module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Run where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc (yield)
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (when, unless, void)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Char (chr)
import "iproute" Data.IP (toHostAddress, toHostAddress6)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Streaming.Network (bindPortTCP)
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(..), eCONNABORTED)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..))
import Network (Socket)
import Network.Socket (close, accept, withSocketsDo, SockAddr(SockAddrInet, SockAddrInet6), setSocketOption, SocketOption(..))
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as Sock
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Buffer
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Counter
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Date as D
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FdCache as F
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FileInfoCache as I
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2 (http2, isHTTP2)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Header
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.IORef
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ReadInt
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Recv
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Request
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.SendFile
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout as T
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import Network.Wai.Internal (ResponseReceived (ResponseReceived))
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Windows
import Network.Socket (fdSocket)
socketConnection :: Socket -> IO Connection
socketConnection s = do
bufferPool <- newBufferPool
writeBuf <- allocateBuffer bufferSize
let sendall = Sock.sendAll s
return Connection {
connSendMany = Sock.sendMany s
, connSendAll = sendall
, connSendFile = sendFile s writeBuf bufferSize sendall
, connClose = close s
, connFree = freeBuffer writeBuf
, connRecv = receive s bufferPool
, connRecvBuf = receiveBuf s
, connWriteBuffer = writeBuf
, connBufferSize = bufferSize
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 702
allowInterrupt :: IO ()
allowInterrupt = unblock $ return ()
run :: Port -> Application -> IO ()
run p = runSettings defaultSettings { settingsPort = p }
runEnv :: Port -> Application -> IO ()
runEnv p app = do
mp <- lookup "PORT" <$> getEnvironment
maybe (run p app) runReadPort mp
runReadPort :: String -> IO ()
runReadPort sp = case reads sp of
((p', _):_) -> run p' app
_ -> fail $ "Invalid value in $PORT: " ++ sp
runSettings :: Settings -> Application -> IO ()
runSettings set app = withSocketsDo $
(bindPortTCP (settingsPort set) (settingsHost set))
(\socket -> do
setSocketCloseOnExec socket
runSettingsSocket set socket app)
runSettingsSocket :: Settings -> Socket -> Application -> IO ()
runSettingsSocket set socket app = do
settingsInstallShutdownHandler set closeListenSocket
runSettingsConnection set getConn app
getConn = do
(s, sa) <- windowsThreadBlockHack $ accept socket
(s, sa) <- accept socket
setSocketCloseOnExec s
setSocketOption s NoDelay 1 `E.catch` \(E.SomeException _) -> return ()
conn <- socketConnection s
return (conn, sa)
closeListenSocket = close socket
runSettingsConnection :: Settings -> IO (Connection, SockAddr) -> Application -> IO ()
runSettingsConnection set getConn app = runSettingsConnectionMaker set getConnMaker app
getConnMaker = do
(conn, sa) <- getConn
return (return conn, sa)
runSettingsConnectionMaker :: Settings -> IO (IO Connection, SockAddr) -> Application -> IO ()
runSettingsConnectionMaker x y =
runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure x (toTCP <$> y)
toTCP = first ((, TCP) <$>)
runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure :: Settings -> IO (IO (Connection, Transport), SockAddr) -> Application -> IO ()
runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure set getConnMaker app = do
settingsBeforeMainLoop set
counter <- newCounter
withII0 $ acceptConnection set getConnMaker app counter
withII0 action =
withTimeoutManager $ \tm ->
D.withDateCache $ \dc ->
F.withFdCache fdCacheDurationInSeconds $ \fdc ->
I.withFileInfoCache fdFileInfoDurationInSeconds $ \fic -> do
let ii0 = InternalInfo0 tm dc fdc fic
action ii0
!fdCacheDurationInSeconds = settingsFdCacheDuration set * 1000000
!fdFileInfoDurationInSeconds = settingsFileInfoCacheDuration set * 1000000
!timeoutInSeconds = settingsTimeout set * 1000000
withTimeoutManager f = case settingsManager set of
Just tm -> f tm
Nothing -> bracket
(T.initialize timeoutInSeconds)
acceptConnection :: Settings
-> IO (IO (Connection, Transport), SockAddr)
-> Application
-> Counter
-> InternalInfo0
-> IO ()
acceptConnection set getConnMaker app counter ii0 = do
void $ mask_ acceptLoop
gracefulShutdown set counter
acceptLoop = do
mx <- acceptNewConnection
case mx of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (mkConn, addr) -> do
fork set mkConn addr app counter ii0
acceptNewConnection = do
ex <- try getConnMaker
case ex of
Right x -> return $ Just x
Left e -> do
let eConnAborted = getErrno eCONNABORTED
getErrno (Errno cInt) = cInt
if ioe_errno e == Just eConnAborted
then acceptNewConnection
else do
settingsOnException set Nothing $ toException e
return Nothing
fork :: Settings
-> IO (Connection, Transport)
-> SockAddr
-> Application
-> Counter
-> InternalInfo0
-> IO ()
fork set mkConn addr app counter ii0 = settingsFork set $ \unmask ->
handle (settingsOnException set Nothing) .
withClosedRef $ \ref ->
bracket mkConn (cleanUp ref) (serve unmask ref)
withClosedRef inner = newIORef False >>= inner
closeConn ref conn = do
isClosed <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \x -> (True, x)
unless isClosed $ connClose conn
cleanUp ref (conn, _) = closeConn ref conn `finally` connFree conn
serve unmask ref (conn, transport) = bracket register cancel $ \th -> do
let ii1 = toInternalInfo1 ii0 th
unmask .
bracket (onOpen addr) (onClose addr) $ \goingon ->
when goingon $ serveConnection conn ii1 addr transport set app
register = T.registerKillThread (timeoutManager0 ii0)
(closeConn ref conn)
cancel = T.cancel
onOpen adr = increase counter >> settingsOnOpen set adr
onClose adr _ = decrease counter >> settingsOnClose set adr
serveConnection :: Connection
-> InternalInfo1
-> SockAddr
-> Transport
-> Settings
-> Application
-> IO ()
serveConnection conn ii1 origAddr transport settings app = do
(h2,bs) <- if isHTTP2 transport then
return (True, "")
else do
bs0 <- connRecv conn
if S.length bs0 >= 4 && "PRI " `S.isPrefixOf` bs0 then
return (True, bs0)
return (False, bs0)
if settingsHTTP2Enabled settings && h2 then do
recvN <- makeReceiveN bs (connRecv conn) (connRecvBuf conn)
http2 conn ii1 origAddr transport settings recvN app
else do
istatus <- newIORef False
src <- mkSource (wrappedRecv conn th istatus (settingsSlowlorisSize settings))
writeIORef istatus True
leftoverSource src bs
addr <- getProxyProtocolAddr src
http1 addr istatus src `E.catch` \e -> do
sendErrorResponse addr istatus e
throwIO (e :: SomeException)
getProxyProtocolAddr src =
case settingsProxyProtocol settings of
ProxyProtocolNone ->
return origAddr
ProxyProtocolRequired -> do
seg <- readSource src
parseProxyProtocolHeader src seg
ProxyProtocolOptional -> do
seg <- readSource src
if S.isPrefixOf "PROXY " seg
then parseProxyProtocolHeader src seg
else do leftoverSource src seg
return origAddr
parseProxyProtocolHeader src seg = do
let (header,seg') = S.break (== 0x0d) seg
maybeAddr = case S.split 0x20 header of
["PROXY","TCP4",clientAddr,_,clientPort,_] ->
case [x | (x, t) <- reads (decodeAscii clientAddr), null t] of
[a] -> Just (SockAddrInet (readInt clientPort)
(toHostAddress a))
_ -> Nothing
["PROXY","TCP6",clientAddr,_,clientPort,_] ->
case [x | (x, t) <- reads (decodeAscii clientAddr), null t] of
[a] -> Just (SockAddrInet6 (readInt clientPort)
(toHostAddress6 a)
_ -> Nothing
("PROXY":"UNKNOWN":_) ->
Just origAddr
_ ->
case maybeAddr of
Nothing -> throwIO (BadProxyHeader (decodeAscii header))
Just a -> do leftoverSource src (S.drop 2 seg')
return a
decodeAscii = map (chr . fromEnum) . S.unpack
th = threadHandle1 ii1
shouldSendErrorResponse se
| Just ConnectionClosedByPeer <- fromException se = False
| otherwise = True
sendErrorResponse addr istatus e = do
status <- readIORef istatus
when (shouldSendErrorResponse e && status) $ do
let ii = toInternalInfo ii1 0
dreq = dummyreq addr
void $ sendResponse settings conn ii dreq defaultIndexRequestHeader (return S.empty) (errorResponse e)
dummyreq addr = defaultRequest { remoteHost = addr }
errorResponse e = settingsOnExceptionResponse settings e
http1 addr istatus src = do
(req', mremainingRef, idxhdr, nextBodyFlush, ii) <- recvRequest settings conn ii1 addr src
let req = req' { isSecure = isTransportSecure transport }
keepAlive <- processRequest istatus src req mremainingRef idxhdr nextBodyFlush ii
`E.catch` \e -> do
sendErrorResponse addr istatus e
settingsOnException settings (Just req) e
return False
when keepAlive $ http1 addr istatus src
processRequest istatus src req mremainingRef idxhdr nextBodyFlush ii = do
T.pause th
keepAliveRef <- newIORef $ error "keepAliveRef not filled"
_ <- app req $ \res -> do
T.resume th
writeIORef istatus False
keepAlive <- sendResponse settings conn ii req idxhdr (readSource src) res
writeIORef keepAliveRef keepAlive
return ResponseReceived
keepAlive <- readIORef keepAliveRef
if not keepAlive then
return False
case settingsMaximumBodyFlush settings of
Nothing -> do
flushEntireBody nextBodyFlush
T.resume th
return True
Just maxToRead -> do
let tryKeepAlive = do
isComplete <- flushBody nextBodyFlush maxToRead
if isComplete then do
T.resume th
return True
return False
case mremainingRef of
Just ref -> do
remaining <- readIORef ref
if remaining <= maxToRead then
return False
Nothing -> tryKeepAlive
flushEntireBody :: IO ByteString -> IO ()
flushEntireBody src =
loop = do
bs <- src
unless (S.null bs) loop
flushBody :: IO ByteString
-> Int
-> IO Bool
flushBody src =
loop toRead = do
bs <- src
let toRead' = toRead S.length bs
case () of
| S.null bs -> return True
| toRead' >= 0 -> loop toRead'
| otherwise -> return False
wrappedRecv :: Connection -> T.Handle -> IORef Bool -> Int -> IO ByteString
wrappedRecv Connection { connRecv = recv } th istatus slowlorisSize = do
bs <- recv
unless (S.null bs) $ do
writeIORef istatus True
when (S.length bs >= slowlorisSize) $ T.tickle th
return bs
setSocketCloseOnExec :: Socket -> IO ()
setSocketCloseOnExec _ = return ()
setSocketCloseOnExec socket = F.setFileCloseOnExec $ fromIntegral $ fdSocket socket
gracefulShutdown :: Settings -> Counter -> IO ()
gracefulShutdown set counter =
case settingsGracefulShutdownTimeout set of
Nothing ->
waitForZero counter
(Just seconds) ->
void (timeout (seconds * microsPerSecond) (waitForZero counter))
where microsPerSecond = 1000000