{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |A collection of convenience functions for using and parsing JSON values
-- within 'WD'. All monadic parse errors are converted to asynchronous
-- 'BadJSON' exceptions.
-- These functions are used internally to implement webdriver commands, and may
-- be useful for implementing non-standard commands.
module Test.WebDriver.JSON 
       ( -- * Access a JSON object key
         -- * Conversion from JSON within WD
         -- |Apostrophes are used to disambiguate these functions
         -- from their "Data.Aeson" counterparts.
       , parseJSON', fromJSON'
         -- * Tuple functions
         -- |Convenience functions for working with tuples.
         -- ** JSON object constructors
       , single, pair, triple
         -- ** Extracting JSON objects into tuples
       , parsePair, parseTriple 
         -- * Conversion from parser results to WD
         -- |These functions are used to implement the other functions
         -- in this module, and could be used to implement other JSON 
         -- convenience functions
       , apResultToWD, aesonResultToWD 
         -- * Parse exception
       , BadJSON(..)
       ) where

import Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy (Result(..))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as AP

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable

instance Exception BadJSON
-- |An error occured when parsing a JSON value.
newtype BadJSON = BadJSON String 
             deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

-- |Construct a singleton JSON 'object' from a key and value.
single :: ToJSON a => Text -> a -> Value
single a x = object [a .= x]

-- |Construct a 2-element JSON 'object' from a pair of keys and a pair of 
-- values. 
pair :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => (Text,Text) -> (a,b) -> Value
pair (a,b) (x,y) = object [a .= x, b .= y]

-- |Construct a 3-element JSON 'object' from a triple of keys and a triple of
-- values.
triple :: (ToJSON a, ToJSON b, ToJSON c) => 
          (Text,Text,Text) -> (a,b,c) -> Value
triple (a,b,c) (x,y,z) = object [a .= x, b.= y, c .= z]

-- |Parse a lazy 'ByteString' as a top-level JSON 'Value', then convert it to an
-- instance of 'FromJSON'..
parseJSON' :: MonadBaseControl IO wd => FromJSON a => ByteString -> wd a
parseJSON' = apResultToWD . AP.parse json

-- |Convert a JSON 'Value' to an instance of 'FromJSON'.
fromJSON' :: MonadBaseControl IO wd => FromJSON a => Value -> wd a
fromJSON' = aesonResultToWD . fromJSON

-- |This operator is a wrapper over Aeson's '.:' operator.
(!:) :: (MonadBaseControl IO wd, FromJSON a) => Object -> Text -> wd a
o !: k = aesonResultToWD $ parse (.: k) o

-- |Parse a JSON 'Object' as a pair. The first two string arguments specify the
-- keys to extract from the object. The third string is the name of the
-- calling function, for better error reporting.
parsePair :: (MonadBaseControl IO wd, FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => 
             String -> String -> String -> Value -> wd (a, b)
parsePair a b funcName v = 
  case v of
    Object o -> (,) <$> o !: fromString a <*> o !: fromString b
    _        -> throwIO . BadJSON $ funcName ++ 
                ": cannot parse non-object JSON response as a (" ++ a  
                ++ ", " ++ b ++ ") pair" ++ ")"

-- |Parse a JSON Object as a triple. The first three string arguments
-- specify the keys to extract from the object. The fourth string is the name 
-- of the calling function, for better error reporting.
parseTriple :: (MonadBaseControl IO wd, FromJSON a, FromJSON b, FromJSON c) =>
               String -> String -> String ->  String -> Value -> wd (a, b, c)
parseTriple a b c funcName v = 
  case v of
    Object o -> (,,) <$> o !: fromString a 
                     <*> o !: fromString b 
                     <*> o !: fromString c
    _        -> throwIO . BadJSON $ funcName ++
                ": cannot parse non-object JSON response as a (" ++ a
                ++ ", " ++ b ++ ", " ++ c ++ ") pair"

-- |Convert an attoparsec parser result to 'WD'. 
apResultToWD :: (MonadBaseControl IO wd, FromJSON a) => AP.Result Value -> wd a
apResultToWD p = case p of
  Done _ res -> fromJSON' res
  Fail _ _ err -> throwIO $ BadJSON err

-- |Convert an Aeson parser result to 'WD'.
aesonResultToWD :: (MonadBaseControl IO wd) => Aeson.Result a -> wd a
aesonResultToWD r = case r of
  Success val -> return val
  Error err   -> throwIO $ BadJSON err