{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module Web.Rep.Examples ( page1, page2, cfg2, RepExamples (..), repExamples, Shape (..), fromShape, toShape, SumTypeExample (..), repSumTypeExample, SumType2Example (..), repSumType2Example, listExample, listRepExample, fiddleExample, ) where import qualified Clay import Data.Attoparsec.Text import Data.Biapplicative import Data.Bool import Data.Text (Text, pack) import GHC.Generics import Lucid import Optics.Core import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 import Web.Rep -- | simple page example page1 :: Page page1 = #htmlBody .~ button1 $ #cssBody .~ RepCss css1 $ #jsGlobal .~ mempty $ #jsOnLoad .~ click $ #libsCss .~ (libCss <$> cssLibs) $ #libsJs .~ (libJs <$> jsLibs) $ mempty -- | page with localised libraries page2 :: Page page2 = #libsCss .~ (libCss <$> cssLibsLocal) $ #libsJs .~ (libJs <$> jsLibsLocal) $ page1 cfg2 :: PageConfig cfg2 = #concerns .~ Separated $ #pageRender .~ Pretty $ #structure .~ Headless $ #localdirs .~ ["test/static"] $ #filenames .~ (("other/cfg2" <>) <$> suffixes) $ defaultPageConfig "" cssLibs :: [Text] cssLibs = ["http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"] cssLibsLocal :: [Text] cssLibsLocal = ["css/font-awesome.min.css"] jsLibs :: [Text] jsLibs = ["http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.3.min.js"] jsLibsLocal :: [Text] jsLibsLocal = ["jquery-2.1.3.min.js"] css1 :: Css css1 = do Clay.fontSize (Clay.px 10) Clay.fontFamily ["Arial", "Helvetica"] [Clay.sansSerif] "#btnGo" Clay.? do Clay.marginTop (Clay.px 20) Clay.marginBottom (Clay.px 20) "#btnGo.on" Clay.? Clay.color Clay.green -- js click :: RepJs click = RepJsText [q| $('#btnGo').click( function() { $('#btnGo').toggleClass('on'); alert('bada bing!'); }); |] button1 :: Html () button1 = with button_ [id_ "btnGo", Lucid.type_ "button"] ("Go " <> with i_ [class__ "fa fa-play"] mempty) -- | One of each sharedrep input instances. data RepExamples = RepExamples { repTextbox :: Text, repTextarea :: Text, repSliderI :: Int, repSlider :: Double, repCheckbox :: Bool, repToggle :: Bool, repDropdown :: Int, repDropdownMultiple :: [Int], repShape :: Shape, repColor :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | For a typed dropdown example. data Shape = SquareShape | CircleShape deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | shape parser toShape :: Text -> Shape toShape t = case t of "Circle" -> CircleShape "Square" -> SquareShape _ -> CircleShape -- | shape printer fromShape :: Shape -> Text fromShape CircleShape = "Circle" fromShape SquareShape = "Square" -- | one of each input SharedReps repExamples :: (Monad m) => SharedRep m RepExamples repExamples = do t <- textbox (Just "textbox") "sometext" ta <- textarea 3 (Just "textarea") "no initial value & multi-line text\\nrenders is not ok?/" n <- sliderI (Just "int slider") 0 5 1 3 ds' <- slider (Just "double slider") 0 1 0.1 0.5 c <- checkbox (Just "checkbox") True tog <- toggle (Just "toggle") False dr <- dropdown decimal (pack . show) (Just "dropdown") (pack . show <$> [1 .. 5 :: Int]) 3 drm <- dropdownMultiple decimal (pack . show) (Just "dropdown multiple") (pack . show <$> [1 .. 5 :: Int]) [2, 4] drt <- toShape <$> dropdown takeText id (Just "shape") ["Circle", "Square"] (fromShape SquareShape) col <- colorPicker (Just "color") "#454e56" pure (RepExamples t ta n ds' c tog dr drm drt col) listExample :: (Monad m) => Int -> SharedRep m [Int] listExample n = accordionList (Just "accordianListify") "al" Nothing (\l a -> sliderI (Just l) (0 :: Int) n 1 a) ((\x -> "[" <> (pack . show) x <> "]") <$> [0 .. n] :: [Text]) [0 .. n] listRepExample :: (Monad m) => Int -> SharedRep m [Int] listRepExample n = listRep (Just "listifyMaybe") "alm" (checkbox Nothing) (sliderI Nothing (0 :: Int) n 1) n 3 [0 .. 4] fiddleExample :: Concerns Text fiddleExample = Concerns mempty mempty [q|
|] data SumTypeExample = SumInt Int | SumOnly | SumText Text deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) sumTypeText :: SumTypeExample -> Text sumTypeText (SumInt _) = "SumInt" sumTypeText SumOnly = "SumOnly" sumTypeText (SumText _) = "SumText" repSumTypeExample :: (Monad m) => Int -> Text -> SumTypeExample -> SharedRep m SumTypeExample repSumTypeExample defi deft defst = bimap hmap mmap repst <<*>> repi <<*>> rept where repi = sliderI Nothing 0 20 1 defInt rept = textbox Nothing defText repst = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "SumTypeExample") ["SumInt", "SumOnly", "SumText"] (sumTypeText defst) hmap repst' repi' rept' = div_ ( repst' <> with repi' [ class__ "subtype ", data_ "sumtype" "SumInt", style_ ( "display:" <> bool "block" "none" (sumTypeText defst /= "SumInt") ) ] <> with rept' [ class__ "subtype ", data_ "sumtype" "SumText", style_ ("display:" <> bool "block" "none" (sumTypeText defst /= "SumText")) ] ) mmap repst' repi' rept' = case repst' of "SumInt" -> SumInt repi' "SumOnly" -> SumOnly "SumText" -> SumText rept' _ -> SumOnly defInt = case defst of SumInt i -> i _NotSumInt -> defi defText = case defst of SumText t -> t _NotSumText -> deft data SumType2Example = SumOutside Int | SumInside SumTypeExample deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) sumType2Text :: SumType2Example -> Text sumType2Text (SumOutside _) = "SumOutside" sumType2Text (SumInside _) = "SumInside" repSumType2Example :: (Monad m) => Int -> Text -> SumTypeExample -> SumType2Example -> SharedRep m SumType2Example repSumType2Example defi deft defst defst2 = bimap hmap mmap repst2 <<*>> repst <<*>> repoi where repoi = sliderI Nothing 0 20 1 defInt repst = repSumTypeExample defi deft SumOnly repst2 = dropdownSum takeText id (Just "SumType2Example") ["SumOutside", "SumInside"] (sumType2Text defst2) hmap repst2' repst' repoi' = div_ ( repst2' <> with repst' [ class__ "subtype ", data_ "sumtype" "SumInside", style_ ( "display:" <> bool "block" "none" (sumType2Text defst2 /= "SumInside") ) ] <> with repoi' [ class__ "subtype ", data_ "sumtype" "SumOutside", style_ ( "display:" <> bool "block" "none" (sumType2Text defst2 /= "SumOutside") ) ] ) mmap repst2' repst' repoi' = case repst2' of "SumOutside" -> SumOutside repoi' "SumInside" -> SumInside repst' _WeirdSpelling -> SumOutside repoi' defInt = case defst of SumInt i -> i _NotSumInt -> defi