{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- | Common web page input elements, often with bootstrap scaffolding. module Web.Rep.Html.Input ( Input (..), InputType (..), ) where import Data.Bool import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text, pack, split) import GHC.Generics import Lucid import Lucid.Base import Web.Rep.Html -- | something that might exist on a web page and be a front-end input to computations. data Input a = Input { -- | underlying value inputVal :: a, -- | label suggestion inputLabel :: Maybe Text, -- | name//key//id of the Input inputId :: Text, -- | type of html input inputType :: InputType } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) -- | Various types of web page inputs, encapsulating practical bootstrap class functionality data InputType = Slider [Attribute] | TextBox | TextBox' | TextArea Int | ColorPicker | ChooseFile | Dropdown [Text] | DropdownMultiple [Text] Char | DropdownSum [Text] | Datalist [Text] Text | Checkbox Bool | Toggle Bool (Maybe Text) | Button deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance (ToHtml a) => ToHtml (Input a) where toHtml (Input v l i (Slider satts)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> input_ ( [ type_ "range", class__ " form-control-range form-control-sm custom-range jsbClassEventChange", id_ i, value_ (pack $ show $ toHtml v) ] <> satts ) ) toHtml (Input v l i TextBox) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> input_ [ type_ "text", class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventInput", id_ i, value_ (pack $ show $ toHtmlRaw v) ] ) toHtml (Input v l i TextBox') = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> input_ [ type_ "text", class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventFocusout", id_ i, value_ (pack $ show $ toHtmlRaw v) ] ) toHtml (Input v l i (TextArea rows)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> with textarea_ [ rows_ (pack $ show rows), class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventInput", id_ i ] (toHtmlRaw v) ) toHtml (Input v l i ColorPicker) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> input_ [ type_ "color", class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventInput", id_ i, value_ (pack $ show $ toHtml v) ] ) toHtml (Input _ l i ChooseFile) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] (maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l) <> input_ [ type_ "file", class__ "form-control-file form-control-sm jsbClassEventChooseFile", id_ i ] toHtml (Input v l i (Dropdown opts)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> with select_ [ class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventInput", id_ i ] opts' ) where opts' = mconcat $ ( \o -> with option_ ( bool [] [selected_ "selected"] (toText (toHtml o) == toText (toHtml v)) ) (toHtml o) ) <$> opts toHtml (Input vs l i (DropdownMultiple opts sep)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> with select_ [ class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventChangeMultiple", multiple_ "multiple", id_ i ] opts' ) where opts' = mconcat $ ( \o -> with option_ ( bool [] [selected_ "selected"] (any (\v -> toText (toHtml o) == toText (toHtml v)) (Data.Text.split (== sep) (toText (toHtml vs)))) ) (toHtml o) ) <$> opts toHtml (Input v l i (DropdownSum opts)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm sumtype-group"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> with select_ [ class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventInput jsbClassEventShowSum", id_ i ] opts' ) where opts' = mconcat $ ( \o -> with option_ (bool [] [selected_ "selected"] (toText (toHtml o) == toText (toHtml v))) (toHtml o) ) <$> opts toHtml (Input v l i (Datalist opts listId)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> input_ [ type_ "text", class__ "form-control form-control-sm jsbClassEventInput", id_ i, list_ listId -- the datalist concept in html assumes initial state is a null -- and doesn't present the list if it has a value alreadyx -- , value_ (show $ toHtml v) ] <> with datalist_ [id_ listId] ( mconcat $ ( \o -> with option_ ( bool [] [selected_ "selected"] (toText (toHtml o) == toText (toHtml v)) ) (toHtml o) ) <$> opts ) ) -- FIXME: How can you refactor to eliminate this polymorphic wart? toHtml (Input _ l i (Checkbox checked)) = with div_ [class__ "form-check form-check-sm"] ( input_ ( [ type_ "checkbox", class__ "form-check-input jsbClassEventCheckbox", id_ i ] <> bool [] [checked_] checked ) <> maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "form-check-label mb-0"] . toHtml) l ) toHtml (Input _ l i (Toggle pushed lab)) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( maybe mempty (with label_ [for_ i, class__ "mb-0"] . toHtml) l <> input_ ( [ type_ "button", class__ "btn btn-primary btn-sm jsbClassEventToggle", data_ "toggle" "button", id_ i, makeAttribute "aria-pressed" (bool "false" "true" pushed) ] <> maybe [] (\l' -> [value_ l']) lab <> bool [] [checked_] pushed ) ) toHtml (Input _ l i Button) = with div_ [class__ "form-group-sm"] ( input_ [ type_ "button", id_ i, class__ "btn btn-primary btn-sm jsbClassEventButton", value_ (fromMaybe "button" l) ] ) toHtmlRaw = toHtml