This module serves as the top-level interface to the Haskell WebDriver bindings,
providing most of the functionality you're likely to want.

module Test.WebDriver (
  -- * WebDriver monad
  -- * Running WebDriver commands
  , runSession, withSession, runWD
  -- * WebDriver configuration
  , WDConfig(..), defaultConfig
  -- ** Configuration helper functions
  -- | Instead of working with the 'Capabilities' record directly, you can use
  --   these config modifier functions to specify common options.
  , useBrowser, useProxy, useVersion, usePlatform
  -- ** Session history configuration
  , SessionHistoryConfig, noHistory, unlimitedHistory, onlyMostRecentHistory
  -- ** HTTP request header utilities
  , withRequestHeaders, withAuthHeaders
  -- * WebDriver commands
  , module Test.WebDriver.Commands
  -- * Capabilities (advanced configuration)
  , Capabilities(..), defaultCaps, allCaps, modifyCaps
  , Platform(..), ProxyType(..)
  -- ** Browser-specific capabilities
  , Browser(..), LogLevel(..)
  -- *** Browser defaults
  , firefox, chrome, ie, opera, iPhone, iPad, android
  -- * Exception handling
  , finallyClose, closeOnException
  , module Test.WebDriver.Exceptions
  -- * Accessing session history
  , SessionHistory(..), getSessionHistory, dumpSessionHistory
  ) where

import Test.WebDriver.Commands
import Test.WebDriver.Config
import Test.WebDriver.Exceptions
import Test.WebDriver.Monad
import Test.WebDriver.Session
import Test.WebDriver.Types