{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP #-}

-- | File descriptor cache to avoid locks in kernel.

#ifdef WINDOWS
module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FdCache (
  , MutableFdCache
  , Refresh
  ) where

type Refresh = IO ()
type MutableFdCache = ()

withFdCache :: Int -> (Maybe MutableFdCache -> IO a) -> IO a
withFdCache _ f = f Nothing
module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FdCache (
  , getFd
  , getFd'
  , MutableFdCache
  , Refresh
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.IORef
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.MultiMap
import System.Posix.IO (openFd, OpenFileFlags(..), defaultFileFlags, OpenMode(ReadOnly), closeFd)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
import Control.Reaper


data Status = Active | Inactive

newtype MutableStatus = MutableStatus (IORef Status)

-- | An action to activate a Fd cache entry.
type Refresh = IO ()

status :: MutableStatus -> IO Status
status (MutableStatus ref) = readIORef ref

newActiveStatus :: IO MutableStatus
newActiveStatus = MutableStatus <$> newIORef Active

refresh :: MutableStatus -> Refresh
refresh (MutableStatus ref) = writeIORef ref Active

inactive :: MutableStatus -> IO ()
inactive (MutableStatus ref) = writeIORef ref Inactive


data FdEntry = FdEntry !FilePath !Fd !MutableStatus

newFdEntry :: FilePath -> IO FdEntry
newFdEntry path = FdEntry path
              <$> openFd path ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags{nonBlock=True}
              <*> newActiveStatus


type Hash = Int
type FdCache = MMap Hash FdEntry

-- | Mutable Fd cacher.
newtype MutableFdCache = MutableFdCache (Reaper FdCache (Hash, FdEntry))

fdCache :: MutableFdCache -> IO FdCache
fdCache (MutableFdCache reaper) = reaperRead reaper

look :: MutableFdCache -> FilePath -> Hash -> IO (Maybe FdEntry)
look mfc path key = searchWith key check <$> fdCache mfc
    check (One ent@(FdEntry path' _ _))
      | path == path' = Just ent
      | otherwise     = Nothing
    check (Tom ent@(FdEntry path' _ _) vs)
      | path == path' = Just ent
      | otherwise     = check vs


-- | Creating 'MutableFdCache' and executing the action in the second
--   argument. The first argument is a cache duration in second.
withFdCache :: Int -> (Maybe MutableFdCache -> IO a) -> IO a
withFdCache duration action = bracket (initialize duration)


-- The first argument is a cache duration in second.
initialize :: Int -> IO (Maybe MutableFdCache)
initialize 0 = return Nothing
initialize duration = Just . MutableFdCache <$> mkReaper defaultReaperSettings
    { reaperAction = clean
    , reaperDelay = duration
    , reaperCons = uncurry insert
    , reaperNull = isEmpty
    , reaperEmpty = empty

clean :: FdCache -> IO (FdCache -> FdCache)
clean old = do
    new <- pruneWith old prune
    return $ merge new

prune :: t -> Some FdEntry -> IO [(t, Some FdEntry)]
prune k v@(One (FdEntry _ fd mst)) = status mst >>= prune'
    prune' Active   = inactive mst >> return [(k,v)]
    prune' Inactive = closeFd fd   >> return []
prune k (Tom ent@(FdEntry _ fd mst) vs) = status mst >>= prune'
    prune' Active = do
        inactive mst
        zs <- prune k vs
        case zs of
            []        -> return [(k,One ent)]
            [(_,zvs)] -> return [(k,Tom ent zvs)]
            _         -> error "prune"
    prune' Inactive = closeFd fd >> prune k vs


terminate :: Maybe MutableFdCache -> IO ()
terminate Nothing = return ()
terminate (Just (MutableFdCache reaper)) = do
    !t <- reaperStop reaper
    mapM_ closeIt $ toList t
    closeIt (_, FdEntry _ fd _) = closeFd fd


getFd :: MutableFdCache -> FilePath -> IO (Fd, Refresh)
getFd mfc path = getFd' mfc (hash path) path

-- | Getting 'Fd' and 'Refresh' from the mutable Fd cacher.
getFd' :: MutableFdCache -> Hash -> FilePath -> IO (Fd, Refresh)
getFd' mfc@(MutableFdCache reaper) h path = look mfc path h >>= get
    get Nothing = do
        ent@(FdEntry _ fd mst) <- newFdEntry path
        reaperAdd reaper (h, ent)
        return (fd, refresh mst)
    get (Just (FdEntry _ fd mst)) = do
        refresh mst
        return (fd, refresh mst)