module Test.RenderSpec (spec) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Skeletest
import Web.View
import Web.View.Render
import Web.View.Style
import Web.View.Types
import Web.View.View (ViewState (..), runView, tag')
import Prelude hiding (span)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "render" renderSpec
describe "selector" selectorSpec
renderSpec :: Spec
renderSpec = do
describe "output" $ do
it "should render simple output" $ do
renderText (el_ "hi") `shouldBe` "
it "should render two elements" $ do
renderText (el_ "hello" >> el_ "world") `shouldBe` "
it "should match basic output with styles" $ do
golden <- goldenFile "test/resources/basic.txt"
let out = renderText $ col (pad 10) $ el bold "hello" >> el_ "world"
out `shouldBe` golden
describe "escape" $ do
it "should escape properly" $ do
golden <- goldenFile "test/resources/escaping.txt"
let out = renderText $ do
el (att "title" "I have some apos' and quotes \" and I'm a <> attribute!!!") "I am 'user"
el (att "title" "I have some apos' and quotes \" and I'm a <> attribute!!!") $ do
el_ "I am 'user"
el_ "I am another 'user"
out `shouldBe` golden
it "should escape properly" $ do
golden <- goldenFile "test/resources/raw.txt"
let out = renderText $ el bold $ raw ""
out `shouldBe` golden
describe "empty rules" $ do
it "should skip css class when no css attributes" $ do
let view = do
el (addClass $ cls "empty") "i have no css"
el bold "i have some css"
renderLines (renderCSS (runCSS view)) `shouldBe` ".bold { font-weight:bold }"
it "should skip css element when no css rules" $ do
let res = renderText $ el empty "i have no css"
res `shouldBe` "
i have no css
it "should render classes only once" $ do
let single = el bold "test"
let double = el (bold . bold) "test"
renderText double `shouldBe` renderText single
describe "inline" $ do
it "renderLines should respect inline text " $ do
renderLines [Line Inline 0 "one ", Line Inline 0 "two"] `shouldBe` "one two"
it "renderLines should respect inline tags " $ do
renderLines [Line Inline 0 "one ", Line Inline 0 "two ", Line Inline 0 "/", Line Inline 0 " three"] `shouldBe` "one two / three"
it "should render text and inline elements inline" $ do
let span = tag' (Element True "span") :: Mod () -> View () () -> View () ()
let res =
renderText $ do
text "one "
text "two "
span id "/"
text " three"
res `shouldBe` "one two / three"
describe "indentation" $ do
it "should nested indent" $ do
golden <- goldenFile "test/resources/nested.txt"
let out = renderText $ do
el_ $ do
el_ $ do
el_ "HI"
out `shouldBe` golden
empty = addClass $ cls "empty"
selectorSpec :: Spec
selectorSpec = do
it "should escape classNames" $ do
className "hello.woot-hi" `shouldBe` "hello-woot-hi"
it "normal selector" $ do
let sel = selector "myclass"
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".myclass"
it "pseudo selector" $ do
let sel = (selector "myclass"){pseudo = Just Hover}
attributeClassName sel `shouldBe` "hover:myclass"
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".hover\\:myclass:hover"
it "it should include ancestor in selector" $ do
let sel = (selector "myclass"){ancestor = Just "parent"}
attributeClassName sel `shouldBe` "parent-myclass"
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".parent .parent-myclass"
it "should not media query in selectorText" $ do
let sel = (selector "myclass"){media = Just (MinWidth 100)}
attributeClassName sel `shouldBe` "mmnw100-myclass"
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".mmnw100-myclass"
it "psuedo + parent" $ do
let sel = (selector "myclass"){ancestor = Just "parent", pseudo = Just Hover}
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".parent .hover\\:parent-myclass:hover"
it "child" $ do
let sel = (selector "myclass"){child = Just "mychild"}
attributeClassName sel `shouldBe` "myclass-mychild"
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".myclass-mychild > .mychild"
let sel2 = (selector "myclass"){child = Just AllChildren}
attributeClassName sel2 `shouldBe` "myclass-all"
selectorText sel2 `shouldBe` ".myclass-all > *"
it "parent + pseudo + child" $ do
let sel = (selector "myclass"){child = Just "mychild", ancestor = Just "myparent", pseudo = Just Hover}
attributeClassName sel `shouldBe` "hover:myparent-myclass-mychild"
selectorText sel `shouldBe` ".myparent .hover\\:myparent-myclass-mychild:hover > .mychild"
-- describe "child combinator" $ do
-- it "should include child combinator in definition" $ do
goldenFile :: FilePath -> IO Text
goldenFile fp = do
inp <- T.readFile fp
pure $ T.dropWhileEnd (== '\n') inp
runCSS :: View () () -> CSS
runCSS view = (runView () view).css