{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, RecordWildCards, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, OverloadedStrings #-} module Hi( HiKey(), Hi(..), Ident(..), hiParseDirectory ) where import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as Map import System.Console.CmdArgs.Verbosity import System.FilePath import System.Directory.Extra import System.Time.Extra import GHC.Generics import Data.Tuple.Extra import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Char import Data.Hashable import Data.List.Extra import Data.Semigroup import Data.Functor import Util import qualified Str as S import System.IO.Extra import Prelude data Ident = Ident {identModule :: ModuleName, identName :: IdentName} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic) instance Hashable Ident instance NFData Ident data Hi = Hi {hiModuleName :: ModuleName -- ^ Module name ,hiImportPackage :: Set.HashSet PackageName -- ^ Packages imported by this module ,hiExportIdent :: Set.HashSet Ident -- ^ Identifiers exported by this module ,hiImportIdent :: Set.HashSet Ident -- ^ Identifiers used by this module ,hiImportModule :: Set.HashSet ModuleName -- ^ Modules imported and used by this module -- Normally equivalent to @Set.map identModule hiImportIdent@, unless a module supplies only instances ,hiImportOrphan :: Set.HashSet ModuleName -- ^ Orphans that are in scope in this module ,hiImportPackageModule :: Set.HashSet (PackageName, ModuleName) -- ^ Modules imported from other packages ,hiSignatures :: Map.HashMap IdentName (Set.HashSet Ident) -- ^ Type signatures of functions defined in this module and the types they refer to ,hiFieldName :: Set.HashSet Ident -- ^ Things that are field names } deriving (Show,Eq,Generic) instance Hashable Hi instance NFData Hi instance Semigroup Hi where x <> y = Hi {hiModuleName = f (?:) hiModuleName ,hiImportPackage = f (<>) hiImportPackage ,hiExportIdent = f (<>) hiExportIdent ,hiImportIdent = f (<>) hiImportIdent ,hiImportModule = f (<>) hiImportModule ,hiImportPackageModule = f (<>) hiImportPackageModule ,hiImportOrphan = f (<>) hiImportOrphan ,hiSignatures = f (Map.unionWith (<>)) hiSignatures ,hiFieldName = f (<>) hiFieldName } where f op sel = sel x `op` sel y instance Monoid Hi where mempty = Hi mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mappend = (<>) -- | Don't expose that we're just using the filename internally newtype HiKey = HiKey FilePathEq deriving (Eq,Ord,Hashable) hiParseDirectory :: FilePath -> IO (Map.HashMap FilePathEq HiKey, Map.HashMap HiKey Hi) hiParseDirectory dir = do whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "Reading hi directory " ++ dir files <- filter ((==) ".dump-hi" . takeExtension) <$> listFilesRecursive dir his <- forM files $ \file -> do let name = drop (length dir + 1) file whenLoud $ do putStr $ "Reading hi file " ++ name ++ " ... " hFlush stdout (time, (len, res)) <- duration $ do src <- S.readFileUTF8 file len <- evaluate $ S.length src let res = trimSignatures $ hiParseContents src evaluate $ rnf res return (len, res) whenLoud $ putStrLn $ S.showLength len ++ " bytes in " ++ showDuration time return (filePathEq name, res) -- here we try and dedupe any identical Hi modules let keys = Map.fromList $ map (second HiKey . swap) his mp1 <- evaluate $ Map.fromList $ map (second (keys Map.!)) his mp2 <- evaluate $ Map.fromList $ map swap $ Map.toList keys whenLoud $ putStrLn $ "Found " ++ show (Map.size mp1) ++ " files, " ++ show (Map.size mp2) ++ " distinct" return (mp1, mp2) -- note that in some cases we may get more/less internal signatures, so first remove them trimSignatures :: Hi -> Hi trimSignatures hi@Hi{..} = hi{hiSignatures = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `Set.member` names) hiSignatures} where names = Set.fromList [s | Ident m s <- Set.toList hiExportIdent, m == hiModuleName] hiParseContents :: Str -> Hi hiParseContents = mconcatMap f . parseHanging2 . S.linesCR where f (x,xs) | Just x <- S.stripPrefix "interface " x = mempty{hiModuleName = parseInterface $ S.toList x} | Just x <- S.stripPrefix "exports:" x = mconcatMap (parseExports . S.toList) $ unindent2 xs | Just x <- S.stripPrefix "orphans:" x = mempty{hiImportOrphan = Set.fromList $ map parseInterface $ concatMap (words . S.toList) $ x:xs} | Just x <- S.stripPrefix "package dependencies:" x = mempty{hiImportPackage = Set.fromList $ map parsePackDep $ concatMap (words . S.toList) $ x:xs} | Just x <- S.stripPrefix "import " x = case unindent2 xs of [] | let s = words (S.toList x) !! 1 , (pkg, mod) <- fromMaybe ("", s) $ stripInfix ":" s -> mempty {hiImportPackageModule = Set.singleton (parsePackDep pkg, mod)} xs -> let m = words (S.toList x) !! 1 in mempty {hiImportModule = Set.singleton m ,hiImportIdent = Set.fromList $ map (Ident m . fst . word1 . S.toList) $ dropWhile ("exports:" `S.isPrefixOf`) xs} | S.length x == S.ugly 32, S.all isHexDigit x, (y,ys):_ <- parseHanging2 $ map (S.drop $ S.ugly 2) xs, fun:"::":typ <- concatMap (wordsBy (`elem` (",()[]{} " :: String)) . S.toList) $ y:ys, not $ "$" `isPrefixOf` fun = mempty{hiSignatures = Map.singleton fun $ Set.fromList $ map parseIdent typ} | otherwise = mempty -- "old-locale-" -> "old-locale" -- "old-locale-" -> "old-locale" parsePackDep = intercalate "-" . takeWhile (any isAlpha) . wordsBy (== '-') . takeWhile (/= '@') -- "hlint-1.9.41-IPKy9tGF1918X9VRp9DMhp:HSE.All 8002" -> "HSE.All" -- "HSE.All 8002" -> "HSE.All" parseInterface = takeWhileEnd (/= ':') . fst . word1 -- "Apply.applyHintFile" -- "Language.Haskell.PPHsMode{Language.Haskell.PPHsMode caseIndent} -- Return the identifiers and the fields. Fields are never qualified but everything else is. parseExports x = mempty {hiExportIdent = Set.fromList $ y : [Ident (a ?: identModule y) b | Ident a b <- ys] ,hiFieldName = Set.fromList [Ident (identModule y) b | Ident "" b <- ys] ,hiSignatures = Map.fromList [(b, Set.singleton y) | Ident _ b <- ys, b /= identName y] } where y:ys = map parseIdent $ wordsBy (`elem` ("{} " :: String)) x -- "Language.Haskell.PPHsMode" -> Ident "Language.Haskell" "PPHsMode" parseIdent x | isHaskellSymbol $ last x = let (a,b) = spanEnd isHaskellSymbol x in if null a then Ident "" b else Ident a $ tail b | otherwise = let (a,b) = breakOnEnd "." x in Ident (if null a then "" else init a) b