{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Emulation ( spec, ) where import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), MonadError, MonadTrans (lift), runExceptT, throwError) import Crypto.Hash (hash) import qualified Crypto.Random as Random import qualified Crypto.WebAuthn.Cose.Algorithm as Cose import qualified Crypto.WebAuthn.Metadata.Service.Types as Meta import qualified Crypto.WebAuthn.Model as M import qualified Crypto.WebAuthn.Operation as O import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (second)) import Data.Hourglass (DateTime) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Validation (toEither) import Emulation.Authenticator ( Authenticator (AuthenticatorNone, aAuthenticatorDataFlags, aConformance, aSignatureCounter), AuthenticatorNonConformingBehaviour (RandomPrivateKey, RandomSignatureData, StaticCounter), AuthenticatorSignatureCounter (Unsupported), ) import Emulation.Authenticator.Arbitrary () import Emulation.Client ( AnnotatedOrigin (AnnotatedOrigin, aoOrigin, aoRpId), UserAgentConformance, UserAgentNonConformingBehaviour (RandomChallenge), clientAssertion, clientAttestation, ) import Emulation.Client.Arbitrary () import System.Hourglass (dateCurrent) import Test.Hspec (SpecWith, describe, it, shouldSatisfy) import Test.QuickCheck (property) -- | Custom type to combine the MonadPseudoRandom with the Except monad. We -- force the ChaChaDRG to ensure the App type is completely pure, and -- evaluating the monad has no side effects. newtype App a = App (ExceptT String (Random.MonadPseudoRandom Random.ChaChaDRG) a) deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadError String) instance MonadFail App where fail = throwError instance Random.MonadRandom App where getRandomBytes n = App $ lift $ Random.getRandomBytes n runApp :: Integer -> App a -> Either String a runApp seed (App except) = let rng = Random.drgNewSeed $ Random.seedFromInteger seed in fst $ Random.withDRG rng $ runExceptT except -- | Performs attestation to generate a credential, and then uses that -- credential to perform assertion. register :: (Random.MonadRandom m, MonadFail m) => AnnotatedOrigin -> UserAgentConformance -> Authenticator -> Meta.MetadataServiceRegistry -> DateTime -> m (Either (NE.NonEmpty O.RegistrationError) O.RegistrationResult, Authenticator, M.CredentialOptions 'M.Registration) register ao conformance authenticator registry now = do -- Generate new random input assertionChallenge <- M.generateChallenge userId <- M.generateUserHandle -- Create dummy user let user = M.CredentialUserEntity { M.cueId = userId, M.cueDisplayName = M.UserAccountDisplayName "John Doe", M.cueName = M.UserAccountName "john-doe" } let options = defaultPkcoc user assertionChallenge -- Perform client Attestation emulation with a fresh authenticator (mPkcCreate, authenticator) <- clientAttestation options ao conformance authenticator -- Verify the result let registerResult = toEither $ O.verifyRegistrationResponse (aoOrigin ao) (M.RpIdHash . hash . encodeUtf8 . M.unRpId $ aoRpId ao) registry now options mPkcCreate pure (registerResult, authenticator, options) login :: (Random.MonadRandom m, MonadFail m) => AnnotatedOrigin -> UserAgentConformance -> Authenticator -> O.CredentialEntry -> m (Either (NE.NonEmpty O.AuthenticationError) O.SignatureCounterResult) login ao conformance authenticator ce@O.CredentialEntry {..} = do attestationChallenge <- M.generateChallenge let options = defaultCog attestationChallenge -- Perform client assertion emulation with the same authenticator, this -- authenticator should now store the created credential (mPkcGet, _) <- clientAssertion options ao conformance authenticator pure . second O.arSignatureCounterResult . toEither $ O.verifyAuthenticationResponse (aoOrigin ao) (M.RpIdHash . hash . encodeUtf8 . M.unRpId $ aoRpId ao) (Just ceUserHandle) ce options mPkcGet spec :: SpecWith () spec = describe "None" $ it "succeeds" $ property $ \seed authenticator userAgentConformance -> do let annotatedOrigin = AnnotatedOrigin { aoRpId = M.RpId "localhost", aoOrigin = M.Origin "https://localhost:8080" } -- Since our emulator only supports None attestation the registry can be left empty. let registry = mempty -- The time could also be empty, but since we're in IO anyway, might as well just fetch it. now <- dateCurrent -- We are not currently interested in client or authenticator fails, we -- only wish to test our relying party implementation and are thus only -- interested in its errors. let Right (registerResult, authenticator', options) = runApp seed (register annotatedOrigin userAgentConformance authenticator registry now) -- Since we only do None attestation, we only care about the resulting entry let registerResult' = second O.rrEntry registerResult registerResult' `shouldSatisfy` validAttestationResult authenticator userAgentConformance options -- Only if attestation succeeded can we continue with assertion case registerResult' of Right credentialEntry -> do let Right loginResult = runApp (seed + 1) (login annotatedOrigin userAgentConformance authenticator' credentialEntry) loginResult `shouldSatisfy` validAssertionResult authenticator userAgentConformance _ -> pure () -- | Validates the result of attestation. Ensures that the proper errors are -- resulted in if the authenticator exhibits nonconforming behaviour, and -- checks if the correct result was given if the authenticator does not exhibit -- any nonconforming behaviour. validAttestationResult :: Authenticator -> UserAgentConformance -> M.CredentialOptions 'M.Registration -> Either (NE.NonEmpty O.RegistrationError) O.CredentialEntry -> Bool -- A valid result can only happen if we exhibited no non-conforming behaviour -- The userHandle must be the one specified by the options validAttestationResult _ _ M.CredentialOptionsRegistration {..} (Right O.CredentialEntry {..}) = ceUserHandle == M.cueId corUser -- If we did result in errors, we want every error to be validated by some -- configuration issue (NOTE: We cannot currently exhibit non conforming -- behaviour during attestation) validAttestationResult AuthenticatorNone {..} uaConformance _ (Left errors) = all isValidated errors where isValidated :: O.RegistrationError -> Bool isValidated (O.RegistrationChallengeMismatch _ _) = RandomChallenge `elem` uaConformance isValidated (O.RegistrationOriginMismatch _ _) = False isValidated (O.RegistrationRpIdHashMismatch _ _) = False -- The User not being present must be a result of the authenticator not checking for a user being present isValidated O.RegistrationUserNotPresent = not $ M.adfUserPresent aAuthenticatorDataFlags -- The User not being valided must be a result of the authenticator not validating the user isValidated O.RegistrationUserNotVerified = not $ M.adfUserVerified aAuthenticatorDataFlags isValidated (O.RegistrationUndesiredPublicKeyAlgorithm _ _) = False isValidated (O.RegistrationAttestationFormatError _ _) = False -- | Validates the result of assertion. Ensures that the proper errors are -- resulted in if the authenticator exhibits nonconforming behaviour, and -- checks if the correct result was given if the authenticator does not exhibit -- any nonconforming behaviour. validAssertionResult :: Authenticator -> UserAgentConformance -> Either (NE.NonEmpty O.AuthenticationError) O.SignatureCounterResult -> Bool -- We can only result in a 0 signature counter if the authenticator doesn't -- have a counter and is either conforming or only has a static counter validAssertionResult AuthenticatorNone {..} _ (Right O.SignatureCounterZero) = aSignatureCounter == Unsupported && (Set.null aConformance || aConformance == Set.singleton StaticCounter) -- A valid response must only happen if we have no non-confirming behaviour validAssertionResult AuthenticatorNone {..} _ (Right (O.SignatureCounterUpdated _)) = Set.null aConformance -- A potentially cloned counter must imply that we only exhibited the static -- counter non-conforming behaviour validAssertionResult AuthenticatorNone {..} _ (Right O.SignatureCounterPotentiallyCloned) = Set.singleton StaticCounter == aConformance -- If we did result in errors, we want every error to be validated by some -- non-conforming behaviour or configuration issue validAssertionResult AuthenticatorNone {..} uaConformance (Left errors) = all isValidated errors where isValidated :: O.AuthenticationError -> Bool isValidated (O.AuthenticationDisallowedCredential _ _) = False isValidated (O.AuthenticationIdentifiedUserHandleMismatch _ _) = False isValidated (O.AuthenticationCredentialUserHandleMismatch _ _) = False isValidated O.AuthenticationCannotVerifyUserHandle = False isValidated (O.AuthenticationChallengeMismatch _ _) = RandomChallenge `elem` uaConformance isValidated (O.AuthenticationOriginMismatch _ _) = False isValidated (O.AuthenticationRpIdHashMismatch _ _) = False -- The User not being present must be a result of the authenticator not checking for a user being present isValidated O.AuthenticationUserNotPresent = not $ M.adfUserPresent aAuthenticatorDataFlags -- The User not being valided must be a result of the authenticator not validating the user isValidated O.AuthenticationUserNotVerified = not $ M.adfUserVerified aAuthenticatorDataFlags -- The Signature being invalid can happen when the data was wrong or the wrong private key was used isValidated (O.AuthenticationSignatureDecodingError _) = False isValidated O.AuthenticationInvalidSignature {} = elem RandomSignatureData aConformance || elem RandomPrivateKey aConformance -- | Create a default set of options for attestation. These options can be modified before using them in the tests defaultPkcoc :: M.CredentialUserEntity -> M.Challenge -> M.CredentialOptions 'M.Registration defaultPkcoc userEntity challenge = M.CredentialOptionsRegistration { M.corRp = M.CredentialRpEntity {M.creId = Nothing, M.creName = "ACME"}, M.corUser = userEntity, M.corChallenge = challenge, -- Empty credentialparameters are not supported. M.corPubKeyCredParams = [ M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmES256 }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmES384 }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmES512 }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmEdDSA }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmRS1 }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmRS256 }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmRS384 }, M.CredentialParameters { M.cpTyp = M.CredentialTypePublicKey, M.cpAlg = Cose.CoseAlgorithmRS512 } ], M.corTimeout = Nothing, M.corExcludeCredentials = [], M.corAuthenticatorSelection = Just M.AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria { M.ascAuthenticatorAttachment = Nothing, M.ascResidentKey = M.ResidentKeyRequirementDiscouraged, M.ascUserVerification = M.UserVerificationRequirementPreferred }, M.corAttestation = M.AttestationConveyancePreferenceDirect, M.corExtensions = Nothing } -- | Create a default set of options for assertion. These options can be modified before using them in the tests defaultCog :: M.Challenge -> M.CredentialOptions 'M.Authentication defaultCog challenge = M.CredentialOptionsAuthentication { M.coaChallenge = challenge, M.coaTimeout = Nothing, M.coaRpId = Just "localhost", -- We currently only support client-side discoverable credentials M.coaAllowCredentials = [], M.coaUserVerification = M.UserVerificationRequirementPreferred, M.coaExtensions = Nothing }