Name: websockets Version: Cabal-version: >=1.6 Synopsis: Create WebSocket servers Description: A library for creating WebSocket-capable servers, where the implemented protocol is defined here: . . This library is tested with Chromium >=7, Opera >=11 and Firefox >=4 and is a work in progress. . Examples of usage can be found in the Network.WebSockets module documentation. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENCE Copyright: (c) 2010 Siniša Biđin Author: Siniša Biđin Maintainer: Siniša Biđin Bug-reports: Stability: experimental Category: Network Tested-with: GHC ==6.12 Build-type: Simple Library Exposed-Modules: Network.WebSockets Build-depends: pureMD5 >=2.1, network >=, base ==4.*, bytestring >=0.9, binary >=0.5, containers >=0.3