-- | Provides a simple, clean monad to write websocket servers in
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, OverloadedStrings,
        NoMonomorphismRestriction, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Network.WebSockets.Monad
    ( WebSocketsOptions (..)
    , defaultWebSocketsOptions
    , WebSockets (..)
    , runWebSockets
    , runWebSocketsWith
    , runWebSocketsHandshake
    , runWebSocketsWithHandshake
    , runWebSocketsWith'
    , receive
    , sendBuilder
    , send
    , Sink
    , sendSink
    , getSink
    , getOptions
    , getProtocol
    , getVersion
    , throwWsError
    , catchWsError
    , spawnPingThread
    ) where

import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, modifyMVar_, newMVar)
import Control.Exception (Exception (..), SomeException, throw)
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, lift, liftIO)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Enumerator (Enumerator, Iteratee, ($$), (>>==), (=$))
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.Attoparsec as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Enumerator as AE
import qualified Data.Enumerator as E
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL

import Network.WebSockets.Handshake
import Network.WebSockets.Handshake.Http
import Network.WebSockets.Protocol
import Network.WebSockets.Types

-- | Options for the WebSocket program
data WebSocketsOptions = WebSocketsOptions
    { onPong       :: IO ()

-- | Default options
defaultWebSocketsOptions :: WebSocketsOptions
defaultWebSocketsOptions = WebSocketsOptions
    { onPong       = return ()

-- | Environment in which the 'WebSockets' monad actually runs
data WebSocketsEnv p = WebSocketsEnv
    { envOptions     :: WebSocketsOptions
    , envSendBuilder :: Builder -> IO ()
    , envSink        :: Sink p
    , envProtocol    :: p

-- | Used for asynchronous sending.
newtype Sink p = Sink
    { unSink :: MVar (E.Iteratee (Message p) IO ())

-- | The monad in which you can write WebSocket-capable applications
newtype WebSockets p a = WebSockets
    { unWebSockets :: ReaderT (WebSocketsEnv p) (Iteratee (Message p) IO) a
    } deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)

-- | Receives the initial client handshake, then behaves like 'runWebSockets'.
runWebSocketsHandshake :: Protocol p
                       => Bool
                       -> (Request -> WebSockets p a)
                       -> Iteratee ByteString IO ()
                       -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
runWebSocketsHandshake = runWebSocketsWithHandshake defaultWebSocketsOptions

-- | Receives the initial client handshake, then behaves like
-- 'runWebSocketsWith'.
runWebSocketsWithHandshake :: Protocol p
                           => WebSocketsOptions
                           -> Bool
                           -> (Request -> WebSockets p a)
                           -> Iteratee ByteString IO ()
                           -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
runWebSocketsWithHandshake opts isSecure goWs outIter = do
    httpReq <- receiveIteratee $ decodeRequest isSecure
    runWebSocketsWith opts httpReq goWs outIter

-- | Run a 'WebSockets' application on an 'Enumerator'/'Iteratee' pair, given
-- that you (read: your web server) has already received the HTTP part of the
-- initial request. If not, you might want to use 'runWebSocketsWithHandshake'
-- instead.
-- If the handshake failed, throws a 'HandshakeError'. Otherwise, executes the
-- supplied continuation. You should still send a response to the client
-- yourself.
runWebSockets :: Protocol p
              => RequestHttpPart
              -> (Request -> WebSockets p a)
              -> Iteratee ByteString IO ()
              -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
runWebSockets = runWebSocketsWith defaultWebSocketsOptions

-- | Version of 'runWebSockets' which allows you to specify custom options
runWebSocketsWith :: forall p a. Protocol p
                  => WebSocketsOptions
                  -> RequestHttpPart
                  -> (Request -> WebSockets p a)
                  -> Iteratee ByteString IO ()
                  -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
runWebSocketsWith opts httpReq goWs outIter = E.catchError ok $ \e -> do
    -- If handshake went bad, send response
    forM_ (fromException e) $ \he ->
        let builder = encodeResponse $ responseError (undefined :: p) he
        in liftIO $ makeBuilderSender outIter builder
    -- Re-throw error
    E.throwError e
    -- Perform handshake, call runWebSocketsWith'
    ok = do
        (rq, p) <- handshake httpReq
        runWebSocketsWith' opts p (goWs rq) outIter

runWebSocketsWith' :: Protocol p
                   => WebSocketsOptions
                   -> p
                   -> WebSockets p a
                   -> Iteratee ByteString IO ()
                   -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
runWebSocketsWith' opts proto ws outIter = do
    -- Create sink with a random source
    let sinkIter = encodeMessages proto =$ builderToByteString =$ outIter
    sink <- Sink <$> liftIO (newMVar sinkIter)

    let sender = makeBuilderSender outIter
        env    = WebSocketsEnv opts sender sink proto
        iter   = runReaderT (unWebSockets ws) env

    decodeMessages proto =$ iter

makeBuilderSender :: MonadIO m => Iteratee ByteString m b -> Builder -> m ()
makeBuilderSender outIter x = do
    ok <- E.run $ singleton x $$ builderToByteString $$ outIter
    case ok of
        Left err -> throw err
        Right _  -> return ()

-- | @spawnPingThread n@ spawns a thread which sends a ping every @n@ seconds
-- (if the protocol supports it). To be called after having sent the response.
spawnPingThread :: BinaryProtocol p => Int -> WebSockets p ()
spawnPingThread i = do
    sink <- getSink
    _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ forever $ do
        -- An ugly hack here. We first sleep before sending the first
        -- ping, so the ping (hopefully) doesn't interfere with the
        -- intitial request/response.
        threadDelay (i * 1000 * 1000)  -- seconds
        sendSink sink $ ping ("Hi" :: ByteString)
    return ()

-- | Receive arbitrary data.
receiveIteratee :: A.Parser a -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
receiveIteratee parser = do
    eof <- E.isEOF
    if eof
        then E.throwError ConnectionClosed
        else wrappingParseError . AE.iterParser $ parser

-- | Execute an iteratee, wrapping attoparsec-enumeratee's ParseError into the
-- ParseError constructor (which is a ConnectionError).
wrappingParseError :: (Monad m) => Iteratee a m b -> Iteratee a m b
wrappingParseError = flip E.catchError $ \e -> E.throwError $
    maybe e (toException . ParseError) $ fromException e

-- | Receive a message
receive :: Protocol p => WebSockets p (Message p)
receive = liftIteratee $ do
    mmsg <- EL.head
    case mmsg of
        Nothing  -> E.throwError ConnectionClosed
        Just msg -> return msg

-- | Send an arbitrary 'Builder'
sendBuilder :: Builder -> WebSockets p ()
sendBuilder builder = WebSockets $ do
    sb <- envSendBuilder <$> ask
    liftIO $ sb builder

-- | Low-level sending with an arbitrary 'T.Message'
send :: Protocol p => Message p -> WebSockets p ()
send msg = getSink >>= \sink -> liftIO $ sendSink sink msg

-- | Send a message to a sink. Might generate an exception if the underlying
-- connection is closed.
sendSink :: Sink p -> Message p -> IO ()
sendSink sink msg = modifyMVar_ (unSink sink) $ \iter -> do
    step <- E.runIteratee $ singleton msg $$ iter
    case step of
        E.Error err -> throw err
        _           -> return $! E.returnI step

-- | In case the user of the library wants to do asynchronous sending to the
-- socket, he can extract a 'Sink' and pass this value around, for example,
-- to other threads.
getSink :: Protocol p => WebSockets p (Sink p)
getSink = WebSockets $ envSink <$> ask

singleton :: Monad m => a -> Enumerator a m b
singleton c = E.checkContinue0 $ \_ f -> f (E.Chunks [c]) >>== E.returnI

-- TODO: Figure out why Blaze.ByteString.Enumerator.builderToByteString doesn't
-- work, then inform Simon or send a patch.
builderToByteString :: Monad m => E.Enumeratee Builder ByteString m a
builderToByteString = EL.concatMap $ BL.toChunks . BB.toLazyByteString

-- | Get the current configuration
getOptions :: WebSockets p WebSocketsOptions
getOptions = WebSockets $ ask >>= return . envOptions

-- | Get the underlying protocol
getProtocol :: WebSockets p p
getProtocol = WebSockets $ envProtocol <$> ask

-- | Find out the 'WebSockets' version used at runtime
getVersion :: Protocol p => WebSockets p String
getVersion = version <$> getProtocol

-- | Throw an iteratee error in the WebSockets monad
throwWsError :: (Exception e) => e -> WebSockets p a
throwWsError = liftIteratee . E.throwError

-- | Catch an iteratee error in the WebSockets monad
catchWsError :: WebSockets p a
             -> (SomeException -> WebSockets p a)
             -> WebSockets p a
catchWsError act c = WebSockets $ do
    env <- ask
    let it  = peelWebSockets env $ act
        cit = peelWebSockets env . c
    lift $ it `E.catchError` cit
    peelWebSockets env = flip runReaderT env . unWebSockets

-- | Lift an Iteratee computation to WebSockets
liftIteratee :: Iteratee (Message p) IO a -> WebSockets p a
liftIteratee = WebSockets . lift