  Creating basic 'WebServer'.
  Created 'WebServer' can handle GET \/ HEAD \/ POST;
  OK, Not Found, Not Modified, Moved Permanently, etc;
  partial getting; language negotication;
  CGI, chunked data for CGI output;

module Network.Web.Server.Basic (basicServer,
                                 module Network.Web.Server.Params) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.List
import Data.Time
import Network.TCPInfo
import Network.URI hiding (path)
import Network.Web.Date
import Network.Web.HTTP
import Network.Web.Server
import Network.Web.Server.CGI
import Network.Web.Server.Lang
import Network.Web.Server.Params
import Network.Web.Server.Range
import Network.Web.Utils
import System.FilePath


  Creating 'WebServer' with 'BasicConfig'.
  The created 'WebServer' can handle GET \/ HEAD \/ POST;
  OK, Not Found, Not Modified, Moved Permanently, etc;
  partial getting; language negotication;
  CGI, chunked data for CGI output;
  If http:\/\/example.com\/path does not exist but
  http:\/\/example.com\/path\/ exists, the created 'WebServer'
  redirects it. http:\/\/example.com\/path\/ is mapped to
  \/somewhere\/path\/ by 'mapper' and index.html and index.html.en
  automatically added and try to read by 'obtain'.
  If Accept-Language is "xx" and "yy" in order,
  index.html.xx, index.html.yy, index.html and index.html.en
  are tried. The created 'WebServer' does not dynamically
  make index.html for a directory even if index.html does not
  exist for security reasons.
basicServer :: BasicConfig -> WebServer
basicServer cnf mreq = case mreq of
    Nothing -> adjust <$> pure responseBadRequest
    Just req -> case reqMethod req of
      GET   -> adjust <$> processGET  cnf req
      HEAD  -> adjust <$> processHEAD cnf req
      POST  -> adjust <$> processPOST cnf req
      _     -> adjust <$> pure responseNotImplement
    adjust = addServer . addPeerToLog
    addServer rsp = insertField FkServer (serverName cnf) rsp
    addPeerToLog rsp = rsp { rspLogMsg = logmsg}
    peer = peerAddr (tcpInfo cnf)
    logmsg = "[" ++ peer ++ "] " ++ maybe "" uri mreq
    uri req = "\"" ++ toURLwoPort (reqURI req) ++ "\""


runAnyIO :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO a
runAnyIO [] = error "runAnyIO"
runAnyIO (a:as) = do
    mrsp <- a
    case mrsp of
      Nothing  -> runAnyIO as
      Just rsp -> return rsp

runAnyMaybeIO :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
runAnyMaybeIO []     = return Nothing
runAnyMaybeIO (a:as) = do
    mx <- a
    case mx of
      Nothing -> runAnyMaybeIO as
      Just _  -> return mx

processGET :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response
processGET cnf req = do
    let uri = reqURI req
        langs = map ('.':) (languages req) ++ ["",".en"]
    runAnyIO [ tryGet cnf req uri langs
             , tryRedirect cnf uri langs
             , notFound ] -- always Just

processHEAD :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response
processHEAD cnf req = do
    let uri = reqURI req
        langs = map ('.':) (languages req) ++ ["",".en"]
    runAnyIO [ tryHead cnf uri langs
             , tryRedirect cnf uri langs
             , notFound ] -- always Just

processPOST :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response
processPOST cnf req = tryPost cnf req

languages :: Request -> [String]
languages req = maybe [] (parseLang) $ lookupField FkAcceptLanguage req


(>>|) :: Maybe a -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b)
v >>| act =
    case v of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just x  -> act x

(|>|) :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b)
a |>| act = do
    v <- a
    case v of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just x  -> act x

(|||) :: Maybe Status -> Maybe Status -> Maybe Status
(|||) = mplus


ifModifiedSince :: Request -> Maybe UTCTime
ifModifiedSince = lookupAndParseDate FkIfModifiedSince

ifUnmodifiedSince :: Request -> Maybe UTCTime
ifUnmodifiedSince = lookupAndParseDate FkIfUnmodifiedSince

ifRange :: Request -> Maybe UTCTime
ifRange = lookupAndParseDate FkIfRange

lookupAndParseDate :: FieldKey -> Request -> Maybe UTCTime
lookupAndParseDate key req = lookupField key req >>= parseDate

tryGet :: BasicConfig -> Request -> URI -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryGet cnf req uri langs = tryGet' $ mapper cnf uri
    tryGet' None                = return Nothing
    tryGet' (CGI cgi param snm) = tryGetCGI  cnf req cgi param snm
    tryGet' (File file)         = tryGetFile cnf req file langs

tryGetFile :: BasicConfig -> Request -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryGetFile cnf req file langs
  | ".html" `isSuffixOf` file = runAnyMaybeIO $ map (tryGetFile' cnf req file) langs
  | otherwise                 = tryGetFile' cnf req file ""

tryGetFile' :: BasicConfig -> Request -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryGetFile' cnf req file lang = do
    let file' = file ++ lang
    info cnf file' |>| \(size, mtime) -> do
      let ext = takeExtension file
          ct = selectContentType ext
          modified = utcToDate mtime
          mst = ifmodified req size mtime
            ||| ifunmodified req size mtime
            ||| ifrange req size mtime
            ||| unconditional req size mtime
      case mst of
        Just OK -> do
          val <- obtain cnf file' Nothing
          return . Just $ response OK val size ct modified
        Just st@(PartialContent skip len) -> do
          val <- obtain cnf file' $ Just (skip,len)
          return . Just $ response st val len ct modified
        Just st ->
          return . Just $ response st LBS.empty 0 ct modified
        _       -> return Nothing -- never reached

ifmodified :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status
ifmodified req size mtime = do
    date <- ifModifiedSince req
    if date /= mtime
       then unconditional req size mtime
       else Just NotModified -- xxx rspBody should be Nothing

ifunmodified :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status
ifunmodified req size mtime = do
    date <- ifUnmodifiedSince req
    if date == mtime
       then unconditional req size mtime
       else Just PreconditionFailed

ifrange :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status
ifrange req size mtime = do
    date <- ifRange req
    rng  <- lookupField FkRange req
    if date == mtime
       then Just OK
       else range size rng

unconditional :: Request -> Integer -> UTCTime -> Maybe Status
unconditional req size _ =
    maybe (Just OK) (range size) $ lookupField FkRange req

range :: Integer -> String -> Maybe Status
range size rng = case skipAndSize rng size of
  Nothing         -> Just RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
  Just (skip,len) -> Just (PartialContent skip len)


tryHead :: BasicConfig -> URI -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryHead cnf uri langs = tryHead' (mapper cnf uri)
    tryHead' None        = return Nothing
    tryHead' (CGI _ _ _) = return Nothing
    tryHead' (File file) = tryHeadFile cnf file langs

tryHeadFile :: BasicConfig -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryHeadFile cnf file langs
  | ".html" `isSuffixOf` file = runAnyMaybeIO $ map (tryHeadFile' cnf file) langs
  | otherwise                 = tryHeadFile' cnf file ""

tryHeadFile' :: BasicConfig -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryHeadFile' cnf file lang = do
    let ext = takeExtension file
        ct = selectContentType ext
        file' = file ++ lang
    minfo <- info cnf file'
    case minfo of
      Nothing     -> return Nothing
      Just (_,mt) -> return $ Just (responseOK ct (utcToDate mt))


redirectURI :: URI -> Maybe URI
redirectURI uri =
   let path = uriPath uri
   in if hasTrailingPathSeparator path
      then Nothing
      else Just uri { uriPath = addTrailingPathSeparator path}

tryRedirect :: BasicConfig -> URI -> [String] -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryRedirect cnf uri langs =
    redirectURI uri >>| \ruri -> tryRedirect' (mapper cnf ruri) ruri
    tryRedirect' None           _ = return Nothing
    tryRedirect' (CGI _ _ _)    _ = return Nothing
    tryRedirect' (File file) ruri = runAnyMaybeIO $ map (tryRedirectFile cnf ruri file) langs

tryRedirectFile :: BasicConfig -> URI -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe Response)
tryRedirectFile cnf ruri file lang = do
    let file' = file ++ lang
    minfo <- info cnf file'
    case minfo of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just _  -> return $ Just (responseRedirect ruri)


tryPost :: BasicConfig -> Request -> IO Response
tryPost cnf req = case mapper cnf (reqURI req) of
  CGI cgi param snm -> do
    mres <- tryGetCGI cnf req cgi param snm
    case mres of
      Nothing  -> undefined -- never reached
      Just res -> return res
  _            -> return responseBadRequest


notFound :: IO (Maybe Response)
notFound = return $ Just responseNotFound


response :: Status -> ByteString -> Integer -> CT -> String -> Response
response st val len ct modified = makeResponse2 st (Just val) (Just len) kvs
    kvs = [(FkContentType,ct),(FkLastModified,modified)]


responseOK :: CT -> String -> Response
responseOK ct modified = makeResponse2 OK (Just LBS.empty) (Just 0) kvs
    kvs = [(FkContentType,ct),(FkLastModified,modified)]

responseRedirect :: URI -> Response
responseRedirect rurl = makeResponse MovedPermanently [(FkLocation,show rurl)]

responseNotFound :: Response
responseNotFound = makeResponse NotFound []


responseBadRequest :: Response
responseBadRequest = makeResponse BadRequest []

responseNotImplement :: Response
responseNotImplement = makeResponse NotImplemented []