{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide, not-home #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} module Web.Page.Types ( Page (..), PageConfig (..), defaultPageConfig, Concerns (..), suffixes, concernNames, PageConcerns (..), PageStructure (..), PageRender (..), Css, PageCss (..), renderCss, renderPageCss, JS (..), PageJs (..), onLoad, renderPageJs, parseJs, renderJs, Element (..), RepF (..), Rep, oneRep, SharedRepF (..), SharedRep, runOnce, zeroState, ) where import qualified Clay import Clay (Css) import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Morph import Control.Monad.State import Data.Aeson import Data.Biapplicative import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..)) import Data.Generics.Labels () import Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap hiding (foldr) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import GHC.Generics hiding (Rep) import Language.JavaScript.Parser import Language.JavaScript.Parser.AST import Language.JavaScript.Process.Minify import Lucid import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 import Prelude -- | Components of a web page. -- -- A web page can take many forms but still have the same underlying representation. For example, CSS can be linked to in a separate file, or can be inline within html, but still be the same css and have the same expected external effect. A Page represents the practical components of what makes up a static snapshot of a web page. data Page = Page { -- | css library links libsCss :: [Html ()], -- | javascript library links libsJs :: [Html ()], -- | css cssBody :: PageCss, -- | javascript with global scope jsGlobal :: PageJs, -- | javascript included within the onLoad function jsOnLoad :: PageJs, -- | html within the header htmlHeader :: Html (), -- | body html htmlBody :: Html () } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Semigroup Page where (<>) p0 p1 = Page (p0 ^. #libsCss <> p1 ^. #libsCss) (p0 ^. #libsJs <> p1 ^. #libsJs) (p0 ^. #cssBody <> p1 ^. #cssBody) (p0 ^. #jsGlobal <> p1 ^. #jsGlobal) (p0 ^. #jsOnLoad <> p1 ^. #jsOnLoad) (p0 ^. #htmlHeader <> p1 ^. #htmlHeader) (p0 ^. #htmlBody <> p1 ^. #htmlBody) instance Monoid Page where mempty = Page [] [] mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mappend = (<>) -- | -- -- A key-value Text pair as the realistic datatype that zips across the interface between a page and haskell. data Element = Element { element :: Text, value :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance ToJSON Element instance FromJSON Element where parseJSON = withObject "Element" $ \v -> Element <$> v .: "element" <*> v .: "value" -- | -- Information contained in a web page can usually be considered to be isomorphic to a map of named values - a 'HashMap'. This is especially true when considering a differential of information contained in a web page. Looking at a page from the outside, it often looks like a streaming differential of a hashmap. -- -- RepF consists of an underlying value being represented, and, given a hashmap state, a way to produce a representation of the underlying value (or error), in another domain, together with the potential to alter the hashmap state. data RepF r a = Rep { rep :: r, make :: HashMap Text Text -> (HashMap Text Text, Either Text a) } deriving (Functor) -- | the common usage, where the representation domain is Html type Rep a = RepF (Html ()) a instance (Semigroup r) => Semigroup (RepF r a) where (Rep r0 a0) <> (Rep r1 a1) = Rep (r0 <> r1) (\hm -> let (hm', x') = a0 hm in let (hm'', x'') = a1 hm' in (hm'', x' <> x'')) instance (Monoid a, Monoid r) => Monoid (RepF r a) where mempty = Rep mempty (,Right mempty) mappend = (<>) instance Bifunctor RepF where bimap f g (Rep r a) = Rep (f r) (second (fmap g) . a) instance Biapplicative RepF where bipure r a = Rep r (,Right a) (Rep fr fa) <<*>> (Rep r a) = Rep (fr r) ( \hm -> let (hm', a') = a hm in let (hm'', fa') = fa hm' in (hm'', fa' <*> a') ) instance (Monoid r) => Applicative (RepF r) where pure = bipure mempty Rep fh fm <*> Rep ah am = Rep (fh <> ah) ( \hm -> let (hm', a') = am hm in let (hm'', fa') = fm hm' in (hm'', fa' <*> a') ) -- | stateful result of one step, given a 'Rep', and a monadic action. -- Useful for testing and for initialising a page. oneRep :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Rep a -> (Rep a -> HashMap Text Text -> m ()) -> StateT (HashMap Text Text) m (HashMap Text Text, Either Text a) oneRep r@(Rep _ fa) action = do m <- get let (m', a) = fa m put m' lift $ action r m' pure (m', a) -- | -- Driven by the architecture of the DOM, web page components are compositional, and tree-like, where components are often composed of other components, and values are thus shared across components. -- -- This is sometimes referred to as "observable sharing". See as another library that reifies this (pun intended), and provided the initial inspiration for this implementation. newtype SharedRepF m r a = SharedRep { unrep :: StateT (Int, HashMap Text Text) m (RepF r a) } deriving (Functor) -- | default representation type of 'Html' () type SharedRep m a = SharedRepF m (Html ()) a instance (Functor m) => Bifunctor (SharedRepF m) where bimap f g (SharedRep s) = SharedRep $ fmap (bimap f g) s instance (Monad m) => Biapplicative (SharedRepF m) where bipure r a = SharedRep $ pure $ bipure r a (SharedRep f) <<*>> (SharedRep a) = SharedRep $ liftA2 (<<*>>) f a instance (Monad m, Monoid r) => Applicative (SharedRepF m r) where pure = bipure mempty SharedRep f <*> SharedRep a = SharedRep $ liftA2 (<*>) f a -- | compute the initial state of a SharedRep (testing) zeroState :: (Monad m) => SharedRep m a -> m (Html (), (HashMap Text Text, Either Text a)) zeroState sr = do (Rep h fa, (_, m)) <- flip runStateT (0, HashMap.empty) $ unrep sr pure (h, fa m) -- | Compute the initial state of a SharedRep and then run an action once (see tests). runOnce :: (Monad m) => SharedRep m a -> (Html () -> HashMap Text Text -> m ()) -> m (HashMap Text Text, Either Text a) runOnce sr action = do (Rep h fa, (_, m)) <- flip runStateT (0, HashMap.empty) $ unrep sr action h m pure (fa m) -- | A web page typically is composed of some css, javascript and html. -- -- 'Concerns' abstracts this structural feature of a web page. data Concerns a = Concerns { cssConcern :: a, jsConcern :: a, htmlConcern :: a } deriving (Eq, Show, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) instance Functor Concerns where fmap f (Concerns c j h) = Concerns (f c) (f j) (f h) instance Applicative Concerns where pure a = Concerns a a a Concerns f g h <*> Concerns a b c = Concerns (f a) (g b) (h c) -- | The common file suffixes of the three concerns. suffixes :: Concerns FilePath suffixes = Concerns ".css" ".js" ".html" -- | Create filenames for each Concern element. concernNames :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Concerns FilePath concernNames dir stem = (\x -> dir <> stem <> x) <$> suffixes -- | Is the rendering to include all 'Concerns' (typically in a html file) or be separated (tyypically into separate files and linked in the html file)? data PageConcerns = Inline | Separated deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Various ways that a Html file can be structured. data PageStructure = HeaderBody | Headless | Snippet | Svg deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Post-processing of page concerns data PageRender = Pretty | Minified | NoPost deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Configuration options when rendering a 'Page'. data PageConfig = PageConfig { concerns :: PageConcerns, structure :: PageStructure, pageRender :: PageRender, filenames :: Concerns FilePath, localdirs :: [FilePath] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | Default configuration is inline ecma and css, separate html header and body, minified code, with the suggested filename prefix. defaultPageConfig :: FilePath -> PageConfig defaultPageConfig stem = PageConfig Inline HeaderBody Minified ((stem <>) <$> suffixes) [] -- | Unifies css as either a 'Clay.Css' or as Text. data PageCss = PageCss Clay.Css | PageCssText Text deriving (Generic) instance Show PageCss where show (PageCss css) = unpack . renderCss $ css show (PageCssText txt) = unpack txt instance Semigroup PageCss where (<>) (PageCss css) (PageCss css') = PageCss (css <> css') (<>) (PageCssText css) (PageCssText css') = PageCssText (css <> css') (<>) (PageCss css) (PageCssText css') = PageCssText (renderCss css <> css') (<>) (PageCssText css) (PageCss css') = PageCssText (css <> renderCss css') instance Monoid PageCss where mempty = PageCssText mempty mappend = (<>) -- | Render 'PageCss' as text. renderPageCss :: PageRender -> PageCss -> Text renderPageCss Minified (PageCss css) = toStrict $ Clay.renderWith Clay.compact [] css renderPageCss _ (PageCss css) = toStrict $ Clay.render css renderPageCss _ (PageCssText css) = css -- | Render 'Css' as text. renderCss :: Css -> Text renderCss = toStrict . Clay.render -- | wrapper for `JSAST` newtype JS = JS {unJS :: JSAST} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance Semigroup JS where (<>) (JS (JSAstProgram ss ann)) (JS (JSAstProgram ss' _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram (ss <> ss') ann (<>) (JS (JSAstProgram ss ann)) (JS (JSAstStatement s _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram (ss <> [s]) ann (<>) (JS (JSAstProgram ss ann)) (JS (JSAstExpression e ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram (ss <> [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann')]) ann (<>) (JS (JSAstProgram ss ann)) (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram (ss <> [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann')]) ann (<>) (JS (JSAstStatement s ann)) (JS (JSAstProgram ss _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram (s : ss) ann (<>) (JS (JSAstStatement s ann)) (JS (JSAstStatement s' _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram [s, s'] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstStatement s ann)) (JS (JSAstExpression e ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram [s, JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann')] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstStatement s ann)) (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram [s, JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann')] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstExpression e ann)) (JS (JSAstProgram ss _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram (JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann) : ss) ann (<>) (JS (JSAstExpression e ann)) (JS (JSAstStatement s' _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann), s'] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstExpression e ann)) (JS (JSAstExpression e' ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann), JSExpressionStatement e' (JSSemi ann')] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstExpression e ann)) (JS (JSAstLiteral e' ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann), JSExpressionStatement e' (JSSemi ann')] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann)) (JS (JSAstProgram ss _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram (JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann) : ss) ann (<>) (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann)) (JS (JSAstStatement s' _)) = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann), s'] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann)) (JS (JSAstExpression e' ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann), JSExpressionStatement e' (JSSemi ann')] ann (<>) (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann)) (JS (JSAstLiteral e' ann')) = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann), JSExpressionStatement e' (JSSemi ann')] ann instance Monoid JS where mempty = JS $ JSAstProgram [] (JSAnnot (TokenPn 0 0 0) []) mappend = (<>) -- | Unifies javascript as 'JSStatement' and script as 'Text'. data PageJs = PageJs JS | PageJsText Text deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance Semigroup PageJs where (<>) (PageJs js) (PageJs js') = PageJs (js <> js') (<>) (PageJsText js) (PageJsText js') = PageJsText (js <> js') (<>) (PageJs js) (PageJsText js') = PageJsText (toStrict (renderToText $ unJS js) <> js') (<>) (PageJsText js) (PageJs js') = PageJsText (js <> toStrict (renderToText $ unJS js')) instance Monoid PageJs where mempty = PageJs mempty mappend = (<>) -- | Wrap js in standard DOM window loader. onLoad :: PageJs -> PageJs onLoad (PageJs js) = PageJs $ onLoadStatements [toStatement js] onLoad (PageJsText js) = PageJsText $ onLoadText js toStatement :: JS -> JSStatement toStatement (JS (JSAstProgram ss ann)) = JSStatementBlock JSNoAnnot ss JSNoAnnot (JSSemi ann) toStatement (JS (JSAstStatement s _)) = s toStatement (JS (JSAstExpression e ann')) = JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann') toStatement (JS (JSAstLiteral e ann')) = JSExpressionStatement e (JSSemi ann') onLoadStatements :: [JSStatement] -> JS onLoadStatements js = JS $ JSAstProgram [JSAssignStatement (JSMemberDot (JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "window") JSNoAnnot (JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "onload")) (JSAssign JSNoAnnot) (JSFunctionExpression JSNoAnnot JSIdentNone JSNoAnnot JSLNil JSNoAnnot (JSBlock JSNoAnnot js JSNoAnnot)) JSSemiAuto] JSNoAnnot onLoadText :: Text -> Text onLoadText t = [qc| window.onload=function()\{{t}};|] -- | Convert 'Text' to 'JS', throwing an error on incorrectness. parseJs :: Text -> JS parseJs = JS . readJs . Text.unpack -- | Render 'JS' as 'Text'. renderJs :: JS -> Text renderJs = toStrict . renderToText . unJS -- | Render 'PageJs' as 'Text'. renderPageJs :: PageRender -> PageJs -> Text renderPageJs _ (PageJsText js) = js renderPageJs Minified (PageJs js) = toStrict . renderToText . minifyJS . unJS $ js renderPageJs Pretty (PageJs js) = toStrict . renderToText . unJS $ js