-- |
-- Module:     Web.Page.GenId
-- Copyright:  (c) 2014 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <ertesx@gmx.de>
-- This module offers a monad transformer and a class for page-unique
-- identifier generation.  To use it, simply add a state monad to your
-- monad stack with a state type that is an instance of the
-- 'HasIdStream' class (you can simply use @'Stream' 'Identifier'@, if
-- you don't need any other state).  See the 'newId' action to see the
-- exact type of stack you need.
-- To construct the initial state you can use the predefined 'idsFrom'
-- function.  It constructs a stream of unique identifiers from its
-- argument character set.
-- To generate a new identifier use the 'newId' action within your monad
-- stack.  The generated identifiers are of type 'Identifier'.  There
-- are helper functions for integrating an identifer into markup and the
-- stylesheet.  See the DOM helpers and the CSS helpers sections in this
-- module.  Also see the documentation for 'Identifier' for more
-- detailed information and an example.
-- Hint:  It is perfectly valid to combine a widget writer and an
-- identifier generator, so you don't need to alternate between
-- constructing widgets and generating identifiers.

module Web.Page.GenId
    ( -- * Unique identifiers

      -- * DOM helpers

      -- * CSS helpers

import qualified Clay as Css
import qualified Data.Stream as Str
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vu
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Data.Data
import Data.Stream (Stream(..))
import Language.Javascript.JMacro (ToJExpr(..), JExpr(..), JVal(..))
import Text.Blaze.Html

-- | Instances of this class are types that embed an identifier stream.

class HasIdStream a where
    -- | Lens into the identifier stream.
    idStream :: Lens' a (Stream Identifier)

instance HasIdStream (Stream Identifier) where
    idStream = id

-- | Identifiers that can be used with clay, jmacro and blaze-html.
-- An identifier of this type is supposed to be used for DOM ids,
-- classes or similar names.  Note that the 'ToJExpr' instance converts
-- it to a JavaScript string, so that you can use it with jQuery or
-- functions like @getElementById@.  When using jQuery, remember that it
-- expects selector syntax as in the following example:
-- > myWidget ::
-- >     ( HasIdStream s,
-- >       MonadState s m,
-- >       MonadWidget url (MySection -> Html) m )
-- >     => m ()
-- > myWidget = do
-- >     myId <- newId
-- >     addSection MySection (H.p "My boring paragraph." ! domId myId)
-- >     addStyle $ idSel myId ? background gray
-- >     addStyle $ idSel myId # ".groovy" ? do
-- >         background darkblue
-- >         color pink
-- >         fontWeight bold
-- >     addScriptLink "static/jquery.js"
-- >     addScript [jmacro|
-- >         fun init ->
-- >             window.setTimeout
-- >                 (\() {
-- >                     $("#" + `myId`).addClass("groovy");
-- >                     $(".groovy").text("My groooovy paragraph!") })
-- >                 2500;
-- >         $(init) |]

newtype Identifier =
    Identifier {
      identifier :: String
    deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, ToValue, Typeable)

instance ToJExpr Identifier where
    toJExpr (Identifier name) = ValExpr (JStr name)

-- | HTML5 @class@ attribute containing the given identifier.

classId :: Identifier -> Attribute
classId (Identifier n) = A.class_ (toValue n)

-- | Class refinement for the given identifier.

classRef :: Identifier -> Css.Refinement
classRef = Css.byClass . T.pack . identifier

-- | Class selector for the given identifier.

classSel :: Identifier -> Css.Selector
classSel n = Css.star Css.# classRef n

-- | Custom attribute containing the given identifier.

customId :: Tag -> Identifier -> Attribute
customId attr (Identifier n) = customAttribute attr (toValue n)

-- | HTML5 @id@ attribute containing the given identifier.

domId :: Identifier -> Attribute
domId (Identifier n) = A.id (toValue n)

-- | HTML5 data attribute (@data-*@) containing the given identifier.

dataId :: Tag -> Identifier -> Attribute
dataId attr (Identifier n) = dataAttribute attr (toValue n)

-- | Id refinement for the given identifier.

idRef :: Identifier -> Css.Refinement
idRef = Css.byId . T.pack . identifier

-- | Id selector for the given identifier.

idSel :: Identifier -> Css.Selector
idSel n = Css.star Css.# idRef n

-- | Infinite stream of identifiers built from the given character set.
-- The stream is sorted by identifier length, shortest first.

idsFrom :: [Char] -> Stream Identifier
idsFrom charList =
    fmap (Identifier . map (chars Vu.!))
         (Str.iterate next [0])

    chars    = Vu.fromList charList
    numChars = Vu.length chars

    next [] = [0]
    next (x':xs)
        | x < numChars = x : xs
        | otherwise    = 0 : next xs
        x = succ x'

-- | Fetches the next identifier.

newId :: (HasIdStream a, MonadState a m) => m Identifier
newId = idStream %%= \(Cons x xs) -> (x, xs)