{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wredundant-constraints #-} -- | Various SharedRep instances for common html input elements. module Web.Page.SharedReps ( repInput, repMessage, sliderI, slider, dropdown, datalist, dropdownSum, colorPicker, textbox, textarea, checkbox, toggle, button, chooseFile, maybeRep, fiddle, viaFiddle, accordionList, listMaybeRep, listRep, readTextbox, defaultListLabels, ) where import Box.Cont () import Codec.Picture.Types (PixelRGB8 (..)) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take) import Data.Biapplicative import Data.Bool import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import Lucid import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 import Web.Page.Bootstrap import Web.Page.Html import Web.Page.Html.Input import Web.Page.Types import Prelude hiding (lookup) -- $setup -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- | Create a sharedRep from an Input. repInput :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => -- | Parser Parser a -> -- | Printer (a -> Text) -> -- | 'Input' type Input a -> -- | initial value a -> SharedRep m a repInput p pr i a = SharedRep $ do name <- zoom _1 genName zoom _2 (modify (HashMap.insert name (pr a))) pure $ Rep (toHtml $ #inputVal .~ a $ #inputId .~ name $ i) ( \s -> ( s, join $ maybe (Left "lookup failed") Right $ either (Left . (\x -> name <> ": " <> x) . pack) Right . parseOnly p <$> HashMap.lookup name s ) ) -- | Like 'repInput', but does not put a value into the HashMap on instantiation, consumes the value when found in the HashMap, and substitutes a default on lookup failure repMessage :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => Parser a -> (a -> Text) -> Input a -> a -> a -> SharedRep m a repMessage p _ i def a = SharedRep $ do name <- zoom _1 genName pure $ Rep (toHtml $ #inputVal .~ a $ #inputId .~ name $ i) ( \s -> ( HashMap.delete name s, join $ maybe (Right $ Right def) Right $ either (Left . pack) Right . parseOnly p <$> HashMap.lookup name s ) ) -- | double slider -- -- For Example, a slider between 0 and 1 with a step of 0.01 and a default value of 0.3 is: -- -- >>> :t slider (Just "label") 0 1 0.01 0.3 -- slider (Just "label") 0 1 0.01 0.3 :: Monad m => SharedRep m Double slider :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> SharedRep m Double slider label l u s v = repInput double (pack . show) (Input v label mempty (Slider [min_ (pack $ show l), max_ (pack $ show u), step_ (pack $ show s)])) v -- | integral slider -- -- For Example, a slider between 0 and 1000 with a step of 10 and a default value of 300 is: -- -- >>> :t sliderI (Just "label") 0 1000 10 300 -- sliderI (Just "label") 0 1000 10 300 -- :: (Monad m, ToHtml a, Integral a, Show a) => SharedRep m a sliderI :: (Monad m, ToHtml a, Integral a, Show a) => Maybe Text -> a -> a -> a -> a -> SharedRep m a sliderI label l u s v = repInput decimal (pack . show) (Input v label mempty (Slider [min_ (pack $ show l), max_ (pack $ show u), step_ (pack $ show s)])) v -- | textbox classique -- -- >>> :t textbox (Just "label") "some text" -- textbox (Just "label") "some text" :: Monad m => SharedRep m Text textbox :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> SharedRep m Text textbox label v = repInput takeText id (Input v label mempty TextBox) v -- | textarea input element, specifying number of rows. textarea :: (Monad m) => Int -> Maybe Text -> Text -> SharedRep m Text textarea rows label v = repInput takeText id (Input v label mempty (TextArea rows)) v -- | color input colorPicker :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> PixelRGB8 -> SharedRep m PixelRGB8 colorPicker label v = repInput fromHex toHex (Input v label mempty ColorPicker) v -- | dropdown box dropdown :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => -- | parse an a from Text Parser a -> -- | print an a to Text (a -> Text) -> -- | label suggestion Maybe Text -> -- | list of dropbox elements (as text) [Text] -> -- | initial value a -> SharedRep m a dropdown p pr label opts v = repInput p pr (Input v label mempty (Dropdown opts)) v -- | a datalist input datalist :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> [Text] -> Text -> Text -> SharedRep m Text datalist label opts v id'' = repInput takeText (pack . show) (Input v label mempty (Datalist opts id'')) v -- | A dropdown box designed to help represent a haskell sum type. dropdownSum :: (Monad m, ToHtml a) => Parser a -> (a -> Text) -> Maybe Text -> [Text] -> a -> SharedRep m a dropdownSum p pr label opts v = repInput p pr (Input v label mempty (DropdownSum opts)) v -- | A checkbox input. checkbox :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Bool -> SharedRep m Bool checkbox label v = repInput ((== "true") <$> takeText) (bool "false" "true") (Input v label mempty (Checkbox v)) v -- | a toggle button toggle :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Bool -> SharedRep m Bool toggle label v = repInput ((== "true") <$> takeText) (bool "false" "true") (Input v label mempty (Toggle v label)) v -- | a button button :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> SharedRep m Bool button label = repMessage (pure True) (bool "false" "true") (Input False label mempty Button) False False -- | filename input chooseFile :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> SharedRep m Text chooseFile label v = repInput takeText (pack . show) (Input v label mempty ChooseFile) v checkboxShowJs :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> Bool -> SharedRep m Bool checkboxShowJs label cl v = SharedRep $ do name <- zoom _1 genName zoom _2 (modify (HashMap.insert name (bool "false" "true" v))) pure $ Rep (toHtml (Input v label name (Checkbox v)) <> scriptToggleShow name cl) ( \s -> ( s, join $ maybe (Left "HashMap.lookup failed") Right $ either (Left . pack) Right . parseOnly ((== "true") <$> takeText) <$> HashMap.lookup name s ) ) -- | Represent a Maybe using a checkbox. -- -- Hides the underlying content on Nothing maybeRep :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Bool -> SharedRep m a -> SharedRep m (Maybe a) maybeRep label st sa = SharedRep $ do className <- zoom _1 genName unrep $ bimap (hmap className) mmap (checkboxShowJs label className st) <<*>> sa where hmap cl a b = cardify (a, []) Nothing ( ( Lucid.with div_ [ class__ cl, style_ ("display:" <> bool "none" "block" st) ] b ), [style_ "padding-top: 0.25rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem;"] ) mmap a b = bool Nothing (Just b) a -- | A (fixed-size) list represented in html as an accordion card -- A major restriction of the library is that a 'SharedRep' does not have a Monad instance. In practice, this means that the external representation of lists cannot have a dynamic size. accordionList :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> Maybe Text -> (Text -> a -> SharedRep m a) -> [Text] -> [a] -> SharedRep m [a] accordionList title prefix open srf labels as = SharedRep $ do (Rep h fa) <- unrep $ first (accordion prefix open . zip labels) $ foldr (\a x -> bimap (:) (:) a <<*>> x) (pure []) (zipWith srf labels as) h' <- zoom _1 h pure (Rep (maybe mempty (h5_ . toHtml) title <> h') fa) -- | A (fixed-sized) list of (Bool, a) tuples. accordionBoolList :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> (a -> SharedRep m a) -> (Bool -> SharedRep m Bool) -> [Text] -> [(Bool, a)] -> SharedRep m [(Bool, a)] accordionBoolList title prefix bodyf checkf labels xs = SharedRep $ do (Rep h fa) <- unrep $ first (accordionChecked prefix) $ first (zipWith (\l (ch, a) -> (l, a, ch)) labels) $ foldr (\a x -> bimap (:) (:) a <<*>> x) (pure []) ( ( \(ch, a) -> ( bimap (,) (,) (checkf ch) <<*>> bodyf a ) ) <$> xs ) h' <- zoom _1 h pure (Rep (maybe mempty (h5_ . toHtml) title <> h') fa) -- | A fixed-sized list of Maybe a\'s listMaybeRep :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> (Text -> Maybe a -> SharedRep m (Maybe a)) -> Int -> [a] -> SharedRep m [Maybe a] listMaybeRep t p srf n as = accordionList t p Nothing srf (defaultListLabels n) (take n ((Just <$> as) <> repeat Nothing)) -- | A SharedRep of [a]. Due to the applicative nature of the bridge, the size of lists has to be fixed on construction. listRep is a workaround for this, to enable some form of dynamic sizing. listRep :: (Monad m) => Maybe Text -> Text -> -- | name prefix (should be unique) (Bool -> SharedRep m Bool) -> -- | Bool Rep (a -> SharedRep m a) -> -- | a Rep Int -> -- | maximum length of list a -> -- | default value for new rows [a] -> -- | initial values SharedRep m [a] listRep t p brf srf n defa as = second (mconcat . fmap (\(b, a) -> bool [] [a] b)) $ accordionBoolList t p srf brf (defaultListLabels n) (take n (((True,) <$> as) <> repeat (False, defa))) -- a sensible default for the accordion row labels for a list defaultListLabels :: Int -> [Text] defaultListLabels n = (\x -> "[" <> pack (show x) <> "]") <$> [0 .. n] :: [Text] -- | Parse from a textbox -- readTextbox :: (Monad m, Read a, Show a) => Maybe Text -> a -> SharedRep m (Either Text a) readTextbox label v = parsed . unpack <$> textbox label (pack $ show v) where parsed str = case reads str of [(a, "")] -> Right a _ -> Left (pack str) -- | Representation of web concerns (css, js & html). fiddle :: (Monad m) => Concerns Text -> SharedRep m (Concerns Text, Bool) fiddle (Concerns c j h) = bimap (\c' j' h' up -> (Lucid.with div_ [class__ "fiddle "] $ mconcat [up, h', j', c'])) (\c' j' h' up -> (Concerns c' j' h', up)) (textarea 10 (Just "css") c) <<*>> textarea 10 (Just "js") j <<*>> textarea 10 (Just "html") h <<*>> button (Just "update") -- | turns a SharedRep into a fiddle viaFiddle :: (Monad m) => SharedRep m a -> SharedRep m (Bool, Concerns Text, a) viaFiddle sr = SharedRep $ do sr'@(Rep h _) <- unrep sr hrep <- unrep $ textarea 10 (Just "html") (toText h) crep <- unrep $ textarea 10 (Just "css") mempty jrep <- unrep $ textarea 10 (Just "js") mempty u <- unrep $ button (Just "update") pure $ bimap (\up a b c _ -> (Lucid.with div_ [class__ "fiddle "] $ mconcat [up, a, b, c])) (\up a b c d -> (up, Concerns a b c, d)) u <<*>> crep <<*>> jrep <<*>> hrep <<*>> sr' -- | toggle show/hide scriptToggleShow :: (Monad m) => Text -> Text -> HtmlT m () scriptToggleShow checkName toggleClass = script_ [qq| $('#{checkName}').on('change', (function()\{ var vis = this.checked ? "block" : "none"; Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName({toggleClass})).forEach(x => x.style.display = vis); \})); |]