getPostParam :: Text -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe Text) getPostParam name = lookup name <$> getPostParams -- | Get all File params getFileParams :: HandlerM sub master [(Text,FileInfo)] getFileParams = do (_,files) <- _getAllFileOrPostParams return files -- | Get a particular File param getFileParam :: Text -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe FileInfo) getFileParam name = lookup name <$> getFileParams -- | Get all params (query or post, NOT file) -- Duplicate parameters are preserved getParams :: HandlerM sub master [(Text, Text)] getParams = (++) <$> getQueryParams <*> getPostParams -- | Get a param (query or post, NOT file) getParam :: Text -> HandlerM sub master (Maybe Text) getParam name = do getLookup <- getQueryParam name case getLookup of Nothing -> getPostParam name Just _ -> return $ getLookup