{-| Module : Werewolf.Slack.Options Description : Optparse utilities. Copyright : (c) Henry J. Wylde, 2016 License : BSD3 Maintainer : public@hjwylde.com Optparse utilities. -} module Werewolf.Slack.Options ( -- * Options Options(..), -- * Optparse werewolfSlackPrefs, werewolfSlackInfo, werewolfSlack, ) where import Data.Version (showVersion) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp import Options.Applicative import qualified Werewolf.Slack.Version as This data Options = Options { optDebug :: Bool , optPort :: Port , optToken :: String , optWebhookUrl :: String } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The default preferences. -- Limits the help output to 100 columns. werewolfSlackPrefs :: ParserPrefs werewolfSlackPrefs = prefs $ columns 100 -- | An optparse parser of a werewolf-slack command. werewolfSlackInfo :: ParserInfo Options werewolfSlackInfo = info (infoOptions <*> werewolfSlack) (fullDesc <> header' <> progDesc') where infoOptions = helper <*> version version = infoOption ("Version " ++ showVersion This.version) $ mconcat [ long "version", short 'V', hidden , help "Show this binary's version" ] header' = header "A Slack chat interface for playing werewolf." progDesc' = progDesc "The game engine is based off of the party game Mafia, also known as Werewolf." -- | An options parser. werewolfSlack :: Parser Options werewolfSlack = Options <$> switch (mconcat [ long "debug", short 'd' , help "Enable debug mode" ]) <*> portOption (mconcat [ long "port", short 'p', metavar "NAT" , value 8080, showDefault , help "Specify the port for the server to listen on" ]) <*> strOption (mconcat [ long "token", short 't', metavar "TOKEN" , help "Specify the Slash Command token" ]) <*> strOption (mconcat [ long "webhook-url", short 'u', metavar "URL" , help "Specify the Incoming Webhook URL" ]) where portOption = option auto