{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts #-} module Test.WebDriver.Config( -- * WebDriver configuration WDConfig(..), defaultConfig, mkSession ) where import Test.WebDriver.Session import Test.WebDriver.Capabilities import Data.Default (Default, def) import Data.String (fromString) import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, newManager, defaultManagerSettings) import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase, liftBase) -- |WebDriver session configuration data WDConfig = WDConfig { -- |Host name of the WebDriver server for this -- session (default wdHost :: String -- |Port number of the server (default 4444) , wdPort :: Int -- |Capabilities to use for this session , wdCapabilities :: Capabilities -- |Whether or not we should keep a history of HTTP requests/responses -- -- By default, only the last request/response pair is stored (O(1) heap consumption). -- Enable this option for more detailed debugging info for HTTP requests. , wdKeepSessHist :: Bool -- |Base path for all API requests (default "/wd/hub") , wdBasePath :: String -- |Use the given http-client 'Manager' instead of the default , wdHTTPManager :: Maybe Manager } instance Default WDConfig where def = WDConfig { wdHost = "" , wdPort = 4444 , wdCapabilities = def , wdKeepSessHist = False , wdBasePath = "/wd/hub" , wdHTTPManager = Nothing } {- |A default session config connects to localhost on port 4444, and hasn't been initialized server-side. This value is the same as 'def' but with a less polymorphic type. -} defaultConfig :: WDConfig defaultConfig = def -- |Constructs a new 'WDSession' from a given 'WDConfig' mkSession :: MonadBase IO m => WDConfig -> m WDSession mkSession WDConfig{..} = do manager <- maybe createManager return wdHTTPManager return WDSession { wdSessHost = fromString $ wdHost , wdSessPort = wdPort , wdSessBasePath = fromString $ wdBasePath , wdSessId = Nothing , wdSessHist = [] , wdSessHistUpdate = histUpdate , wdSessHTTPManager = manager } where createManager = liftBase $ newManager defaultManagerSettings histUpdate | wdKeepSessHist = (:) | otherwise = \x _ -> [x]