{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

-- | Framework for seeing how much a function allocates.

module Weigh
  (-- * Main entry point.
   -- * Types
  -- * Simple combinators
  -- * Validating combinators
  -- * Validators
  -- * Handy utilities

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Int
import GHC.Stats
import Prelude
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Mem
import System.Process
import Text.Printf
import Weigh.GHCStats

-- Types

-- | Weigh specification monad.
newtype Weigh a =
  Weigh {runWeigh :: Writer [(String,Action)] a}
  deriving (Monad,Functor,Applicative)

-- | How much a computation weighed in at.
data Weight =
  Weight {weightLabel :: !String
         ,weightAllocatedBytes :: !Int64
         ,weightGCs :: !Int64}
  deriving (Read,Show)

-- | An action to run.
data Action =
  forall a b. (NFData a) =>
  Action {_actionRun :: !(b -> IO a)
         ,_actionArg :: !b
         ,actionCheck :: Weight -> Maybe String}

-- Main-runners

-- | Just run the measuring and print a report.
mainWith :: Weigh a -> IO ()
mainWith m =
  do args <- getArgs
     let cases = execWriter (runWeigh m)
     result <- weigh args cases
     case result of
       Nothing -> return ()
       Just weights ->
         do let results =
                  map (\w ->
                         case lookup (weightLabel w) cases of
                           Nothing -> (w,Nothing)
                           Just a -> (w,actionCheck a w))
            putStrLn ""
            putStrLn (report results)
            case mapMaybe (\(w,r) ->
                             do msg <- r
                                return (w,msg))
                          results of
              [] -> return ()
              errors ->
                do putStrLn "\nCheck problems:"
                   mapM_ (\(w,r) ->
                            putStrLn ("  " ++ weightLabel w ++ "\n    " ++ r))
                   exitWith (ExitFailure (-1))

-- User DSL

-- | Weigh a function applied to an argument.
-- Implemented in terms of 'validateFunc'.
func :: (NFData a) => String -> (b -> a) -> b -> Weigh ()
func name !f !x = validateFunc name f x (const Nothing)

-- | Weigh a value.
-- Implemented in terms of 'action'.
value :: NFData a => String -> a -> Weigh ()
value name !v = action name (return v)

-- | Weigh an IO action.
-- Implemented in terms of 'validateAction'.
action :: NFData a
       => String -> IO a -> Weigh ()
action name !m =
  validateAction name
                 (const m)
                 (const Nothing)

-- | Make a validator that set sthe maximum allocations.
maxAllocs :: Int64 -> (Weight -> Maybe String)
maxAllocs n =
  \w ->
    if weightAllocatedBytes w > n
       then Just ("Allocated bytes exceeds " ++
                  commas n ++ ": " ++ commas (weightAllocatedBytes w))
       else Nothing

-- | Weigh an IO action, validating the result.
  :: (NFData a)
  => String -> (b -> IO a) -> b -> (Weight -> Maybe String) -> Weigh ()
validateAction name !m !arg !validate =
  Weigh (tell [(name,Action m arg validate)])

-- | Weigh a function, validating the result
  :: (NFData a)
  => String -> (b -> a) -> b -> (Weight -> Maybe String) -> Weigh ()
validateFunc name !f !x !validate =
  Weigh (tell [(name,Action (return . f) x validate)])

-- Internal measuring actions

-- | Weigh a set of actions. The value of the actions are forced
-- completely to ensure they are fully allocated.
weigh :: [String] -> [(String,Action)] -> IO (Maybe [Weight])
weigh args cases =
  case args of
    ("--case":label:_) ->
      case lookup label (deepseq (map fst cases) cases) of
        Nothing -> error "No such case!"
        Just act ->
          do case act of
               Action !run arg _ ->
                 do (bytes,gcs) <- weighAction run arg
                    print (Weight {weightLabel = label
                                  ,weightAllocatedBytes = bytes
                                  ,weightGCs = gcs})
             return Nothing
      | names == nub names -> fmap Just (mapM (fork . fst) cases)
      | otherwise -> error "Non-unique names specified for things to measure."
      where names = map fst cases

-- | Fork a case and run it.
fork :: String -- ^ Label for the case.
     -> IO Weight
fork label =
  do me <- getExecutablePath
     (exit,out,err) <-
       readProcessWithExitCode me
     case exit of
       ExitFailure{} -> error ("Error in case (" ++ show label ++ "):\n  " ++ err)
       ExitSuccess ->
         let !r = read out
         in return r

-- | Weigh an action. This function is heavily documented inside.
  :: (NFData a)
  => (b -> IO a)      -- ^ A function whose memory use we want to measure.
  -> b                -- ^ Argument to the function. Doesn't have to be forced.
  -> IO (Int64,Int64) -- ^ Bytes allocated and garbage collections.
weighAction !run !arg =
  do performGC
     -- The above forces getGCStats data to be generated NOW.
     !bootupStats <- getGCStats
     -- We need the above to subtract "program startup" overhead. This
     -- operation itself adds n bytes for the size of GCStats, but we
     -- subtract again that later.
     !_ <- fmap force (run arg)
     -- The above forces getGCStats data to be generated NOW.
     !actionStats <- getGCStats
     let reflectionGCs = 1 -- We performed an additional GC.
         actionBytes =
           (bytesAllocated actionStats - bytesAllocated bootupStats) -
           -- We subtract the size of "bootupStats", which will be
           -- included after we did the performGC.
         actionGCs = numGcs actionStats - numGcs bootupStats - reflectionGCs
         -- I believe that 24 is the cost to allocate and force the
         -- thunk. This may change with GHC version in the future.
         overheadBytes = 24
         -- If overheadBytes is too large, we conservatively just
         -- return zero. It's not perfect, but this library is for
         -- measuring large quantities anyway.
         actualBytes = max 0 (actionBytes - overheadBytes)
     return (actualBytes,actionGCs)

-- Formatting functions

-- | Make a report of the weights.
report :: [(Weight,Maybe String)] -> String
report =
  tablize .
  ([(True,"Case"),(False,"Bytes"),(False,"GCs"),(True,"Check")] :) . map toRow
  where toRow (w,err) =
          [(True,weightLabel w)
          ,(False,commas (weightAllocatedBytes w))
          ,(False,commas (weightGCs w))
           ,case err of
              Nothing -> "OK"
              Just{} -> "INVALID")]

-- | Make a table out of a list of rows.
tablize :: [[(Bool,String)]] -> String
tablize xs =
  intercalate "\n"
              (map (intercalate "  " . map fill . zip [0 ..]) xs)
  where fill (x',(left,text')) = printf ("%" ++ direction ++ show width ++ "s") text'
          where direction = if left
                               then "-"
                               else ""
                width = maximum (map (length . snd . (!! x')) xs)

-- | Formatting an integral number to 1,000,000, etc.
commas :: (Num a,Integral a,Show a) => a -> String
commas = reverse . intercalate "," . chunksOf 3 . reverse . show